When school leaders and coaches dismiss the importance of teacher autonomy, they usually do so because they are so concerned about students' needs that they just can't feel at ease giving up control. Sci. 28, 147169. Knight, J. How many hours does it take to make a friend?. Educ. Refraining from upholding professional standards of acceptable teaching is not a matter of honoring autonomy. A grounded theory of how social support influences physical activity in adolescent girls. The results of the study illustrated that students' self-efficacy partially mediate between the perceived teacher autonomy support and the students' deep learning level. WebThe data collection instruments utilized in the study were the Teacher Autonomy Scale and the Curriculum Commitment Scale. Am. But as we've seen, a rigid emphasis on accountability and control ultimately hampers teacher development. doi: 10.1108/14676370310455332. Teach. Positive emotions, autonomy support and academic performance of university students: the mediating role of academic engagement and self-efficacy. This indicates that the reliability and validity of the scale are good. Its influences and impact are discussed and the role which teacher autonomy plays in the wider issue of teacher professionalism is addressed. If teachers don't teach evidence-based practices with fidelity, the thinking is, they won't get results. doi: 10.4135/9781446249215.n21, Eccles, J., Wigfield, A., Harold, R. D., and Blumenfeld, P. (1993). In addition, it is found that teachers' autonomy support makes students feel more support and encouragement, which is not only conducive to the formation of a good teacher-student relationship but also promotes the deep learning style (Marshik et al., 2017). Supporting autonomy in the classroom: Ways teachers encourage student decision-making and ownership. J. Webthe Teaching Autonomy Scale L. CAROLYN PEARSON University of West Florida ABSTRACT The purpose of these two studies was to develop and initially validate an instrument for measuring per ceptions of teaching autonomy. Keywords: perceived teacher autonomy support, self-efficacy, perceived peer support, deep learning, self-determination theory, Citation: Zhao J and Qin Y (2021) Perceived Teacher Autonomy Support and Students' Deep Learning: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and the Moderating Role of Perceived Peer Support. (2003). External mandates and top-down coaching typically failbecause ultimately they are disempowering and dehumanizing and fail to address the complexity of the classroom. Rather than telling teachers what they like and dislike about a lesson, coaches should structure conversations with teachers as dialogues between two equal partners, where both members of the conversation are heard and where both parties' opinions count. SPSS version 22.0 was used for statistical analysis. For example: I can synthesize and organize ideas, information, or experience to form new and more complex explanations and relationships; I can analyze the basic elements of ideas, experiences, or theories, such as an in-depth study of a specific topic and considering its components. WebTwo studies developed and initially validated an instrument for measuring perceptions of For ease of description, we used high peer support and low peer support (one standard deviation below the mean and one standard deviation above the mean) to draw a simple slope map of the prediction (Figure 2). doi: 10.1007/s40299-020-00516-y. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml. Psych. Hartup, W. W. (1982). Contemp. Teacher autonomy scale is based on a two factor model consisting of general teaching autonomy and curriculum autonomy. Teacher autonomy as freedom [~_qW|:bee7R yW|G;}AmT8VX=Fz8 fV 8C@!ZT ^ 4 J. Educ. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8279.1981.tb02493.x, Reeve, J. The analysis revealed that both teacher autonomy and self-efficacy were independent predictors of engagement, job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion. doi: 10.1006/ceps.1998.0978, Ardura, D., and Galn, A. 33:265. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.33.3.265, Len, J., Nez, J. L., and Liew, J. By results I mean positive changes in student learning and well-being. 35, 193202. Front. doi: 10.1002/pits.22315, Filippello, P., Buzzai, C., Costa, S., and Sorrenti, L. (2019). 20, 3967. This indicates that the scale has good reliability and validity. Students' self-efficacy was also influenced by relationships with others (Laird et al., 2018). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of intervention programs designed to support autonomy. Psych. In the first study, pilot data were collected from 74 practicing teachers who represented all grade levels on the initial 35-item scale. (2003). The descriptions of the four scales follow. Before discussing why autonomy is essential, it is important to recognize what autonomy is not. What do you think about this approach?" The replication study of the TAS supported the original factors of general teaching autonomy and curriculum autonomy. Rev. 41, 17231743. Curriculum autonomy is the selection of activities, materials, instructional planning, and sequencing. doi: 10.1002/cd.121, Hardre, P. L., and Reeve, J. Stats in brief. Psych. Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada. doi: 10.14349/sumapsi.2021.v28.n1.3, Hall, J. 19, 161180. However, do we need to adapt this at all so it will work for you and your students? doi: 10.1007/s11218-017-9405-y. Instruments were "goal orientation scale for teaching", "school climate scale", and "teacher autonomy scale". Peer relations in adolescence, in Handjournal of Adolescent Development, eds S. Jackson and L. Goossens (New York, NY: Psychology Press), 175199. (Contains 1 table and 1 figure. Continuing Validation of the Teaching Autonomy Scale, Although researchers have demonstrated a link between teacher autonomy and teacher motivation, job satisfaction, stress (burnout), professionalism, and empowerment, the task of identifying the underlying theoretical dimensions of teacher autonomy has met with varied results. Previous studies have proved that the perception of teacher autonomy support has a positive effect on self-efficacy, and teachers' provision of varying degrees of autonomy support can have an impact on students' learning process and results (Reeve et al., 2004b; Jang et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2015; Hospel and Galand, 2016; Sun, 2016; Zhang et al., 2018; Martin and Collie, 2019). Post-Comp. Sparks, D., & Malkus, N. (2015). WebThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the psychometric properties of Friedman's 0O\R,($T%E==h]X6~9u+6Bk~]u|krf7u=DlNF"^8QErr{kuL)4-;2>`[XS('[mi""Fc#zksAbS !~QH2QFUZtJ#okgY'V: T,|8 The study was conducted in 3 Florida panhandle counties with teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools from each county surveyed. 82:101921. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2020.101921, Mouratidis, A. Therefore, this article proposed hypothesis 3: perceived peer support plays the role of moderator between perceived teacher autonomy support and self-efficacy. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.1996.tb01738.x. Two powerful "third points" are student work and video recordings of teachers' lessons. During coaching, teachers should have a great deal of autonomy even though they are learning with a coach. 4, 3160. During the learning stage, the coach and teacher collaborate to prepare the teacher to implement the new strategy effectively. Mediter. The current research result also supports the theory of social cognition,and when the environment satisfies students' emotional support, material assistance, and other supporting information, it can help students improve self-efficacy, thereby helping students improve their cognitive abilities in deep learning (Williams and Nida, 2011; Filippello et al., 2013, 2019, 2020; Alivernini et al., 2019). (p.112). Psych. In the current era of rapid development of information technology, deep learning ability represents the ability of innovation, creation and sustainable development, and is a crucial ability required under the background of current social and era development (Esteban-Guitart and Gee, 2020). 21, 883904. No one in a school is free to bully students, be a toxic force on teams, or decide that they no longer need to improve. Measuring autonomy support in university students: the Spanish version of the learning climate questionnaire. Effects of academic departments on students' approaches to studying. Self-determination theory claims that self-determination experience is a core element of human motivation, goal pursuit, expressiveness, and perseverance (Deci and Ryan, 2000) and it asserts that human beings have three psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness, and competence, and when these three psychological needs are satisfied, creativity, motivation, and performance will flourish (Deci and Ryan, 2012). (2011). Res. The interplay of learning approaches and self-efficacy in secondary school students' academic achievement in science. Psych. 15, 14661472. Psych. Therefore, the learning style of students is very crucial in the evaluation of teaching quality. Finally, during the improving stage, the teacher, in partnership with the coach, makes adaptations until the goal is met. (1997). Williams, K. D., Forgas, J. P., and von Hippel, W., (2005). (2002, July). Received: 13 January 2021; Accepted: 12 May 2021; Published: 21 June 2021. Soc. A second purpose was to ascertain the current status of teachers' perceptions of their autonomy from a sample of U.S. teachers. Psych. Stud. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.09.001, Ine N, Ridwan, M, Deinum, IF, and Adriaan Hofman, W. H. (2021). H3 proposed that the peer support perceived by college students moderated the relationship between the teacher's autonomy support and self-efficacy. Peer relationships, motivation, and academic performance at school, in Handjournal of Competence and Motivation, eds A. J. Elliot, C. S. Dweck, and D. S. Yeager (New York, NY: The Guiliford Press), 586603. Sci. Commun. New York: Riverhead Books. Peer Relationships and Adjustment at School (IAP Information Age Publishing), 5177. In addition, research has proved that when teachers give students higher autonomy support, they can significantly predict students' self-efficacy. "Public school teacher autonomy in the classroom across school years 2003-04, 2007-08, and 2011-12. Although a link has been demonstrated between teacher autonomy and teacher motivation, job satisfaction, stress (burnout), professionalism, and empowerment, identifying the underlying theoretical dimensions of teacher autonomy itself has met with varied results. zHfkhW);%Fw"=5IR` "~e1MI`1<K8x|.d"3kk"YUBL2x%@UnLGW6qQ3psd}!a!5)WEv\pUyvPE0Uq9L ,G|`6~. This point of view is easy to justify in theory. (2016). Therefore, teachers should improve students' autonomy in practical teaching so that students can perceive more autonomy support, and on the basis of giving students autonomy support, teachers should strengthen organizational exchanges and mutual assistance and cooperation of students, and further enhance students' deep learning effects. Autonomy is no illusion: self-determination theory and the empirical study of authenticity, awareness and will. doi: 10.5539/elt.v13n9p83, Elliot, A.J., and Church, M.A. Psychol. J. 0000001538 00000 n Moreover, the definition and connotation of deep learning have been deepening with the in-depth research of scholars. Therefore, the current research based on self-determination theory studies the effect of perceived teacher autonomy on students' deep learning and uses students' self-efficacy as a mediator variable to explore whether students' perceived teacher autonomy support can affect students' deep learning level by affecting students' sense of self-efficacy, and perceived peer support as the moderating variable to investigate whether peer relationship can moderate perceived teacher autonomy support and students' self-efficacy. (2013). Table 2. Schools. A multilevel analysis. Psych. 0000002307 00000 n Instru. Higher scores indicate greater parental autonomy support. 12:652796. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.652796. Furthermore, the main teaching target person of higher education is undergraduates whose main duty at this stage is to learn how to learn, not to stay in the superficial understanding and mechanical memory of knowledge, but to understand in-depth knowledge, critically learn new knowledge, master knowledge through practical activities, exercise thinking, improve learning ability and innovation ability (Zhang et al., 2021). New York: Psychology Press. 103:353. doi: 10.1037/a0022773, Nelson, R. M., and DeBacker, T. K. (2008). J. Educ. Can you describe examples of "responsible accountability" in your school? A model of the effects of perceived parent and peer support on adolescent false self behavior. (2020). In any organization, there are non-negotiables that must be adhered torare is the school where a teacher can say "I'm not much of a morning person; I think I'll start teaching at noon." B. Testing the moderated mediation effect of perceived teacher autonomy support and student deep learning. The purpose of this research is to test the mediation effect of self-efficacy on college student's perception of teacher autonomy support and students' deep learning, and whether the peer support perceived by students can moderate the relationship between perceived teacher autonomy support and deep learning. 4, 4456. Assessing the work environment for creativity. Chapter 28, 449479. Autonomy, teacher autonomy scale, construct validation, teacher autonomy, LISREL. 21, 223255. Is There an Expectancy Value Effect? (2019). The behaviors supported by teachers' autonomy support include: providing the meaning of learning content, clarifying students' self-perception, using autonomy language, providing voluntary choices and cultivating students' internal incentive mechanism (Nez and Len, 2016). Teacherstudent relationships and students' engagement in high school: Does the number of negative and positive relationships with teachers matter? 36, 301312. Therefore, the current research filled a gap in the literature research on the mediating role of self-efficacy between perceived teacher autonomy support and deep learning, which also laid a theoretical foundation for future research on the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived teacher autonomous support and deep learning. In the current research, the definition of deep learning mainly based on Biggs (1979), which means that students learn for understanding, mainly representing the critical understanding of the learning content, and highlighting the connection between prior knowledge and experience, and paying attention to logical relationships and evidence for conclusions. In the first study, pilot data were collected Personal. (2007). This increases the teacher's role in the feedback process. J. Soc. (2001). Br. This doesn't mean that coaches shouldn't share what they think; instead, they should share their thoughts provisionally and with the humility appropriate for any conversation about what happens in a classroom. Enhancing students' engagement by increasing teachers' autonomy support. Sci. Psychol. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Deep learning means that students make meaningful connections between the content of learning materials and the original cognitive structure, and use deep learning strategies in the learning process. doi: 10.1080/13596748.2017.1381301, Vansteenkiste, M., Sierens, E., Goossens, L., Soenens, B., Dochy, F., Mouratidis, A., et al. What could you change in your coaching or supervision to better honor teachers' autonomy? Associations between family structure change and child behavior problems: the moderating effect of family income. Avoiding antisocial behavior among adolescents: The positive influence of classmates' prosocial behavior. STEM Educ. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. 3, 111. Individual Differ. Age and gender differences in children's self- and task perceptions during elementary school. 36, 1517. J. First of all, the current research is conducive to a deeper understanding of the mechanism of the perceived influence of teacher autonomy support on deep learning of college students. doi: 10.1348/000709901158433. doi: 10.1177/0143034300212006, van Rooij, E. C. M., Jansen, E. P. W. A., and van de Grift, W. J. C. M. (2017). Daily autonomy supporting or thwarting and students' motivation and engagement in the high school science classroom. Much of teaching, in other words, requires adaptability, meaning that discretion and personal discovery are essential to success, and that one-size-fits-all solutions or external dictates will only hamstring progress. Children's friendships shifts over a half-century in perspectives on their development and their effects. (2012). Therefore, perceived peer support and perceived teacher autonomy support play a critical role in meeting the needs of relatedness. Stratified sampling is adopted for the research objects, and the research objects are selected in different grades and majors. Imagine a teacher who views a video recording of her lesson and sees that only 5 of her 31 students responded to the questions she asked. Indeed, after studying coaching for more than 20 years, I have concluded that recognizing and honoring teacher autonomy is an essential and fundamental part of effective coaching. Brown, B. Zhang, Y., Jiang, Y., Wan, Z. H., and Guo, J. J. Interaction effect of perceived peer support and perceived teacher autonomy support on the self-efficacy. Psicodid?ctica 22, 4553. xref All authors are participants in the data collection and analysis and writing and revising the manuscript. WebAbstract/Description: Although a link has been demonstrated between teacher autonomy Psychol. Participants completed an online questionnaire, and well-trained teachers performed the data collection process. In addition, the result explaining that for enhanced self-efficacy, teachers should improve students' self-efficacy from three levels: classroom environment, curriculum activities, and cognitive support, and further research should be conducted in this area including a more detailed classroom environment layout, classroom activity design and observation, and the relationship between cognitive knowledge and students' self-efficacy. 68, 136145. (2016). Why Teacher Autonomy Is Central to Coaching Success. Int. On the dynamics of students' approaches to learning: the effects of the teaching/learning environment. Front. The results of the study revealed that teachers were commited to the curriculum and displayed behaviors of autonomy. Relations between perceived teacher's autonomy support, cognitive appraisals and boredom in physics learning among lower secondary school students. The average teacher reports a lower level of autonomy compared to similar J. Educat. Contemp. 2.2.1. Kuo, Y. C., Tseng, H., and Kuo, Y. T. (2020). Rev. If students feel a higher degree of autonomy support from teachers, they feel more external support (Fredricks et al., 2016), and satisfaction of psychological needs will lead to more interest in learning, initiative and a higher sense of self-efficacy (Hardre and Reeve, 2003; Chai et al., 2011; Cooper, 2014). When professionals are told what to do and given no choice, the best possible outcome is likely complianceand compliance is not enough to do the complex work needed in our schools. Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice. Teacher and student intrinsic motivation in project-based learning. How could the training have been done differently? For instance, a coach using the impact cycle (Knight, 2018), with stages for identifying, learning, and improving, might video record a lesson and provide the teacher with some suggestions to better interpret what the video reveals. (p. 19). According to social cognition theory, the support of others, such as emotional encouragement, material help, and supportive information, which are individual feels, can enhance the individual's sense of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997). (2019, March-April). 1. 27, 6776. Europ. By contrast, the kinds of challenges presented by complex tasks are adaptive challenges: Adaptive challenges can only be addressed through changes in people's priorities, beliefs, habits, and loyalties. (2009). Strengthening dialogic peer feedback aiming for deep learning in SPOCs. (2013). Sport Sci. In Model 3, self-efficacy has a significant impact on college students' deep learning behavior ( = 0.52, P < 0.001). The average age of the participants was 21 years (SD = 1.34). To be sure, instructional coaches need to be deeply versed in the practices they share, and they should be highly skilled at finding precise, easy-to-understand explanations for those practices. They identified three different types of tasks: simple, complicated, and complex. Why teachers adopt a controlling motivating style toward students and how they can become more autonomy supportive. To respond to three research questions, the required data were gathered through convenience sampling by online School leaders and coaches must also understand that teaching is not something that can be boiled down to a set of prescriptive steps. Grashow, A., Heifetz, R. A., & Linsky, M. (2009). There are various versions of the LCQ available, a 15item fullscale version and a 6item shortened version. Learn. Testing the mediation effect of perceived teacher autonomy support and students' deep learning. 0000000016 00000 n Peer relationships and social competence during early and middle childhood. In this atmosphere of autonomy support by teachers, students cannot feel compulsive teaching methods, their voluntary learning behaviors are encouraged, and follow their way to complete learning tasks (Ryan and Deci, 2004). Self-determination and STEM education: effects of autonomy, motivation, and self-regulated learning on high school math achievement. The results yielded two factors that were internally consistent: general autonomy and curricular autonomy. Relatedness is the need to establish an intimate relationship with others, to avoid the exclusion of the relationship, to establish a sense of belonging (Williams et al., 2005), therefore, the current research on perceived peer support is mainly based on this psychological need to verify whether peer support can provide the support of atmosphere and environment (Elliot and Church, 1997; Pintrich, 2000). National Center for Education Statistics. A better option is to infuse coaching with autonomy. (1991). Cronbach's alpha indicated a high internal consistency of the scale (=0.730), KMO = 0.781. Learn. American Psychologist, 55(1), 6878. 14, 337353. Am. doi: 10.1111/1467-8624.00338, Ryan, R. M., Claessens, A., and Markowitz, A. J. Creating an engaged workforce. This pressure to move the needle can lead coaches and administrators to take a directive approach to coachingtelling teachers what they've done right and wrong and what they must do to improve. Students have a higher sense of self-efficacy and will set a self-learning goal, and when students encounter academic difficulties, they will use a more active academic attitude to deal with academic challenges, actively seek solutions to problems, and actively seek solutions to problems in students, and maintain their learning status for a long time, and thereby when students run thinking and processing knowledge systems, deep learning will also produce (Chai et al., 2011; Cooper, 2014; Gutirrez et al., 2021). The perceived teacher autonomy support scale of this study was based on the Learning Climate Questionnaire (Nez et al., 2012), adapted from the current teaching situation of the normal university in Guizhou province, China, and assessed students' perceived teacher autonomy support using 15 items. Eliciting engagement in the high school classroom: A mixed-methods examination of teaching practices. Shallow learning is the minimum effort for learning tasks and the acquisition of short-term memory of knowledge, while deep learning is the main strategy for the greatest investment in learning tasks and meaningful learning and understanding from course materials and learning experiences (Marton and Slj, 1976). (1987). Educ. Indiv. Deep learning and education for sustainability. No significant differences in autonomy score were found by gender or highest degree held, nor did total autonomy score correlate with age and years of teaching experience. Complicated and complex systems: What would successful reform of Medicare look like? Significant differences on autonomy were found by grade level most often taught. Usually, the term is used to describe how educators are obligated to do something for some external reason. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.004, Fredricks, J. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Kohler Publishers. Table 1. Without question, instructional coaches need to partner with teachers to provide the supports that empower teachers to implement new practices in ways that get results. startxref WebFinally, 68.6%of teachers were female (n=24), 31.4% were male (n=11). The proposed moderated mediation model. Psychol. General teaching autonomy deals with the issues concerning classroom standards of conduct and personal job discretion. WebItems are on a 4-point scale. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2006.07.001, Su, Y. L., and Reeve, J. Psych. Psych. The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. Educ. A complex task, like raising a 3-year old, cannot be broken down into a set of steps because every day and every child is different. As shown in Table 3, the perceived teacher autonomy support has a significant impact on the self-efficacy of college students ( = 0.67, P < 0.001), and this relationship is moderated by perceived peer support ( = 0.58, P < 0.001). J. Sci. But in fact, as research has shown and as I've found in my own work on coaching, this is not the way to help teachers flourish. Lastly, the study sample was selected from one school, and the conclusions may be over-generation. In Model 2, perceived teacher autonomy has a significant impact on college students' sense of self-efficacy ( = 0.56, P < 0.001). Human autonomy, in Efficacy, Agency, and Self-esteem (Boston, MA: Springer), 3149. ***p < 0.001. This often involves the coach explaining the strategy and the teacher modifying it to better meet her students' needs. Int. Educ. Learn. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-2018-7_12, Pintrich, P.R. Res. (2018). Kybernetes 30, 593603. 38, 15271547. Apoyo social de familia, profesorado y amigos, ajuste escolar y bienestar subjetivo en adolescentes peruanos. Manual for the use of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), in From the National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning Project on Instructional Processes and Education Outcomes (Ann Arbor, MI: The Regents of The University of Michigan Press). Counsel. 0 No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Improving flunked english majors performance through enhancing students' perception of self-efficacy and outcome expectancy at shaqra university. Teach. So rather than telling teachers exactly what to do, instructional coaches should engage teachers in reflective conversations about what they think might work in their classrooms. Effect of perceived teacher's autonomy support on students' achievement: the mediating role of autonomy psychological need and intrinsic motivation. Even though the existence of three different dimensions of AS, namely cognitive, organizational and procedural AS has been suggested in educational settings, there is a lack of multidimensional instruments for the assessment of J. E-Learn. 2.3 Data Collection Secondly, through the survey, college teachers understand more about the current status of deep learning of students, and how to promote deep learning of students, increasing autonomy support of teachers, and contributing to the development of students' higher-order thinking ability (Marshik et al., 2017). Curr. Choices are the way we define our own humanitywho we areso stripping away people's right to choose is dehumanizing (Block, 1993). Special issues examine major education concerns in-depth. Once a goal is set, they identify a teaching strategy the teacher will implement in an attempt to hit the goal. He directs Pathways to Success, a comprehensive, district-wide school reform project in the Topeka, Kansas, School District and leads the Intensive Instructional Coaching Institutes and the Teaching Learning Coaching annual conference. This indicates that the reliability and validity of the scale are good. Specifically, teacher autonomy support is manifested in three aspects: organizational autonomy support which is mainly the comfort and happiness of the classroom environment, and program autonomy support which is mainly encouraging students to actively participate in classroom activities, and cognitive autonomy support which is mainly to encourage students to think about the content of learning at a deeper level and to have more lasting psychological engagement (Stefanou et al., 2004). (2019). Yet in our offices and classrooms, we have way too much compliance and way too little engagement. A simple task, like baking a cake, involves a set of steps that will produce the same results each time when the steps are followed. Four hundred seventy-seven teachers from three public schools in Michigan participated in this study for a response rate of 30%. Ann. The research on perceived teacher autonomy support, perceived peer support and self-efficacy is mostly limited to univariate or two-variable research, and there is a lack of research on the mechanism of moderation variables. Harvard Business Review, 92101. from Psych. H1: perceived teacher autonomy support has a significant predictive effect on students' deep learning; 2. Based on the Academic Milestone self-efficacy Scale (Lent et al., 1986) and The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pintrich et al., 1991), 5 items were selected to evaluate students' self-efficacy. (2015). Int. Therefore, TALIS 2018 scales and teachers interviews have captured only a few aspects of it, specifically in the cases of collegial and professional teacher autonomy, where the research instruments were not able to capture the multiple aspects of each level (Frostenson, 2015). Inside the head and out in the world. Previous studies have shown that gender, major, and grade are related to college students' learning engagement or performance (Jiang and Men, 2016). doi: 10.1111/cdev.12283, Ryan, R. M., and Deci, E. L. (2000a). Basis on self-determination theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000b), and relatedness obtain a sense of belonging and non-exclusion from peers and teachers in teaching scenes, and supports the relationship requirements of students (Williams et al., 2005). At the same time (Harter et al., 1996; Hamm and Faircloth, 2005; Wentzel et al., 2010), also believe that peer support will affect students' motivational beliefs and emotional experience. (2000). endstream endobj 662 0 obj<> endobj 663 0 obj<> endobj 664 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 665 0 obj<> endobj 666 0 obj<> endobj 667 0 obj<> endobj 668 0 obj<>stream In addition, the mediation analysis shows that the perceived peer support mediates the relationship between perceived teacher autonomy support and college students' self-efficacy. Teacher autonomy support and cognitive appraisals As postulated in the Following this, the coach and teacher usually have a coaching conversation to identify a goal that the teacher really cares about and that will have an unmistakably positive impact on student learning or well-being. In other words, when teachers provide students with a relaxed, free, and autonomous learning environment, then students show higher academic confidence to achieve academic goals, and more confidence to solve problems encountered when encountering academic difficulties (Martin and Dowson, 2009; Geitz et al., 2016). As Buckingham and Goodall explain: Since excellence is idiosyncratic and cannot be learned by studying failure, we can never help another person succeed by holding her performance up against a prefabricated model of excellence, giving her feedback on where she misses the model, and telling her to plug the gaps. 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