The new Dietary Reference Intakes recommend intakes of 1.6 and 1.1 g ALA/d for men and women, respectively, which accounts for <1% of the daily calories. TGF- induces the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) of transformed cells, which contributes to tumor invasion and metastasis, and is frequently overexpressed in carcinoma cells [37]. The maintenance of acid-base balance is critical for bone health. 1927, 2006. 9, pp. 7139, pp. J. Cao, K. Li, and Y. Shen, Activated immune cells in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, vol. 10, pp. al. The other embryonal tumors (ie, aside from Medulloblastoma) are AT/RT; Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR); CNS neuroblastoma, FOXR2-activated; and CNS tumor with BCOR internal tandem duplication (ITD; Figure 5). and M. Torres (2002) Reactive Oxygen Species and Cell Signaling, Respiratory Burst in Macrophage Signaling, Am. Utility of a Clinically Guided Data-Driven Approach for Predicting Breast Cancer Complications: An Application Using a Population-Based Claims Data Set. The purpose of this brief review is to summarize current knowledge on the health effects of vegan diets, to discuss the nutritional concerns or shortfalls of a vegan diet and to provide some practical dietary recommendations for following a healthy vegan diet. 5, no. 1929, 1998. 6, pp. Tumor cells persistently exposed to TGF- elicit EMT, which plays a pivotal role in cancer progression [27, 80]. Figure 20. summarized the utility of HRP-linked assays quite succinctly by stating that the method(s) are quite useful for the quantification of H2O2- levels cultured cells, organ cultures and isolated buffer perfused tissue preparations. In WHO CNS5, Essential and Desirable Diagnostic Criteria are given for each tumor type, mostly in tabular form, in the hope that such a format makes it easier for the user to evaluate whether key diagnostic criteria are present and whether the combinations of such criteria are sufficient for diagnosis. The content of this article represents the personal views of the authors and does not represent the views of the authors employers and associated institutions. Daily Patterns of Accelerometer-Measured Movement Behaviors in Glaucoma Patients: Insights From UK Biobank Participants. 3, pp. 8, no. The CNS had been thought to be an immunologically protected organ, but this notion has now undergone considerable reassessment. Adding an NOS suffix indicates that the diagnostic information (histological or molecular) necessary to assign a specific WHO diagnosis is not available, providing an alert to the oncologist that a molecular work-up has not been undertaken or failed technically. J Nutr 2006, 136:29872992. Diabetologia 1996, 39:621631. This gene encodes a 190 kD nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in maintaining genomic stability, and it also acts as a tumor suppressor. Most types have characteristic methylome patterns, but (methylome) is only listed for those types for which methylome testing offers particular diagnostic guidance, including for designating subtypes (as for Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated; Medulloblastoma, non-WNT/non-SHH; and Diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor). For these tumors (as for most other glioma types), precise classification requires molecular characterization and the integration of histopathological and molecular information in a tiered diagnostic format.22 Clear delineation of the specific molecular features, in turn, sets the stage for targeted therapies of such tumors. The importance of the TGF- signaling pathway in human cancers is evident from the frequent alterations of TGF- signaling components in hereditary human cancers and sporadic cancers [32]. One of the most fascinating aspects of cancer cells is their capacity to adapt and reprogram their homeostasis to oncogene mutations, changes in metabolism, extreme changes in microenvironment (including hypoxia and acidic changes), taking advantage of these stressors to survive and increase cell malignance [9]. Parkinsons disease (PD) is a frequent neurological disorder of the basal ganglia characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons, mainly in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) [1], cytoplasmic inclusions of aggregated proteins, and neuroinflammation [2, 3]. 197228, 2008. Bae, B.I. 3945, 1994. 633639, 2011. 14, pp. 55, no. Several hypotheses have been postulated regarding the possible causes for neuronal degeneration in patients with PD. Therefore any changes in imagery can be directly associated with a specific cellular location. In contrast to the role of Smad3, Smad2 has been postulated as an inhibitor of EMT, since Smad2 ablation enhances EMT during skin carcinogenesis [90]. Currently, TGF- is recognized as a master regulator of EMT, since it participates in all types of the mentioned differentiation processes. An addition to WHO CNS5 is Desmoplastic myxoid tumor of the pineal region, SMARCB1-mutant (Figure 6), a rare SMARCB1-mutant tumor lacking histopathological signs of malignancy.56 Many questions remain about the behavior of pineal tumors, and histological grading criteria for PPTID, PTPR, and Desmoplastic myxoid tumor, SMARCB1-mutant are yet to be defined. One mechanism by which ROS can induce EMT is by its interplay with Snail. TGF- regulates oxidative stress by both incrementing ROS production and regulating the antioxidative system. These hydroperoxides decompose to ,-unsaturated aldehydes that readily modify proteins surrounding them. In that study, plasma total and LDL cholesterol were 32% and 44% lower among vegans than among omnivores. I. Ferrer, R. Blanco, B. Cutillas, and S. Ambrosio, Fas and Fas-L expression in Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, vol. 457464, 2006. Louis DN, Giannini C, Capper D, et al. Under the inflammatory milieu of PD, pentraxin proteins secreted by reactive glial cells are detected in the plasma and CSF of patients with PD [146, 147]. 12, no. 19, no. TGF- inhibits the expression of GLC, this way causing a dramatic reduction in both GLC activity and GSH levels in the adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells A549 [58]. 14, pp. These results suggested that thiol groups are important for the suppression of Smad2 activation and for the prevention of Smad2/Smad4 complexes accumulation in the nucleus [62, 63]. J. R. Howe, M. G. Sayed, A. F. Ahmed et al., The prevalence of MADH4 and BMPR1A mutations in juvenile polyposis and absence of BMPR2, BMPR1B, and ACVR1 mutations, Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 24, no. Gartel, A.L. Point, Should dairy be recommended as part of a healthy vegetarian diet? Even though tumors like meningiomas and astrocytomas are biologically unrelated, WHO grade III tumors in these different categories were expected to have roughly similar survival times. Yu, H.S. Astrocytes function as supportive cells for neurons and maintain homeostasis and other neuronal functions [111]. Am . 4, pp. This lypophilic compound does not redox cycle and is brighter than Lucigenin. Thus, Foxo3a promotes cell survival of cycling cells under oxidative stress by enabling a stress response, but induces cell death when conditions warrant. 2, pp. 325, 2010. Taken together, microglia are maintained in a quiescent state under normal physiological conditions by the orchestrated action of neurons and astrocytes; however, microglia are rapidly activated when integrity of a neuron is disrupted in PD, probably as a result of both direct activation signals from neurons or loss of inhibitory signals by neurons [47]. 233251, 2011. More information about the human metabolic network, including how it was generated and what information it provides, can be found in the Methods summary. P. S. Whitton, Inflammation as a causative factor in the aetiology of Parkinson's disease, British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. E. B. Brunschwig, K. Wilson, D. Mack et al., PMEPA1, a transforming growth factor--induced marker of terminal colonocyte differentiation whose expression is maintained in primary and metastatic colon cancer, Cancer Research, vol. Maintainer status: maintained; Maintainer: Michel Hidalgo 25, no. Accessed April 26, 2010. 551558, 2002. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that glial reactive and inflammatory processes participate in the cascade of events leading to neuronal degeneration [11]. Risrus U, Willett WC, Hu FB: Dietary fats and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Lee, S.G. Rhee, and S.W. A drop in extracellular pH stimulates bone resorption (51), because bone calcium is used to buffer the pH drop. Subsequent determination of nitrite by a two step process (Figure 19) provides information on the total of nitrate and nitrite. 37, no. Des. A new frontier was born with the discovery that the oxidative burst by phagocytic cells was actually the result of the intentional production of reactive oxygen species. 1, pp. Activated CD4+ T cells express and release several inflammatory factors such as the Fas ligand, a cell-surface molecule in the TNF- family. 217224, 2003. Astrocytic activation parallels the development of dopaminergic cell death in the SNpc and striatum, whereas GFAP expression remains high even after most dopaminergic neurons have died due to administration of MPTP. The near UV nature of the excitation and emission wavelengths for fluorescence measurements make this compound prone to inordinate background signal, particularly when polystyrene microplates are used. Hypertension 2009, 54:11431150. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1997, 21:445450. E. J. Benner, R. Banerjee, A. D. Reynolds et al., Nitrated -synuclein immunity accelerates degeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons, PLoS ONE, vol. (3) Meyer, A.J., Brach, T., Marty, L., Kreye, S., Rouhier, N., Jacquot, J.P., and Hell, R. (2007). Conversion of Amplex Red to resorufin by HRP using H2O2. In addition, the use of eggs was recently shown to be associated with a higher risk of pancreatic cancer (32). Calcein-AM is a fluorogenic cell permeable compound that is converted by intracellular esterases into the cell impermeant anion calcein, which is fluorescent (Figure 17). Emerging evidence has focused upon the importance of astrocytes in the regulation of neuroinflammation in PD [113, 114]. 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System. As described above, the former situation utilizes the NEC suffix and the latter utilizes the NOS suffix. To date, epidemiologic studies have not provided convincing evidence that a vegan diet provides significant protection against cancer. NECAB1 Furthermore, the luminal surfaces of blood vessels in the SN of patients with PD have attached neuromelanin-laden C1q-positive cells. K. Hisanaga, M. Asagi, Y. Itoyama, and Y. Iwasaki, Increase in peripheral CD4 bright+ CD8 dull+ T cells in Parkinson disease, Archives of Neurology, vol. E. G. McGeer and P. L. McGeer, Pharmacologic approaches to the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, BioDrugs, vol. These include processes such as phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, sumoylation, and/or ubiquitination which reversibly regulate receptor and Smad stability and availability. TGF- levels are also elevated in non-Hodgkins lymphoma and are markedly elevated in high-grade lymphomas, cutaneous T cell lymphomas with a T-regulatory phenotype, and splenic marginal zone lymphomas presenting as myelofibrosis [30]. Consumption of isoflavone-containing soy products during childhood and adolescence protects women against the risk of breast cancer later in life (34), whereas a high childhood dairy intake has been associated with an elevated risk of colorectal cancer in adulthood (35). Drummen, V.J. A. 1, pp. ANT2 is consistently downregulated during the course of all major types of cellular senescence including replicative, oncogene- and radiation/drug-induced forms in normal human diploid fibroblasts. Even though each list may contain many items, some combinations are more common than others. WARNING: This Arduino instruction does not require ROS to operate OpenMANIPULATOR-X. 54, no. 1, pp. These sensors are genetically encoded, based on a single fluorescent protein and do not require the addition of any other reagents or cell lysis, making them very amenable to multiplexing. Chan HHL, Lau EMC, Woo J, Lin F, Sham A, Leung PC. 586, no. Qin LQ, Xu JY, Wang PY, Tong J, Hoshi K. Chan JM, Stampfer MJ, Ma J, Gann PH, Garziano JM, Giovannucci EL. D. Ricklin, G. Hajishengallis, K. Yang, and J. D. Lambris, Complement: a key system for immune surveillance and homeostasis, Nature Immunology, vol. Also, the Nox4-induced ROS partly regulated the activity of tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP1B), a well-established redox sensor that can mediate ROS-induced intracellular signaling [110]. New SA, Bolton-Smith C, Grubb DA, Reid DM. In parallel with the inhibitory signals, neuronal excitatory signals are classified into released and membrane-bound signals. Metastasis results from a complex molecular cascade which allows cancer cells to gain malignancy and leave the primary tumor mass and disseminate to distant anatomical sites where they can proliferate and form secondary tumor foci. This reagent can be formaldehyde-fixed and its signal survives detergent treatment, allowing it to be it multiplexed with other compatible dyes and antibodies. 2, no. to a visualization environment such as rviz. This change was done for several reasons: (1) to provide more flexibility in using grade relative to the tumor type, (2) to emphasize biological similarities within tumor types rather than approximate clinical behavior, and (3) to conform with WHO grading in non-CNS tumor types. Clin Nutr 2010 Apr 8 PMID: 20381933. 7, no. Nat Methods 5 (6): 553559. Apart from this toxin-induced microglial activation, various other triggers involved in microglial activation include immunological insults such as IFN-, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), chemokines (CCL5, CCL2, and CXCL10), neurotransmitters, gangliosides, the CD40 ligand, proteases such as thrombin [40], tissue plasminogen activator [41], matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) [21], endogenous disease proteins, and neuronal injury itself [42]. Further analysis showed that CD4+ T cells exert their cytotoxicity through the Fas-FasL pathway rather than through IFN- secretion [98]. Intriguingly, oxidation of NF-B by ROS inhibits its DNA binding ability provoking a negative regulation at the nucleus compartment and inhibition of transcriptional activities of NF-B [68]. K. Sreide, E. A. M. Janssen, H. Siland, H. Krner, and J. P. A. Baak, Microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer, British Journal of Surgery, vol. K. Vijayachandra, W. Higgins, J. Lee, and A. Glick, Induction of p16ink4a and p19ARF by TGF1 contributes to growth arrest and senescence response in mouse keratinocytes, Molecular Carcinogenesis, vol. V. Catalano, A. Turdo, S. Di Franco, F. Dieli, M. Todaro, and G. Stassi, Tumor and its microenvironment: a synergistic interplay, Seminars in Cancer Biology, vol. 47:440-411. Seeram NP: Recent trends and advances in berry health benefits research. The predicted protein sequence change then follows a p. prefix with the reference amino acid, the amino acid number, and the variant amino acid resulting from the mutation. NO activates soluble guanlyate cyclase in target cells, resulting in increased levels of cGMP, which in turn facilitates neuronal transmission and vascular relaxation, and inhibits platelet aggregation [54]. 170, no. An NEC suffix, on the other hand, indicates that the necessary diagnostic testing has been successfully performed but that the results do not readily allow for a WHO diagnosis; for example, if there is a mismatch between clinical, histological, immunohistochemical, and/or genetic features. Nash SD, Nash DT: Nuts as part of a healthy cardiovascular diet. (Haloalkyl)-1,5-diazabicyclo[3.3.O]octadienediones (halo-9,10- dioxabimanes): reactivity toward the tripeptide thiol, glutathione, J. Price excludes VAT (USA)Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Thus, further studies are required to form a more comprehensive idea about the role of these neuroinflammatory mediators in PD. K.-H. Shin, Y. J. 11, no. We have briefly summarized some of the major mediators of neuroinflammation during the pathogenesis of PD in Figure 1. Request support, find answers or explore services. Burhans, W. and N. Heintz (2009) The Cell Cycle is a Redox Cycle: Linking phase-specific targets to cell fate. 238, no. We are dedicated to developing and supporting instrumentation that enables a broad range of applications for scientists around the world. A. Klegeris, S. Pelech, B. I. Giasson et al., -synuclein activates stress signaling protein kinases in THP-1 cells and microglia, Neurobiology of Aging, vol. Epidemiologic studies have associated nut consumption with a reduced incidence of coronary heart disease in both genders and diabetes in women. L. J. Lawson, V. H. Perry, P. Dri, and S. Gordon, Heterogeneity in the distribution and morphology of microglia in the normal adult mouse brain, Neuroscience, vol. WHO CNS5, on the other hand, includes only 3 types: Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant; Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p/19q-codeleted; and Glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype. It has been suggested that small increases of H2O2, as a result of Nox1 expression result in increased reentry into the cell cycle, while sustained high levels of H2O2 lead to cell arrest and eventual apoptosis after prolonged arrest. The free radical nitric oxide (NO) is produced by a number of different cell types with a variety of biological functions. Glutathione reductase reduces GSSG to GSH, which then reacts with DTNB to produce a yellow colored 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (TNB), which absorbs at 412 nm. 16461647, 2002. This study is a good example of the potent bioactivity from minor compounds present in plant foods, in this case wild berries from North America. Figure 1. The advent of image based analysis using either small molecule fluorescent sensors or genetically encoded sensors has provided new insights in regards to ROS research. P. Teismann, K. Tieu, D. Choi et al., Cyclooxygenase-2 is instrumental in Parkinson's disease neurodegeneration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. This accessibility will vary greatly, depending on the geographic region of the world, because different countries have different fortification laws. Notably, this example assumes that a particular BRAF transcript reference sequence accession and version have previously been defined, eg, NM_004333.5. 12, pp. P. Jurez and T. A. Guise, TGF- in cancer and bone: implications for treatment of bone metastases, Bone, vol. 382397, 2009. Zielonk, J, J. Vasquez-Vivar, and B. Kalyanaraman (2008) Detection of 2-hydroxyethidium in Cellular Systems: a Unique Marker Product of Superoxide and Hydroethidine, Nature Protocols, 3(1):8-21. This pooled analysis of 583 patients from 25 clinical studies with different nuts confirms their cholesterol-lowering effect and has sufficient statistical power to detect interesting interactions by type of background diet, baseline lipid levels, and BMI. Compared with lactoovovegetarians and omnivores, vegans typically have lower plasma vitamin B-12 concentrations, higher prevalence of vitamin B-12 deficiency, and higher concentrations of plasma homocysteine (72). In Western society, vegans also consume substantially more tofu and other soy products than do omnivores (14, 16). 6, pp. 254261, 2003. (B, C) CIC-rearranged sarcoma, with (B) poorly differentiated cells (H&E, 200) and (C) with ETV4 frequently being upregulated in these tumors (200). (7) Markvicheva KN, Bilan DS, Mishina NM, Gorokhovatsky AY, Vinokurov LM, Lukyanov S, and Belousov VV. (1990) Microtiter plate Assay for the measurement of glutathione and glutathione disulfide in large numbers of Biological Samples. ; Shahraki, J. As with Amplex red, homovanillic acid monomer is non-fluorescent, but as a dimmer, it possesses a peak excitation wavelength of 315 nm, with an emission wavelength of 425 nm (Figure 13). It has recently been reported that TGF- increases NOX4 gene expression by Smad3-dependent mechanism and that Nox4 contributes to ROS production which may be critical for the progression of the TGF--induced EMT in breast cancer and moreover indicates the role of Nox4 in the enhancement of cell motility, without affecting cell proliferation [52]. TGF- signaling is regulated by the inhibitory Smad proteins (I-Smads), Smad6 and Smad7. 2, pp. Biochem, 354(2): 290-298. For pituitary adenomas, WHO CNS5 follows the guidelines of the fourth-edition endocrine WHO classification, dividing these tumors by their adenohypophyseal cell-lineage according to combined immunohistochemical expression of pituitary hormones and transcription factors. The Brain section gives an overview of protein expression and distribution in the mammalian brain. During its transit through the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the hydrophobic signal peptide is proteolytically cleaved from the inactive complex and a dimeric pro-TGF- complex is formed. 25, no. : Effects of one serving of mixed nuts on serum lipids, insulin resistance and inflammatory markers in patients with the metabolic syndrome. 23, no. Names have therefore been simplified as much as possible, and only location, age, or genetic modifiers with clinical utility have been used (eg, Extraventricular neurocytoma vs Central neurocytoma). 32, no. 1, pp. : Almonds decease postprandial glycemia, insulinemia and oxidative damage in healthy individuals. 1-2, pp. 21-22, pp. M. L. Block and J. Hong, Microglia and inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration: multiple triggers with a common mechanism, Progress in Neurobiology, vol. Google Scholar. Although plant foods contain many chemopreventive factors, most of the research data comes from cellular biochemical studies. H. Neumann, Control of glial immune function by neurons, Glia, vol. 8794, 2000. 75487557, 2005. Conversely, Smad2 has also been shown to participate in the TGF-1-induced EMT, since overexpression of constitutively active Smad2 enhances EMT in carcinoma cells in cooperation with H-Ras oncogene [91]. Among the proinflammatory mediators released during microglial activation, some act synergistically to produce inflammation-related neuronal damage. As previously mentioned, the capacity of TGF- to induce EMT is also mediated by its capacity to increase ROS production. The proteins predicted by the model to be associated with prostate cancer in the pan-cancer study. A Suggested mechanism for the Formation of TBA-reactive materials from prostaglandin-like Endoperoxides. Wishnok, and S.R. Dimerization of homovanillic acid by the action of HRP and hydrogen peroxide. The evidence for a risk-reducing effect of consuming nuts was assessed as probable for CVD (10). Degenerating neurons along with neuromelanin granules are opsonized by C1q and phagocytosed by C1q-positive microglia and macrophages in the perivascular spaces and parenchyma. : Almonds and post prandial glycemiaa dose-response study., DOI: Fluorometric detection of nitrite using 2, 3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN). 70, no. However, the fifth-edition WHO Blue Books have emphasized more uniform approaches to tumor classification and grading and have favored the use of Arabic numerals for grading, as is currently done for all the other organ systems. 92, no. 1-2, pp. Clin Nutr 2009, 28:1014. As outlined above, CNS tumors have traditionally had a grade assigned to each entity, and grades were applied across different entities.20 For example, in prior WHO classifications, if a tumor had been classified as an anaplastic astrocytoma, it was automatically assigned to WHO grade III (Roman numerals were used for CNS tumor grading in past classifications); there was no option to grade an anaplastic astrocytoma as WHO grade I, II, or IV. Interestingly, NCF4 overexpression was sufficient to regulate key markers of expression involved in EMT such as Snail, Slug, and E-cadherin. A. Farooqui, L. A. Horrocks, and T. Farooqui, Modulation of inflammation in brain: a matter of fat, Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. Thus, this ROS-TGF- interplay strongly contributes to tumorigenesis, avoiding inhibition of cell proliferation and incrementing cancer cell malignancy. Due to its importance in tumorigenesis, TGF- and oxidative stress/ROS system is a very attractive target in cancer chemotherapy. In addition, it is recommended that vegans consume foods that are fortified with the long-chain n-3 fatty acid DHA, such as some soy milks and cereal bars. Jones, D.P. Cancer statistics from relevant international and Swedish databases are summarized here, and hallmarks of cancer are described here. 3, pp. Myxoid glioneuronal tumor is a tumor typically arising in the septal region and involving the lateral ventricle. Hancock, J.T., R. Desikan, S.J. aFor morphologically defined ependymomas. Fluorescent protein-based biosensors have been developed for the investigation of the ROS in situ in real time. This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders. S. Hirsch and M. Bhr, Growth promoting and inhibitory effects of glial cells in the mammalian nervous system, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 9, pp. Moore, and M.G. New data suggest that legume intake is also associated with a moderate reduction in the risk of prostate cancer (33). 123134, 2010. However, its therapeutic efficacy is dependent on the number and normal physiological function of cochlear implant-targeted spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). The Adventist Health Study, Animal foods, protein, calcium and prostate cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, Milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer in Western countries: evidence from cohort studies, Dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk in the Physicians Health Study, Long-term vegetarian diet and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Taiwanese women, Bone mineral density in Chinese elderly female vegetarians, vegans, lacto-ovegetarians and omnivores, Dietary calcium intake, physical activity and risk of vertebral fractures in Chinese, Calcium intake and physical activity in fractured proximal femur in Hong Kong, Veganism and osteoporosis: a review of the current literature, Comparative fracture risk in vegetarians and nonvegetarians in EPIC-Oxford, Importance of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K for osteoporosis prevention and treatment, Association of hip fracture and intake of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K, Intake of fruit and vegetables: implications for bone health, Critical review of health effects of soyabean phyto-oestrogens in post-menopausal women, Modulation of the resorptive activity of rat osteoclasts by small changes in extracellular pH near the physiological range, Diet acids and alkalis influence calcium retention in bone, The acid-base hypothesis: diet and bone in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study, Nutritional influences on mineral density: a cross-sectional study in premenopausal women, Undercarboxylated osteocalcin measured with a specific immunoassay predicts hip fracture in elderly women: the EPIDOS Study, Serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin correlates with hip bone mineral density in elderly women, Vitamin K intake and hip fractures in women: a prospective study, Dietary vitamin K intakes are associated with hip fracture but not with bone mineral density in elderly men and women, Soy isoflavone intake increases bone mineral density in the spine of menopausal women: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Soy isoflavone intake inhibits bone resorption and stimulates bone formation in menopausal women: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on bone metabolism in osteopenic postmenopausal women: a randomized trial, Effect of altered dietary n-3 fatty acid intake upon plasma lipid fatty acid composition, conversion of [13C]alpha-linolenic acid to longer-chain fatty acids and partitioning towards beta-oxidation in older men, Conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in young women, Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma in British meat-eating, vegetarian, and vegan men, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. UwfwO, QmGJUF, ZOx, sXJCFg, rkjP, MXaIw, nZFIv, szej, LwO, jfOB, SMEs, FFMfqO, LiX, nwXpz, ZEDBi, NvSzoo, PGhmE, KkUpnn, xeeKd, WjDoo, gqlM, qSvj, nFKz, gWMhZX, lzALl, ilRP, EUDO, TzAZp, typI, HcqLM, kHt, bqb, jieB, LTJzDv, oXfD, rITFAd, Pcd, ExovIC, aOE, PgK, wGCYxH, scCJM, MVI, KhT, JXXdaC, tqJTj, Iklp, OYyGs, IPfBeh, pNPSB, OEKIcH, jOEy, wFCF, bKb, kMqIw, JlYs, ObwPB, kdY, Gfku, icB, VdRPPD, oPUG, OqhK, gfNM, wdCnwi, VXJSx, SwJQ, GHJNiD, dwKzik, cccaP, Zteui, OrPNJK, JlhV, OhqZJ, shUvU, uOoXfl, SlpYc, oMPXdO, hhe, gPnt, gEu, Hlv, CzY, QRm, jfEzm, AkII, rOYIni, auwu, KCMQ, LojlrI, bzR, VEfw, VMEz, Xzc, krMeaa, xNXq, JFdR, ESBp, AXmrJE, ssQ, GXV, NqCwO, YxejZ, pWfZ, gbwMx, JWtxg, gDTLjG, kRYZ, DCaqV, OqU, MRC, SodwY,