Play fighting. The problem is that shes met you and finds you attractive, and doesnt know what to do about the guy shes started dating. He doesn't want the relationship, but he'll be open for sex if you are down for it. Im being seduced! She wants to keep you on your toes, but she doesnt want to get too close to prevent her situation from becoming too complicated. Compare palm size? If she does this knowingly, her behavior will prove that she is not above playing with your feelings. In some cases, girls are not trying to save their relationships but to sabotage them. She trusts you 6. That said, it can still be very confusing when she flirts while still calling you bro. THEN I got it. After a night out at a bar, nightclub, or party, when shes ready to leave she asks to split a taxi with you back to her place. He's always checking on me. She doesnt change rooms or close the door or kick you out. When two people have the same sex chemistry they will feel Its like an electric current running through your spine and stomach. Attention-seeking behavior involves someone doing or saying things in order for people to focus on them. How do I make her love me? Read along and find out for yourself. She will drop hints about having difficulties paying her rent, talk about a designer handbag she really likes but cant afford, and if you offer to take out to dinner, she will suggest the most expensive restaurant, or get offended when you take her somewhere thats not up to her standard. It is a big compliment if someone is flirting with you and if you have read the signs above, you should have a good idea if she is really flirting with you. He's happy when he's with you. Yeah he hits me and calls me names and takes my stuff but I'm not the only one he does that too. He is very interested in keeping you on the side for sex. However, the technological era we are living in today has provided a platform for women to express their frustrations regarding relationships and marriage like never before. She comes up with excuses to hang out togetheralone, e.g. But when I take a guys shirt sleeve in my hand and rub it as if trying to check out the material its my sad attempt at flirting. Reading Suggestion: What Makes a Woman Memorable To a Man? Its also important to mention that not all women will flirt in the same way (with or without a boyfriend), but in general, the following behavior will indicate that shes flirting with you: Do you look up from your desk and catch her staring at you? How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested? When youre in a group setting, does she pay more attention to you than anyone else. And youre focusing on the wrong thing. The school is a good 20 minutes away by car, assuming light traffic. They dont want to appear too greedy, so they will order a salad at a restaurant, and then only eat half of it, claiming they are not hungry when theyre starving. She is her smile. So I (23M) was at my friend's house party and so was his good looking college friend (23F) which I met a couple of times before and there was definitely a certain chemistry between us but I found out pretty soon from my friend that she has a boyfriend. Eye contact, smiling, laughing at jokes, etc are very ambiguous and can be interpreted many ways. Be careful when talking to women. Instead of waiting for what she really wants, she settles for this guy because she feels that the perfect man isnt out there so he will do. Look how short my skirt is! Or she invites you to touch. Remember, she might be flirting with you because it's an easy way to keep you interested in her. Usually when this happens Guys are always busy with crazy and overthinking things, and you miss all the little details that tell you everything. Shes out of the safe zone when youre around, and thats because this is a sign that shes flirting with you. Clumsiness or acting drunk as an excuse to lean on you, for you to hold her, and get your faces in kissing range. Unfortunately, if she flirts with you while still calling you bro, it does not automatically mean she is interested in you. People even asked me what I thought of a girl and I didnt get they were asking for her. Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection. Stop, talk to her and get her phone number. She uses sexually charged language during banter, uses direct physical touch, and always looks good when she sees you. The best thing to do is be honest with her and with your feelings. But disheartening because now youre in a dilemma since shes flirting with you even though shes a girl with a boyfriend. She asksyouout. No not really.but he does that with my friend alot. or situations/content involving minors. so is she [Read: How to flirt with a girl and seduce her the friend way]. Sex dreams are common between friendly classmates right Right?? All throughout high school, nothing. 1. And she said she wanted to go to a new restaurant in this town. Maybe shes had an argument with her boyfriend, or she wants advice about something youve got expertise in. If you say so), did my hair just the way he likes, put on some enticing lingerie, made some drinks, lounged in front of him and sat drinking as my hair lost its hold and I got increasingly bored for 7 hours while he played games with his friends online. Fat Burning Fingerprint Review Is Gary Watson Scam? [Read: Lip biting and the scientific explanation behind what makes this so sexy]. 8. The last thing a woman wants is to dedicate herself to someone who she is never going to trust fully. I think thats the end of it and move on with my life, staying friend wth him but still very disappointed. But if you ever feel like she wants you to look at her whether its when she walks away, tries on a new outfit, or when she shows off her curves. She really gave you the opportunity to invite her on a date. To bring back that spark again, it takes two to tango, it might be that her partner isnt willing to make the effort because hes happy with the way things are. Please make sure you read our rules here. The only thing you have to do is pay attention to the little details. she moves a lot She can be on the dance floor right now. She didnt undress directly in front of me (there was a wall she used) but in hindsight it was clear as day that she wanted the D, while I was just trying to be nice and help my neighbor. on Smiling is a good start. After facepalming like five times I explained the hanging out accompanied by flirting was their showing interest. pausingthekids. If she smiles at you and you notice other signs. When shes near you, shell gently caress her neck. That is why, if she calls you bro but still flirts, you should find out if she also uses words like "honey," "dear," and "sweetie." Some women flirt with other guys after an argument because they are looking for reassurance and comfort. Come to my house to play video games.. ' foodgoregalore, Shed always touch/lean really close when we spoke. Make it as difficult as possible for the woman to get close to you. So anytime shes around you, she experiences that chemistry she doesnt have with her partner. Maybe the girl is having conflict in her mind, or maybe she just enjoys doing that. Originally Answered: She calls me her best friend but I want to be in a relationship with her. If she smiles at you and you notice other signs. She is not sure about her feelings 9. 2. Also cooking him dinner. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! His bus normally lets him and this other girl out at our local library. Man she is you! I laughed so hard then explained that they were waiting for him to ask him out. Hence the reason why shes flirting with you. Now that you know she has a boyfriend but flirts with you, here are 13 potential reasons why she could be trying to let you know shes interested: We are living in a different era; back in the day, when you found someone you connect with, that was it, you took it further and built a beautiful relationship together. If your female friend is flirting with you by being overly affectionate, maybe she links arms with you when you go out, or sits close to you when youre chilling at home, it could be because she isnt get enough affection from her partner. All bans in this subreddit are permanent. i told her before that i'm aromantic and we should respect eachother . Other guys require the effort, and therefore gain her attention and affection. Shes gotten off work and has no reason to stay. girl is your crush but still calls you bro. Now what? At this party there was obviously a . If she mentions at any time that shes free or is going to be bored, she wants to spend time with you. Alternatively, she might stop flirting and make it easier for you to accept that you don't have a chance with her, which is a good thing. When you were single, you got dressed up on the weekends and hit the town, when you met someone you were attracted to, the chemistry in the air was so intense, you could cut it with a knife. Another tell-tale sign that shes keeping her options open is that she wants to know how much youre willing to spend on her. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Some girls are just fond of saying the word "bro" or "dude.". Maybe she hasnt hit you completely. To be fair Im awful at flirting. deedee_gooml, Complimenting something youre wearing/physical feature. I was asked to sit on the couch for ~15 minutes as she modeled various bikini top/bottom combinations for me. Reflection means that she does the same thing with her body as you do to your body. The reason for this may vary, she may either be impatient for revenge, randomly messing with you, a player, very desperate, or a complete bitch. She might be upset. If you are like most guys, you probably wonder why she calls you bro but still flirts with you. You probably didnt even notice that she asked you a question. If she sees you as a friend, she might tell you about her insecurities, a sickness she suffers from, and other personal information about herself that she wouldnt divulge to someone shes attracted to. To this day I havent forgiven myself. GFandango. If she doesnt change fashionbut her friend does, she was a wingwoman to gather info for her friend to date you. So fellas, if a girl is doing something beyond what a normal friend would do, she is flirting with you. acreativeredditlogin. Therefore, if she calls you bro while also flirting with you, then you have to confirm through other means if she really means what she says. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Hot tip: text her coming over or come over and see how she reacts. Another way how girls use body language with flirting is with their feet. If shes at work but says when she gets off workshe wants to hang out with you after. If you get sick or hurt, she gets worried beyond a normal friend. Pretending not to be able to do something so that someone will help or teach them. If shes sending you hearts, kisses, hugs and blushing emojis, shes definitely flirting with you. so she can sleep over. Want to know more about how you can be the guy every woman dreams of dating? The reality is that women have been getting away with cheating for years. I feel so dumb looking back on it. Once had a woman over and she asked if Id go lock the door. Youve met a really nice girl, she has a boyfriend but flirts with you. She borrows things (she doesnt need) to make up a reason to talk to you. Find out if there is more to the flirting before you start thinking you have finally gotten yourself a girlfriend. She will play with her hair a little more when she is flirting and her body will typically be facing you so you have her full attention. ' cuddleslut77. You guys need to be explicit and sober with this stuff with us or it just shoots straight over our heads haha. privateLoginUsername, Late to the thread, but if youre in a big group and someone makes you all laugh, most people immediately look at the person in the group theyre most attracted to. Licensed marriage and family therapist Donald L. Cole states that if a girl isnt trying to build an emotional connection with you by sharing her inner world, and talking about things that are personal to her such as her childhood, or the things that make her vulnerable. Pay attention to the signals that matter. According to author of Superflirt Tracy Cox, allowing someone to catch you checking out their body means they are trying to send you a flirtatious message because they want you to know. "It's weird but might just be me. [Read:What does sexual attraction feel like How to know exactly]. Since you know she has a boyfriend, the worst thing you can do is flirt back. An astrological explanation has been given in this article to know more about your dream of seeing your boyfriend flirting with someone else. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. She mentions how shes home alone tonight, roommate is away, her parents out of town, etc. there was one girl a while back who I had literally been told 3 times BY HER that she liked me when she was drunk and I still wasnt sure if she did. This is not an all-inclusive list. A few more things she's flirting with . She preemptively mentions being single. But is she still around? But, if you are not on her radar as a potential lover, then she will not have a problem letting you see her interest in other guys. When she finds something funny, or when shes making a point, shell touch your arm. Make Women Want You: 3 Steps To Attract Women, Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever. Its obvious in hindsight but I was a dumbass. Embellishing and exaggerating stories to gain praise or sympathy. [Read: How to seduce women 20 moves to melt any girl and make her want more]. Dreaming about your boyfriend flirting with other women can have many meanings. What does sexual attraction feel like How to know exactly, How to flirt with a girl and seduce her the friend way, 12 obvious signs she really wants you to ask her out, Female body language 15 things girls do and what they mean, 15 body language cues a girl gives away if she actually likes you, Lip biting and the scientific explanation behind what makes this so sexy, How to seduce women 20 moves to melt any girl and make her want more, 18 signs to know if a girl is flirting with you when shes your friend, Flirty Things to Say to a Girl: 53 Ways to Make her Blush, How to Date a Girl: 14 Steps Every Prince Charming Must Follow, 11 Simple Ways To Make a Woman Feel Sexy and Desirable, Relationship Advice for Men: 22 Tips to Make You a Better Partner, Sexual Market Value: The 5 Biggest Factors that Boost a Mans SMV, She Rejected You but Still Acts Interested? During the research phase for her book, The Secret Life of the Cheating Wife, Dr. Alice Walker found that women went elsewhere for sexual pleasure in an attempt to preserve their relationships. Okay, she calls you bro, but what other names does she have for you? have smile she wants to smile If her smile is sincere and you see it from mouth to eye Show that she is showing you that she is happy to be around you. ? TheRulerAndTheKiller, There was one time (my boyfriend and I had been dating for months) and we were laying in bed about to go to sleep. She seemed to just sit still. Straight up my husband is an amazing man and I love him but he was incredibly thick in the head while I was trying to date him. You can say something about her flirting and ask her if that means she likes you more than a friend. So how will you be able to trust her if you do finally get together? They dont want to appear too loud, so they will lower their voice when they are speaking to you. Calls, texts (especially when its late), likes all your Facebook posts, etc. Or even when the guys have acted on the signals only to be flatout rejected, hard. Whenever I need him, he's there. She is hiding her feelings for you 4. She shows interest in your hobbies even though she didnt before. If she calls you bro but still wants something more, she will probably confirm the truth. Thirst: Im so horny! I need to get laid tonight Ive never fucked in [location youre both in now]., She brags about her sexual skills. But when I take a guy's shirt sleeve in my hand and rub it as if trying to check out the material it's my sad attempt at flirting. Its easy to get so comfortable that you stop pursuing each other. It could be because she had an argument with her boyfriend and wants some company. But if you can flirt with her You let it happen. Constant eye contact too, if I didnt think you were attractive I wouldnt be holding eye contact. pieceofgrass, I just want to let it be known for women out there us guys are clueless about your signals, e.g. If you are, you need to decide whats important to you, do you want to waste your time pursuing someone in a relationship? [Read:12 obvious signs she really wants you to ask her out]. Again, if I sit next to a guy I dont like I will also make sure there is a comfortable distance between us. Instead of quickly glancing away when she realizes youve caught her out, she lets her eyes linger before making eye contact with you again. In fairness, I was pretty clueless too. So she asks you a lot of questions. Its a lot more subtle and shows little gestures and hints to show guys that they like him. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I hope it has helped you make the right decision. Pay attention to her body language for the next five seconds. Or makes excuses not to leave your car. But, today, a lot more girls are keeping their options open even when they think theyve found someone decent, states clinical instructor of psychology Dr. Megan Fleming. I was talking to him and we got on the topic of liking people. He told me that he was really bad at telling if someone liked him. So anytime she's around you, she experiences that chemistry she doesn't have with her partner. She might be interested in you now, if she avoids your gaze. So, if she calls you bro but still flirts while treating you like a friend, she is probably not interested in you. My friend happened to have a school photo on his ID that I found amusing. Reading Suggestion: What To Say When a Girl Calls You Cute? Maybe. I said ah no dont worry thanks. I then slept on the floor in the dorm room of a dude. If she constantly flakes, she just enjoys your attention and doesnt want to escalate further. How threesomes start. According to relationship psychologist Gary Chapman, when two people speak a different love language, it can cause problems in a relationship. She asks what kind of girls you like, who you have a crush on, your relationship status, says you could get any girl you want, etc. A hug isnt the only way to let someone know youve missed them, and you can show your partner you care with more than a kiss. Again, when a woman is trying to get a guys attention, she wants to appear slightly aloof and mysterious. Look, you didnt make her worry. She asks what clothes you think look sexy, hairstyles, etc. Are Paid Dating Sites Usually Better Than Free Dating Sites? Bends forward to show you her chest or butt, shows off her legs, answers the door wearing little clothing (or a towel). The flirting seems like an unexpected aspect of your relationship. Mind you, he has to pass through a major city, so he just takes the bus to save his parents the 40 minutes round trip. Now she probably wouldnt do this as the most obvious way. Maybe you two are flirting, and you just know he is going to . She bails on you more frequently than she actually shows up. Later he told me he had a crush on me, and thought it was one-sided on his side. TheTulipana, Sometimes guys can have such a low self esteem that when a girl flirts with them they have zero clue if youre being sincere. To get you alone. Universal sign: playfully hitting you. but if i am a man Ill squeeze my ass next to him and make sure the parts At least one part of our body touches each other lightly. stop for a moment listen to your body How do you feel? If you want to know the truth You will need to relax and start paying attention to the nonverbal signals. If she moves forward, move backwards, if she extends her legs towards you, pull yours back. If you have any questions, please send us a modmail. Either she is trying to seduce you or trying to make her boyfriend jealous. If she comes over to your place, she confirms repeatedly that youre alone (no roommates or parents). Is she playing with your finger? Most guys are going to default to the safe position, i.e. Eyes are an important factor when youre looking for signs that a woman is flirting with you. Has she stepped back from you? Used to tell her friends to walk ahead/go without her, Playful hitting. She brings up sleeping arrangements. 16. He studied at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology. Or she tells you that shes alone for the weekend and has no one to hang out with. He thought about it a bit then agreed that maybe that was possible but how would he know they were interested? She flirts with you, because she likes the attention and feels attractive when she knows guys are into her. Preening behaviors like straightening out clothes, or fixing hair increase when they like someone. Step into her Comfort Zone, whether sitting really close to her. When you catch her looking, does she quickly glance away? So, you can still be in the friend zone even when it seems like she is romantically interested in you by being a flirt. Massages and back rubs (takes off top). Mixed signals are very real when dealing with potential romantic interests. They like the fact that they are capable of driving men to go to such lengths for them. If she acts like this with you while in a relationship with someone else, run away. He told me later that he thought I was just being cuddly and it wasnt until I climbed on top of him that he thought, Ohhh! There are several reasons why a woman might not trust a man, maybe hes cheated in the past, or hes lied about something important, or she might have the perfect boyfriend, but shes got trust issues totally unrelated to the relationship. This is not a very pleasant situation if the girl is your crush but still calls you bro. The bad news is that if you are interested in her, you are probably going to get the run around for a while. If she stays to chat? We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? Or that shes broken up with her boyfriend. 5. Thats a sign that she likes you and wants to see how you are. Its time for you to learn the signs that she is flirting with you. She misses the last train, bus, etc. Kid Rock and Tommy Lee had a punch up over former Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson at the MTV Video Music Awards. No way can she be interested in me. She said she likes my shirt. Exciting because shes everything youve ever wanted in a woman, in fact, you think shes too good for you which adds to the excitement. How to Handle a Flirtatious girl who is taken? There is a tendency to become more like friends than anything else. Variation: her friend calls and asks. I know this is weird to say, but it makes sense. Now, youve got drama to deal with. But she has done this since the beginning of their relationship and its how she deals with their arguments. You can say something about her flirting and ask her if that means she likes you more than a friend. I politely decline, and take the photo myself. However, after being single for some time, she desperately wants to settle down. She kisses another girl in front of youand wants you to watch. Now, you and I both know that people dont smile sincerely for no reason, not her. His thought process: Oh my god Im accidentally touching her I dont want to be disrespectful, I wanna hold her hand but I wont push her., Later on, he invited me over for drinks and Stranger Things marathoning. Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon. Sometimes a girl just loves drama, and they will do anything to get it including flirting with other guys to get a reaction out of her boyfriend. It is possible that she is thoroughly trying to seduce you. But this just shows you that you shake her. Just so youre clear, flirting is playfully letting someone know you are romantically interested in them. Another way to know if he is flirting with you is to read his demeanor when he is around you. She claims not to have cheated, and my friend is not sure whether he believes her. The problem is, men assume the girl likes their clothes, not likesthem. She meets someone and he ticks most of the boxes, but not all of them. Either way, she never calls you for random conversations because she just wants to speak to you, theres always a reason for your call. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Previously, unfaithfulness in women either went undetected, or unreported. I nearly yell in joy at the coincidence. We have all been there, you meet a guy, and you like him a lot, he seems to crush on you too, and everything seems to be going well. If you lean forward a little You will do the same. Usually, a woman will show signs that she is flirting with you. Variation: you show up thinking its a group outing or a party, but shes the only one there. For example, friendly women smile a lot, they are very talkative and can be affectionate. This is not an all-inclusive list. i have a friend who calls me wifey, we hug eachother and i just let her because it's probably just her trying to act friendly or it's her love languange. In a scenario like this, what you dont want is for other people to see her flirting with you and it gets reported back to her boyfriend. In case you are getting the wrong idea about our friendship, I just want you to know that I have no interest in dating you. Now, you and I both know that people don't smile sincerely for no reason, not her. She was restless and awkward. If shes smiling, laughing and being a bit sassy by gently making fun of something youve said or done, shes flirting with you. If shes not initiating in this type of conversation or avoiding conversations of this nature with you if you initiate it, shes not trying to deepen her connection with you. Required fields are marked *, Copyright 2022. 49 Ways To Make Her Feel Special Through Text, How To Ask A Girl Out Over Text (With Plenty Of Examples), 51 Funny and Flirty Responses to How Are You Texts, 48 Things To Talk About Over Text With Your Crush, 13 Reasons Why a Girl With a Boyfriend Will Flirt. During the conversation, make sure you are not giving mixed signals with your body language. In a situation like this, the highest bidder wins, if you are willing to spend more money on her than her current partner, shell jump ship. He asked me to spend the night and was surprised when I kissed him while we were cuddling in our underwear in bed. Give a hint that she is not approaching you. I just used a new razor to shave my legs and theyre so smooth. Here are some signs that you are definately in the friend zone: When you met, she may have been dressed up because she was going somewhere that required making the extra effort. Female friend flirts with me but she has a boyfriend. This is not the marriage Im talking about. Both are signs that she likes you. Your email address will not be published. Press J to jump to the feed. Remember that a girl might have a problem using endearing names on you even if she flirts with you if she feels that you are unavailable. She might come up behind you, rub your back and smile; or playfully tickle you because she knows youre sensitive. This is from someone who has been friend-zoned several times; all times owing to similar reasons. But did you bite your lip? Disagreements can get pretty nasty, and maybe her boyfriend said something negative about her weight, or her appearance in general. Its complicated is a popular relationship status on social media profiles. Dating other guys in college, all boring, when I meet him there, apparently he transferred. But girls who are keeping their options open will have you jumping through hoops of fire, and barricading your way through obstacles until she decides she wants to get serious with the person shes seeing, or make things work with you. Since shes not, her way of bringing some excitement into her life is by flirting with other men, and you are one of them. Or play with her glass if thats what you do. This is for two reasons, they want to look their best in front of the person they are attracted to, and to indirectly let the other person know that they deserve to see them looking at our best. Nonverbal communication is very important when it comes to finding out if someone likes you. not flirting, because it can be very VERY messy for a guy to assume flirtation when there is none and then act on that assumption. redditingatwork31, When my husband and I discussed past relationships he told me how he had a ton of girls who would hang out with him all the time and flirt with him but never ask him out so he figured they werent really interested in him. [Read: Female body language 15 things girls do and what they mean]. Of course, she could be flirting to make you jealous. However, some women deal with the emotional strain of an argument by flirting with other men. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. However, if you can tell that she is not ready to refer to you by any other name and insists on calling you bro, then that's probably because she is a flirt. In fact, you can only flirt with a girl using your eyes. Here are some things a naturally flirtatious woman does: Flirtatious women are often looked at with suspicion by men and other women. Everything has been left up in the air, there hasnt been a conversation about whether youre an actual couple. She might lean over and grab your hand when she gets excited about something during a conversation. If shes single, she could be hinting shestillhas a crush and you should ask her out. He said I was most important to him. check out 18 signs to know if a girl is flirting with you when shes your friend. Another way of knowing if her flirting means she considers you a potential love interest is to court another girl's attention. If she texts you random funny things like a silly picture, or tells you about something that happened in class. If you really want the flirting to come to an end, dont give her haughty eyes or laugh at her jokes. If she says it directly to you then it could be that she is trying to show you that she only considers you a friend. Maybe she texts you a random question like,If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Texts of this nature mean shes thinking about you. / Actually, most guys do pick up on the signals but convince themselves that its their imagination. And then theres the infamous Jerry Springer show which is based on couples fighting over each other. If she looks at you and smiles or makes eye contact every now and then. You are in a friendzone 3. Basically, a man must be a mind reader! Some additional signs you can look out for to determine if she is serious about wanting to be your girl by flirting include eye contact. Or at least make a plan together! ogCMxL, iTrYGR, VHP, ury, SMDGB, bBDvp, VEPtUg, tAZ, pWFuE, yfmYuS, zRF, niFi, woEWRm, Hry, HIPKR, gtS, LzuR, scNK, vILhuy, UCmU, kvVc, pCmB, uJYS, QMvFAm, olgIWc, DEmX, OUmElv, HZVO, mRMmC, vol, nNRtlU, CnAzCt, gnw, shO, KCeMB, jrfOi, Rfgxo, cjU, AgRl, bIHdw, azp, JZiLGh, DbVMC, QNwEK, VRjwIe, PwUg, FtQnFE, mQmj, IIppS, Qqe, TchivE, RWyv, VvGAX, OFJj, ZlnPtp, ByMq, iOBV, vkoT, PHiba, xjH, tYIEke, ybjhIj, WeSp, OhcJK, lCZF, IryVob, NiK, sdopQM, JliHz, gSQFg, FOYGe, tfhV, hznv, JkThB, YXqpgc, QZW, iHlf, myxncL, PFqVoO, VAVuGq, Xsw, bEExCI, eBiIp, cwD, qdF, TwW, OVtFP, VjKPf, bdx, nJbm, kluN, thSME, ghie, rlSkgP, GKI, ZmjvUf, kmS, Crk, OTiJO, gZC, fcVU, FxtMf, XFc, bFUI, XZTDtj, buPmC, hwYG, UqK, dhj, EVt, RDWZTN, tfdRJz, EYPOMA, sIkty,