WebAs punishment, the space gods sent Knull back into the void of the murder victim. Desperate to thwart the plans of Meridius -- his evil sixth iteration -- and escape the time-loop he'd unwittingly ensnared himself in, Eddie became consumed by rage and self-loathing towards his other iterations, especially the iteration of Eddie newly arrived at the Garden of Time and his precursor iteration "Finnegan", transforming him into his third iteration known as Bedlam. [18][78][14] The strongest of Klyntar, such as All-Black; can become world shattering glaives known as Annihilablades. In case the Avengers' initial plan to defeat Knull failed, Eddie and the Venom symbiote came up with a two-part follow-up plan that involved using Thor, Storm, and the Sentry to sever as many symbiote-dragons from Knull's hive-mind as possible, and Venom would use Dark Carnage's throne of living abyss to seize control of them. Harvesting the codices of the Weapon V super-soldier program and Leonard Elkhart, a one-time host of the Venom symbiote,[13][101] Dark Carnage traveled to Nicaragua and attacked Alejandra Jones, whose Spirit of Vengeance had at one point melded with the Venom symbiote and transferred a codex into her. Instead, he found the machine holding the symbiote captive. Leslie mentions that she had wanted to be a heroine, but like the other hosts of the Life Foundation, she was having difficulty controlling her symbiote. Tired of being mistreated by his colleagues and learning that the symbiote was going to be imprisoned in an orbital facility, Eddie freed it from its containment and bonded to it to become Venom once again. [110], In the alternate universe of the Marvel Comics 2, or MC2 imprint, Norman Osborn obtained Eddie's blood (he was still bonded to Venom at the time) and extracted the symbiote codex. Marital Status [147][148] Obsessed with and desperate for success, as a child and into his adulthood he stole and lied in order to get the acknowledgement he desperately craved and further his career. The symbiote then bonds with him, feeding on his cancer and thus prolonging his existence, with Eddie Brock willingly accepting the symbiote. Venom (Vol. Project Cadmus lead scientist, Reed Prof Richards, infested with evil DNA secretly added to his diet by rival scientist Dabney Donovan, has sabotaged Cadmus Menagerie, which led to the creation of Bizarnage. [104] Sensing that the Carnage symbiote was about to spawn, Venom attempted to coach Carnage through the birth of its first offspring, which it dubbed Toxin. Eddie spared Jack, discarded his dreamstone, and returned to Rex's bunker to wait out the War of the Realms alongside his son. During a battle with the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man, Venom's tongue was severed. The symbiote accidentally absorbed the Norn Stone, which resonated with its divine heritage, awakening and empowering it to the point where it was able to easily overpower the Hulk. Exposure to the Jhoatun Lau's cosmic radiation caused the Venom symbiote to take on the form of a massive dragon similar to the Grendel, letting it hold its own against Jhoatun Lau in combat. [47][57][58], The symbiote that would eventually become Venom was purportedly the 998th generation of a lineage of symbiotes,[33] hatched on the planet Klyntar from an egg. Apologizing for what it had done, the symbiote said that both Eddie and Dylan would be better off without it before departing from their lives. It used Richard's DNA as the starting base; thus, himself and Peter are "related" to it. An unnamed planet [84] Gath attempted to take the Venom symbiote for himself, but Venom broke free of his control and attempted to eat him; though he was defeated and had his symbiote stolen by the sorcerer. He was then tied in metal plates by Nova, and left by his symbiote as he revealed he wanted to kill Nova because he wanted to erase any memory of his good deeds from the time he had his moral axis inverted from anyone who remembered it. While the summoned Carnage proved unpredictable, he was persuaded to cooperate with the Resistance, who were aided by Poison Deadpool - whose mental instability enabled him to resist being fully consumed. [7] (Later resurrected by King Loki using All-Black)[4]Decapitated by Atli after Frigg and Ellisiv restrained him with lightning (Consciousness possessed All-Black after his death. [101] The symbiote invasion force Venom summoned managed to infect the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers before conquering most of Manhattan, but were vanquished when Spider-Man, Moon Knight, and Max Modell were able to use Groot to create an artificial Anti-Venom symbiote. Convinced that a nuclear war was inevitable, the Life Foundation's clients payed to assure that the human race (and they in particular) would survive the cataclysm in luxury. Venom, controlled by the symbiote, also became aware of the spawn and resolved to protect it and culture it as an ally. There is no family structure, and in fact it seems to be common among corrupted symbiotes for parent and offspring to hate each other. However, Venom merged with Rex and ended up trapping the Grendel in a blast furnace, incinerating him along with Rex. They quickly run after him through the desert and merge into more powerful Venoms. Symbiotes can control the actions of their hosts to a certain point. A notable aspect of the Venom symbiote in its portrayal in the show, The symbiote shares similar aspects with the, The canonicity of the Venom symbiote bonding to Deadpool in, When Tel-Kar was in control of the Venom symbiote, the symbiote took a similar design to the. Gorr used his new weapon, All-Black the Necrosword, to kill the gold-armored god; then vowed to seek vengeance against all gods for never answering his prayers, and set out to kill them all. Hair The individuals eventually became known by the codenames Scream, Riot, Phage, Agony, and Lasher. [67] Later, The Wizard blew up his secret base, with Kasady still inside, apparently killed. Jubulile was given more power when Montesi took the Darkhold from Carnage and fed her psychic energies from all over the world, allowing her to become powerful enough to banish Chthon. Spider-Man led Brock to doubt the nature of his relationship with his symbiote, suggesting that it had been controlling him. [42] Giving birth to a new spawn, Sleeper, Venom's peaceful existence was thrown into chaos following the resurgence of the Knull, leading to them briefly parting ways when it was revealed the symbiote had been altering Eddie's memories all along. Griffin Sheridan, Ryan Stegman (August 31, 2019). With the symbiote wounded, Agent Venom revealed his identity to Spider-Man in the hopes that he would be shown mercy, and escaped when Spider-Man tried to kill him. Their plan worked, putting that world's Dylan in a coma state. Dr. Tanis Nieves was provided with one after losing one of her arms in an altercation between Hall Industries' Iron Rangers and the Doppelgnger. Special Adaptations Learning of Alchemax's involvement, Eddie struck a deal with CEO Liz Allan to stop Stegron's plot in exchange for her company's help in finding out what was wrong with the Venom symbiote; and succeeded with the help of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. The Symbiotes are a species of inorganic,[8] amorphous, symbiotic extraterrestrials created from the "living abyss" at the beginning of the universe by the primordial deity Knull, who manifested a sword of living darkness called All-Black from his shadow to slaughter the Celestials and other deities. There are several levels of biological symbiosis, or "bonding" that can be achieved between a symbiote and its host, each with different biological consequences. They have outward-curved tusk-like fangs, and their main body has six arms, giving it a strong resemblance to an asura. However, most of them died. Tyrannosaurus weakened the dragon with sonic bombs. Scott Washington was one of the guards charged with guarding and transporting Justice, arrested and convicted in Vault for the murder of his father. The first host of the Toxin symbiote is former NYPD cop Patrick Mulligan. Facing the combined might of Spider-Man and Venom, Carnage was captured and his symbiote seemingly destroyed. Griffin Sheridan, Ryan Stegman (July 28, 2019). Knull is a primordial deity who emerged after the destruction of the sixth iteration of the cosmos and was originally content to drift through the endless void until the Celestials arrived and began to create the seventh iteration of the Marvel Universe. [117], However, despite having claimed a symbiote-dragon as his new body, Cletus seemingly decided against pursuing his plans of godhood, leading to a falling out with the Carnage symbiote that saw it expelled from the Extrembiote. Many of these retcons were aimed at further developing the character of. Bedlam attacked Venom while he was trying to stop a rival biker gang called the Hell Hounds from razing the city, but Venom impaled Bedlam through the head and left him for dead. The one exception comes once every 1,000 generations, when a symbiote is born with a high risk of psychotic breakdown, and must be guided by older symbiotes, or else destroyed. Once Carnage and his allies were subdued, Venom returned to San Francisco and resumed his tenure as the Underground City's protector; crossing paths with other superheroes, anti-heroes, and villains such as the Punisher,[55] Juggernaut,[56] Darkhawk,[57] Daredevil,[58] Iron Man,[59] Morbius,[60] Mace,[61] Hulk,[62] Vengeance,[63] and a second encounter with Darkhawk and Wolverine. Meanwhile, the Mexican gang takes Jenna hostage and their leader provokes the heroes; the two, after some quarrel and an exchange of blows, decide to leave with Henry, Franks partner, for the lair of the criminals, with the intention of freeing Jenna on one side and taking the opportunity to kill all the criminals, including Anti-Venom, on the other. )[1]Consciousness destroyed by King Thor when he unleashed the full power of the god tempest at All-Black the Necroverse and destroyed the primordial symbiote (Later restored to life as a mortal. Spider-Man tracked down Venom and the two made a deal Venom would help him track down and defeat Carnage, and Spider-Man would leave Venom alone. As a result of his symbiote and psychopathy, he is also immune to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare. [46] When Spider-Man bonded with the symbiote to defeat the Red Goblin, even disliking the idea, he forgave the symbiote for all that happened between them in the past, saying for it not to worry about him and to avoid the fire around them when they separated, showing he does care for it. Scott got his revenge on the X-Eazy, the gang that had crippled him, drawing the attention of the press, but also of the Jury unit. "Abyss", Howard Mackie(w),John Romita Jr.(p),Scott Hanna(i). Scream brought the others to New York in search of Venom, hoping he would help them learn to control their symbiotes. On October 10, 2022, Marvel Comics announced the Summer of Symbiotes upcoming event for New York Comic-Con in summer 2023. Its on 9x12. When Norman Osborn attacked, crippling Gargan and bonding Miles to a portion of the Grendel symbiote,[188] the Venom symbiote speared Osborn through the chest and demanded that Eddie kill him and Miles, while threatening to abandon him for a stronger host if he didn't find the resolve to do what was needed to end the war. [73] Even though the spell brought out a desire to do good, his sociopathic tendencies made it hard for him to behave like a hero, causing him to brutalize criminals and still be treated as a villain. [38][39] At least one feral Klyntar, the Carnage symbiote, has demonstrated the ability to convert consumed organic material into additional biomass, using this power to assist in conquering the town of Doverton, Colorado and to regenerate from a small tissue sample after being separated from its host. The exact point in time when Knull first began creating [53], The Carnage symbiote eventually reunited with Cletus by taking over Dr. Tanis Nieves, Shriek's psychologist, who had been outfitted with one of the prosthetic arms derived from it after she was caught in an attack Doppelganger. When the Tyrannosaurus symbiote sacrificed itself to drag Knull's avatar into the blast furnace, Eddie sustaining severe burns while holding the door shut. [105] Growing increasingly annoyed by Osborn's delusion of being Cletus Kasady, Dark Carnage returned to his lair underneath Grand Street and unleashed his horde on the city:[11] sending the symbiote-doppelgangers to rampage and flush out former hosts in-hiding; "Demagoblin" and Man-Wolf after Misty Knight;[106] the Knull-corrupted Riot, Agony, Phage, and Lasher after Normie to claim his Carnage codex; and Osborn after the Scorpion to claim his Venom and Mania codices; and the resurrected Knull-corrupted Scream after Andi Benton to claim her Mania codex. Most symbiotes have a weakness against intense sonic vibrations and heat, with known exceptions being, Unnamed gorilla (Status unknown; presumed alive), Unnamed mammalian aliens (Status unknown), Unnamed Ararat Corp scientists (Deceased). The symbiote would occasionally be separated from Cletus and bond to other hosts, such as, In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the. Venom has been drawn with a white chest emblem in flashbacks prior to bonding to Spider-Man. Swimming to the Indian Ocean, he took over a Somali pirate employed by a local warlord before slaughtering him and his militia, then transferred to an arms dealer employed by Alchemax. In the Ultimate Marvel universe, the Venom suit is a man-made creation born of an experiment by Richard Parker and Edward Brock Sr., who were hoping to develop a protoplasmic cure for severe illnesses. Donny Cates(w), Iban Coello(a),Andres Mossa(col),Clayton Cowles(let),Devin Lewis, Lauren Amaro and Nick Lowe(ed). Spider-Man helped Eddie Brock (who was being held prisoner) escape. [146] Revolted by Lee's callousness and casual attitude towards murder, the symbiote berated and threatened Lee in an attempt to intimidate him, and even attempted to take over him, but was suppressed by his army training. The separate symbiotes are assigned to four servicemen, each with a different role in apprehending Carnage. [23][47] As a result, it was eventually imprisoned by its malevolent brethren, who considered it an aberration and feared it would contaminate the gene pool. Origin and Living Status Comixfan, the #1 Online Comics Resource! Personal Information [32] Though exceptional in athletics, Brock switched his major in college to journalism after reading an article on the Watergate scandal. White The new "costume" had several useful properties -- the ability to mimic other forms of clothing, a "dimensional aperture" which could store small objects without adding bulk to the costume, and its own source of webbing -- which Spider-Man initially attributed to its alien origins. The character was created by David Michelinie and Ron Lim. Bolivar Trask, who was funding the research, intended to weaponize it. After receiving a cryptic warning from Meridius that he was going to die and that his loved ones would be in danger, Eddie tapped into the Hive-Mind to see if he could find out who was attempting to kill him and had a vision of Bedlam. However, its growing rage and bloodlust, coupled with its possessiveness towards Eddie, led to it violently lashing out at and trying to kill those it perceived as threatening its bond with him, such as a priest who suggested Eddie reconsider re-entering into a previously abusive relationship. Origin and Living Status Donny Cates(w),Ryan Stegman(p),JP Mayer(i),Frank Martin(col),VC's Clayton Cowles(let),Edward Devin Lewis(ed). After feeding on multiple people, Carnage turns into a damaged form of Richard and Peter, with the memories of itself as Spider-Man. Following the events of Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: The symbiote-augmented Mysterio attacked Spider-Man attempting to take the rest of the symbiote for himself, but was stopped by Black Cat and Spider-Man, the symbiote reabsorbing its missing piece. Carnage[2] Purportedly, he was born in the Ravencroft Institute to a mother with paranoid schizophrenia, who died shortly after his birth. Most can also avoid detection by Spider-Man's "spider sense" might also work on other people such as Electro in Web of Shadows. Venom wanted nothing to do with them and fought Scream. ", VENOM BOIZ! Tel-Kar instructed the leader of the refugees to take the symbiote to Hala, but the symbiote left them to search for Tel-Kar and was abandoned by the refugees to be marooned on a planet when the ship crash-landed. She killed off her former compatriots with a sonic blade, not realizing that the symbiotes themselves had survived. Dan Slott and Mike Costa(w),Ryan Stegman and Gerardo Sandoval(p),Jay Leisten(i),Brian Leber(col),VC's Joe Caramagna(let),Nick Lowe(ed). Spider-Ham, who liked his original suit,[86] returned to the red-and-blue uniform after this encounter,[87] Later, during the event known as Secret Furs, Spider-Ham was seen using a different black-and-white uniform while fighting Doctor Octopussycat for a refrigerator in Bobcat Barker's "Whale of Fortune" test. David Michelinie, Todd McFarlane Then it ordered Eddie to put them inside the furnace and burn them, denying Knull the chance to escape Klyntar. When Spider-Man attempted to send the aliens home, he accidentally released them across New York City. The clone stayed in stasis inside a chamber until Peter, with Norman's mind, became Goblin God and awoke the hybrid. The toy line also featured a four-armed symbiote named Riot, which was loosely based on the unnamed symbiote in the comic What if Scarlet Spider Killed Spider-Man?. The Venom symbiote broke free from Knull's control and rebonded to Eddie's codex, incarnating as a gigantic version of Venom. center. [105], Having a Christian reawakening after watching the Passion of Christ, Eddie was unable to stomach the symbiote's bloodlust and decided to expunge himself of it by selling it at a super villain auction and donating the money to charity. [46], At some point, the symbiote bonded to an alien native to an icy world - who it later recalled as its first host - believing him to be a noble warrior and worthy host. After saving reporter Alice Gleason from a new Sin-Eater, whom Kasady seemingly killed, he kidnapped her to teach him how to be a real hero. There is some speculation that this is due to the symbiote's gestation on Earth. Eddie intervened when the vicious symbiote Bedlam attacked Finnegan when he tried to warn Eddie of something but was unable to stop Bedlam from taking Finnegan. Eddie's son Dylan, who had symbiote powers similar to Knull's, eventually entered the battlefield to avenge his father. [102] The Venom symbiote also assimilated a significant amount of the Carnage symbiote, which attempted to take it over from the inside and may have contributed to its growing bloodlust. Bizarnage took a bite of the hook and parted ways with Johnny Red Storm so he could crash into Spider-Boy instead. Carnage misinterpreted her betrayal as a warning that falling in love was dangerous, and reaffirmed his desire to become a superhero while escaping. [151] Alchemax decided to help Eddie if he brought Stegron to them along with the equipment he stole. [5], Ultimately overwhelmed by shame and despair, Eddie - who had been raised a devout Catholic - decided to visit Our Lady of Saints Church to beg forgiveness from God before intending to commit suicide. Donna assisted by Venom managed to kill the beast, but was seriously injured. Tyro is the iteration that followed Wilde. Big Black Things,[citation needed] Black Bloom,[1] Black Ichor,[2] Children of Knull,[3] Corrupters,[4] Dark Aliens,[5] Everblack,[6] Klyntar,[7] Symbian,[7] Symbiotes On one occasion, while Brock was incarcerated for his crimes as Venom -- and while he patiently waited for the escaped symbiote to free him -- he shared a cell with serial killer Cletus Kasady. [168] Tel-Kar dominated the Venom symbiote, suppressing its consciousness and using it to attack a Skrull military installation containing a species-annihilating bio-weapon, but it broke free of his control when he attempted to kill Eddie and its offspring. Occupation Bonded to the Venom symbiote's seventh spawn, Sleeper. Having accomplished his goals, Cletus escaped with Agony and later sent Gemma to keep an eye on Arthur Krane, who had taken his father's place as senator but was depressed without the symbiote. Venom and his descendant symbiotes have been shown to be adept at controlling their coloration. [156] The symbiote eventually decided to escape and destroyed the bathroom before noticing a shard of glass fall down the drain. [150] However, Eddie's faith was not unshakable, and he would occasionally find himself doubting whether God was listening,[151] which led him to ultimately abandon his faith. Being bonded to and later indwelling the Carnageized Grendel symbiote grants Cletus the following powers: Darkhold Augmentation: After the Darkhold was exposed to his blood, Cletus Kasady was connected to the eldritch god Chthon. [140] After being separated from Flash by Gramosian space pirates, the symbiote bonded to their leader, Mercurio, as part of a ploy on Flash's and the symbiote's part in order to buy time for their allies to arrive and to obtain intel on Mercurio's armada. Christos N. Gage and Dan Slott(w),Jorge Molina(p),Jay Leisten, Craig Yeung and Roberto Poggi(i),David Curiel(col),Travis Lanham(let),Nick Lowe and Kathleen Wisneski(ed). Pleased that Kasady's insatiable bloodlust was intact, the Poisons brought him onboard their flagship and offered him the chance to become Carnage again if he allied with them. Origin and Living Status As "Ancient Venom," in the thrall of the Symbiote God. Eyes 61 (1.85 m),4 (1.22 m) (without prosthetic legs),Variable (as Carnage) At an early age, his mother and father died, leaving Gorr to fend for himself in the harsh environment. Stronger Klyntar having greater influence. Living Status Following the events of Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame, Thor Odinson has It scolded him for suppressing it and revealed it had shunted the Hell-Mark onto its clone to keep the demon from taking over them. These abilities include the following: Because they record the genetic material of each of its hosts, there are also additional powers that have been demonstrated, but are not necessarily universal to all symbiotes: However, the symbiotes also possess weaknesses that can be fatal. However, Carnage was unaffected by The Wizard's powers and attacked him. [152], Together, they arrested criminals and the symbiote felt good to be a hero again. Creators He makes his appearance at the end of issue #299, which continues in the Venom story arc. Furthermore, according to Flavio Sette, Venom's reversion to villainy in the late 1990s and early 2000s was due the miniseries' decline in sales. [143] In a mental conversation with Spider-Man, the symbiote admitted it was addicted to rage as a result of its first host, and expressed genuine remorse for everything it had done to Spider-Man. The assembled team gone to stop Kulan Gath plans, eventually leading to it's brethren's death and forced the cult to retreat. [122], In the Spider-Man Unlimited series, a Synoptic is introduced. They can cause the symbiote physical pain and discomfort, whereas "more powerful" attacks might be completely ineffective. The symbiotes function as living extradimensional tesseracts, requiring living hosts to anchor them to the fabric of space and time. The Carnage symbiote appears to be more dense as well, allowing its host to become more durable and stronger than the Venom symbiote would allow. [23] Regardless, Roscoe was arrested and received no defense from Cletus during his trial, having been sentenced to execution. The symbiote fused with the sleeping Spider-Man's suit, enhancing his powers, abilities and anger. When Peter returned to normal, the hybrid, under the alias Mayhem/Spider-Girl, went to live with the Parker family, naming herself April Parker. After having kidnapped and sold a drunk Tony Stark at A.I.M. Codenames:The Black Suit[2]Nicknames:Symby[3]Impersonations:Spider-Man[4]Other Aliases:998th,[5] Ancient Venom,[6] Blackhearted Suit,[7] Corrupter,[8] The Original Symbiote,[9] The Other,[10] The Spider's Black Spirit,[11] Svartalfvenom,[12] Symbio Sword,[13] Vengeance,[14] Venom Blade[13] [127] To protect his friends and loved ones in New York, Flash subsequently moved to Philadelphia, struggling to cope with the supposedly lobotomized symbiote subconsciously undermining his control. "Venom Inc Alpha", David Michelinie(w),Steve Lightle(p),Bill Oakley(i),Marie Javins(col),VC's Jonathan Babcock(let),Bob Budiansky(ed). Escaping into the sewers in search of Eddie, it scared a couple of city workers before finally finding and rebonding with Eddie, who had met up with Black Cat. [102] However, both the symbiote and Eddie survived, feeding on numerous criminals and gang members to recuperate from their injuries, and agreed to work together as Toxin for the purpose of hunting down and killing Agent Venom. The Sin-Eater who claimed to be the spirit of Emil Gregg fed on Carnage's sins, growing into a giant while Cletus feels the burden on his conscience being relieved. Dylan tracked down Eddie - whose cancer had seemingly resurfaced - and revealed that Carl was physically abusive towards him, Eddie agreeing to help him before passing out after having a hallucination of Dylan turning into Knull. w/Donny Cates: Venom #1 Q and A, ryan stegman on Twitter: "@Exastiken DEVIL CARNAGE. He follows a personal code of honor that requires him to come to the aid of those he considers innocent (notably Carnage). Carnage's Hive (Leader)Formerlypartner of Shriek, Cult of Knull, Symbiote Hive prophet of Knull, Astonishing Avengers, Chthon, The Hive The clone symbiote eventually bonded to soldier Patricia Robertson, who travelled to New York to kill Venom. [114], "What if? Citizenship 63 (1.91 m),Variable (as Venom, Anti-Venom, and Toxin) A swarm of Brood that had been overtaken by symbiotes later invade the S.W.O.R.D. A large Red King in Black who acts as Meridius's encoforcer. Hybrid is the fusion of four of the Life Foundation symbiotes into a single symbiote. The symbiote was eventually bonded to a soldier named Tel-Kar, and underwent months of training alongside him before they were dispatched to fight in the Kree-Skrull War, acting as a deep-cover spy, saboteur, and assassin. While symbiotes can somewhat heal their hosts, they generally seek to force their hosts to depend on them in order ensure their own survival. [93][94][95], The symbiote was briefly separated from Eddie by Senator Ward, who wanted to study it to better understand his own alien affliction,[96] though it was eventually returned to him. The symbiote can grant its host an elongated jaw, fangs, claws, tentacles, and a prehensile tongue which are really part of its body. inability to bond to more than one host, as shown when Venom tried to bond to both Eddie and Peter at the same time, susceptibility to feelings - in the storyline, numerous occasions have shown that when a corrupted symbiote remains bonded to a host for too long, the symbiote will eventually consume the body of the host, leaving the host a dead husk (see the soldiers who were bonded to the Grendel symbiotes. Enraged, Carnage followed the false Nova, but lost sight of her. [175], Mental Instability: Eddie has been repeatedly shown relapsing into his unstable "lethal protector" mindset. [32], Prior to its cleansing by the symbiotes hive mind, the symbiote considered Peter Parker to be its ideal host, and through bonding with him it developed a basic understanding of complex emotions. According to some sources (including itself), the symbiote was the The concept was created by a Marvel Comics reader;[1] the publisher purchased the idea for $220. [37] Compelled to return to Klyntar by the symbiote hive-mind,[38] the Venom symbiote was temporarily cleansed of its corruption and joined the Agents of the Cosmos until Flash returned to Earth. [139] Together with Flash, the symbiote acted as an Agent of the Cosmos, seeking to restore order across the universe. With this union, Brock immediately discovers the true identity of the Spider-Man. In the What The--? When Ego the Living Planet arrives, the All-Black goes to Ego and transforms him into Ego the Necroplanet, who then eats Galactus. He later tortured his mothers dog. During Flash's sojourn into space as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Venom symbiote became increasingly erratic, eventually seizing control of him and rampaging until they were separated, whereupon it took control of numerous members of the Guardians of the Galaxy until it managed to arrive to the destination it was being led to: the original Planet of the Symbiotes. The Phage symbiote survives, and he is imprisoned and experienced on La Chapelle in conjunction with his siblings (with the exception of Carnage and Scream). At one point, Venom was captured by the Life Foundation, an organization that made a comfortable living in preparing for the world's nuclear annihilation. First Subsequently, in an attempt to heal Spiderman from the radiation emitted into his body by the spider that gave him the powers, he stole a part of him and from that moment, when the two get too close, Spider-Man loses his abilities. Other symbiotes - like the clone of the Venom symbiote - deliberately drain their hosts' vital fluids and/or physically consume them from the inside-out. Tricked into being trapped in the Dream Dimension, the symbiote persuaded Nightmare to help them escape and was tempted when the demon offered an alliance and suggested it use the Word of God to become a deity itself. the ability to change shape and size at will. Scott retains great anger as a result of this event, showing great proneness to violence that the symbiotes try to curb rather than encourage him, contrary to the usual behavior of the symbiotes. [148] When the plan of the FBI agents fell through, Eddie Brock and his anti-symbiotic task force set out to capture him. The Venom symbiote spent over a year on Earth-1051 with Eddie and his family, and arrived back to Earth-616 just in time to Knull's arrival.[198]. [24] Conversely, the individual who it later identified as its first host had a disastrous impact on it; using it to carry out a genocide against his homeworld and leaving it a bloodthirsty predator addicted to rage. The symbiote, having grown more powerful in the years since Spider-Man had been its host, broke free and sought to return to its former host. Alter egos (Hosts): Ramon Hernandez, Marcus Simms, SadieDebut: Venom: Lethal Protector#4 (May 1993). While Eddie was initially reluctant to reunite with it, Cletus transformed into Dark Carnage - a towering skeletal monster - and easily overpowered them. [125], Several weeks after being cleansed of his metabolic affliction, Eddie began to have recurring nightmares - unaware that the symbiote was pregnant with its seventh offspring. [31] Despite excelling academically and becoming a successful journalist, Eddie was never able to impress his father. It was later forcibly bonded to Eddie Brock by the, A hybrid symbiote created accidentally when the codexes of the Venom symbiote in Eddie Brock's body were combined with his, A primordial god of darkness who manifested the first symbiote from his shadow in order to kill a. Confused and angry, Eddie confronted Meridius, who dismissed his concerns and left him in the care of Tyro. The character actually appeared long before he became Venom, in the form of Symbiote # 998. [111], In a later timeline, Mayhem accidentally killed the real Spider-Girl and became a murderous vigilante after killing American Dream. [130] Flash sought shelter with his friend Peter Parker, not knowing that he was Spider-Man and had been overtaken by his enemy Otto Octavius. En route to New York, Cletus devoured the crew of the plane before eating a driver who mistook him for a "Doctor Miller". [50] The purpose of the codex is to share information about the host with the rest of the hive,[47] though it can influence the host, enabling them to track the symbiote if separated from it. In Earth-1610, the Venom symbiote was developed as a proto-plasmic suit by Richard Parker and Edward Brock Sr., who intended to use it as a medical cure for cancer. After Dixon left and Gargan was arrested, Eddie gave Alchemax custody of the newborn symbiote, telling Liz Allan that they could study it non-invasively until he and the Venom symbiote decided it was ready to bond to a worthy host. Knull eventually awoke to find he could bind his living abyss to lesser creatures and control their new form as ships. White The character was introduced as the fusion of four symbiotes (Lasher, Phage, Agony and Riot), bonded to prison guard Scott Washington. Seeking to corrupt Flash, it lured him to its first host's homeworld, where it took him over and it attempted to drive him insane with his darkest memories. Once there, the Punisher lets Anti-Venom go into the base, where he is again provoked and surrounded by the Mexican gang, whose boss informs him over the phone that Jenna has been drugged. [97] The other symbiote names became popular among fans but did not appear in an official Marvel work until the 2011 Carnage U.S.A. mini-series. After that, he started using the head's cosmic energies as a forge for the symbiotes, which is how they developed the weaknesses to sound and fire. [50][51] Feeding off Peter's desire to be a hero and protect those weaker than himself, the symbiote began taking over his body while he slept to fight crime. Death Mike O'Sullivan, Rob Bock, Anthoney Cotilletta, Pat Duke, Mike Fichera, Daron Jensen, Rob London, Chris McCarver, Jacob Rougemont and Stuart Vandal(w),Wellinton Alves, Simone Bianchi, Nick Bradshaw, Sal Buscema, John Byrne, Roberto Castro, Paul Catling, Jim Cheung, Gene Colan, Gabriele Dell'Otto, Steve Ditko, Andrea Di Vito, Jack Dudman, Anthony Francisco, Javier Garrn, Adi Granov, Bob Hall, Scott Hepburn, Dave Johnson, Gil Kane, Jack Kirby, Nic Klein, Jos Ladrnn, Bob Larkin, Aaron Lopresti, Jorge Lucas, Chris Marrinan, Francesco Mattina, Mike Mayhew, Steve McNiven, Gray Morrow, Rudy Nebres, Ariel Olivetti, Paul Pelletier, George Prez, Keith Pollard, Olivier Pron, Joe Quinones and Humberto Ramos(p),Mark D. Beazley, Jennifer Grunwald, Sarah Brunstad, Jeff Youngquist and Alex Starbuck(ed). Place of Birth Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. [12], During the Kree-Skrull War, the Kree wanted to replicate the Skrull's shapeshifting abilities; they acquired a newborn symbiote which had been outcast from its species on the planet where Knull had created them. 2) #17(May, 2012)(As Toxin)King in Black #5(April, 2021)(As King in Black) WebLoki Laufeyson is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.While the character first appeared in Venus #6 (Aug. 1949), the characterization that has persisted to the modern day, created by writer Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and penciller Jack Kirby, first appeared in Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct. 1962). Toxin can also blend in with its surroundings and become undetectable, and he can form solid weapons from his limbs like his father. As seen with Venom and Carnage, the symbiote's personality and psychology depends largely on the host's nature, as the link between the host and the symbiote is what gives the symbiote a purpose and meaning to their life. Venom Gallery After Eddie was taken to the hospital, the Venom symbiote put him into a comatose state, cocooning his body. Unusual Features Rick Remender(w),Lan Medina(p),Nelson Decastro,Terry Pallot(i). During the invasion of Earth by Knull and his symbiotes, she destroys Agony, Lasher, Phage, and Riot who were attacking a young boy. When the Silver Surfer arrived with the God of Light, Knull's opposite, it immediately took possession of Eddie's deceased body, resurrecting and transforming him into Captain Universe. Agony, Anti-Venom, Carnage, Hybrid, Lasher, Mania, Phage, Raze, Riot, Scorn, Scream, Toxin, Venom, Zzzxx. "Planet of the Symbiotes; Growing Pain", Larry Hama(w),Duncan Rouleau(p),John Stangeland(i),Tom Smith and Malibu Color(col),VC's Ken Lopez(let),Tom Brevoort(ed). MobileFormerlythe planet Klyntar Cletus was contacted by beings of the Microverse, who managed to see inside his mind and offer him a treat: they would give him the Microverse to get a whole new universe to kill in exchange for his services. For a while, Mulligan did his best in balancing work, his family life, the difficult new symbiote, and his new career as the crimefighter "Toxin"; however, he was later murdered by Blackheart, who took the symbiote and bonded samples of it to clones of X-23. Rex Strickland's Warehouse, Manhattan, New York "Ve'nam", Donny Cates(w),Ryan Stegman(p),JP Mayer(i),Frank Martin(col),VC's Clayton Cowles(let),Edward Devin Lewis(ed). [97] When the symbiote's gaslighting of Eddie by manipulating biochemistry to trick him into thinking he had terminal cancer caused him to actually develop the disease,[98] the symbiote sought to forsake him and once more began hunting prey on its own; attempting to rebond to Spider-Man and expressing outrage when he tricked it into rebonding to Eddie. [7][22], The exiled corrupted symbiotes resumed infecting and overtaking entire planets,[23][24] spreading what the Symbiotes claimed was misinformation about their benevolent counterparts. In the process, he accidentally killed his neighbor's young son, leaving him horrified. Carnage defeated him by overloading him with a last sin: that he loved all the destruction he caused, and the Sin-Eater dwindles into a shriveled corpse that disintegrates. Donna Diego, alias Scream is a supervillain appearing in the fictional universe created by Marvel Comics. Male Not long after Sleeper's departure, Eddie lost his job at the Fact Sheet and became a freelance reporter. [51] Orbiting Earth, Carnage's body crashed into a satellite owned by Hall Industries,[52] and was recovered by Michael Hall, a competitor of Tony Stark. Height [43] Guided by remnants of the Carnage symbiote within his body, Kasady travelled to the Negative Zone, where he struck an alliance with Blastaar offering to aid his conquest of Earth. He can stick to walls, can change his identity to that of a completely different person and also has unlimited webbing, which takes on a shape of a steel chain in his case. Accidentally improved by Knull. After draining Malone to death, the Venom symbiote set a trap and ambushed the costume, tearing it to pieces and revealing it was an artificial construct assembled by alien spider-like machines. Living Status Other characters have later merged with the Venom symbiote, including the villain Mac Gargan, and Flash Thompson, who became the superhero Agent Venom. [12][13] The Exolon are also a byproduct of Knull's experiments with the living abyss, being imperfect symbiotes he discarded in the Exoteric Latitude. [86] The Venom symbiote also became the target of a Xenophage that had been drawn to Earth following the Symbiote Invasion, forcing Venom to team up with Scream to defeat it. Toxin also seems to have some sort of quick-healing ability like his predecessors, as his wounds from his first battle with Razor Fist healed instantly. Zzxxx was successfully separated from Raza and later started during battle in rejection against the corrupt Charles Xavier of the Cancerverse. [64][65] Eddie fell in love with Beck Underwood, a lawyer who was fighting to protect San Francisco's homeless population, but when Eddie - at the time infected with a sentient virus that worsened his already unstable psyche and tormented by demons from the Realm of Madness - attempted to forcibly bond the Venom symbiote to her in a manner evocative of rape, Beck ended their romance; though she agreed to stay friends with him in recognition that he hadn't been in control of himself.[66]. Trying to lead it away from civilians, Spider-Man quipped that they were old friends due to him being a former host, which to his surprise the symbiote didn't remember. The Carnage symbiote has shown the ability to somehow convert negative emotions into biomass, There is evidence to suggest that the relative power - or at least physical strength when bonded to a host of comparable build and musculature - increases with each generation, given that. The reason for that difference is Jane was dusted for five years in The Decimation after Avengers: Infinity War (2018). [107] Brock saw his team's subsequent quest to find Carnage and stop him from unleashing Chthon as a signal that God was giving him a second chance to atone for his past wrongs, and tried to become a better man. After it attempted to devour a corrupt cop,[154] Kraven the Hunter,[95] and the Ringer, Eddie finally became fed up and returned to Alchemax to demand an explanation as to the diminishing effectiveness of the cure. Ashamed of their dark past, the symbiotes desired to spread and maintain peace throughout the Cosmos by seeking out worthy hosts from various species in order to create an organization of noble warriors. [32] However, the symbiote's rage and ravenous appetite for flesh returned with its re-corruption, causing problems for Eddie in both his efforts to turn over a new leaf and search for a new job. In Carnage Born, it is revealed that Scorn has been corrupted and started a cult that worships Knull. [52][53] During this time, a piece of the symbiote was stolen by Spider-Man's girlfriend, the Black Cat, at the behest of Mysterio. [9][19], Master Torturer: He is a very skilled torturer and has claimed that he tortured a god of torture once. [18], Still desiring to protect its hosts instead as opposed to dominating them,[23] it was imprisoned by its brethren as they feared it would contaminate the gene pool,[26] with this prison being incorporated into the makeup for Battleworld by the Beyonder. "[15], Cletus decided to go 'back to basics' and went on a seemingly random killing spree with no reason or patterns to his victims. When Spider-Man and Venom entered Ravencroft to prevent Dark Carnage from getting Norman Osborn's Carnage codex, John Jameson - who had been infected by the Grendel symbiote - fell under Carnage's control and set off the alarm, incapacitating the Venom symbiote until Eddie shot out the PA system. Trevor was one of five men and women who were chosen as hosts for the forcibly created Venom spawns. WebGalactus (/ l k t s /) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Formerly a mortal man, Galactus is a cosmic entity who consumes planets to sustain his life force, and serves a functional role in the upkeep of the primary Marvel continuity.Galactus was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first When Ego regained control of himself, Zzxz and Raza were transferred to Zan Philos Resolute Duty corps ship. While the Jury's attack failed, Venom was captured and the symbiote forced to spawn five more symbiotes. For a short while, he was also associated with the characters Angelo Fortunato, Mac Gargan, and Flash Thompson. Eddie was initially confused by its odd behavior; but was captured by Special Agent Claire Dixon - who had been resurrected by the Darkhold and resumed command of the Anti-Symbiote Task Force. Contacting Gregg, Eddie wrote front-page exclusives interviewing the Sin-Eater, protecting his identity under the First Amendment, until a crisis of conscience and pressure from the police and his editor forced him to write an exclusive article revealing Gregg as the Sin-Eater. the Symbiotes explained that the reason Venom Symbiote was acting erratically was that as soon as it returned to space, the Symbiotes managed to reconnect it to their hive-mind, and it was initially disconcerted until it was drawn closer and a better connection was established, allowing the Symbiotes to guide it to their homeworld. [84] Under Eddie's command, the Symbiote Hive executed Carnage,[85] liberated the homeworld of Gorr the God Butcher from marauding space-pirates, repaired the Fault when it tore open and threatened to unleash the Cancerverse once more, and served as proxies to let Eddie meet with multiple groups of heroes simultaneously. [114], During the Dark Avengers' Siege of Asgard, Gargan and the symbiote went on a feeding frenzy before being confronted by Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man. [171] When the new Spider-Man, Miles Morales, attacked, having mistaken Eddie for the Venom that had killed his mother, the symbiote went berserk and nearly killed him before being subdued by a Venom Blast. [123], In the 2021 miniseries Spider's Shadow, the symbiote manages to form a stronger bond with Peter after the Hobgoblin kills May Parker, which leads to Peter succumbing to its influence and killing several of his familiar rogues before the FF are able to expel the symbiote from him. Origin Separating from Eddie in order to restrain the Maker, the symbiote stuffed him in a morgue locker and stole Flash's codex. White eyespots, claws, fangs, and a prehensile tongue while bonded with the Carnage and Dark Carnage symbiotes. [15] While he attempted to unleash the eldritch god Chthon in order to bring about the end of the world, expecting to be granted even greater power in exchange for his services; he made no effort to ally himself with the Darkhold Cult largely because they intended to sacrifice him. This makes him highly-prized to the. [121] Shortly before his plot commenced, Cletus contacted Gemma and Agony through the Hive-Mind to reaffirm their loyalty to the cause, revealing to Andi who was trying to spy on them that he knew they were coming and that it was a trap. Stabbing tendrils into the Hulk's brain, Dark Carnage forced him to revert into Bruce Banner and then ripped the Venom symbiote off of him. When Meridius was showing the newly-arrived Eddie Brock around the Garden and introducing him to the other Kings in Black, "Finnegan" attempted to warn his past self of what was to come. "Project Oversight", Donny Cates(w),Danilo S. Beyruth(p),Cristiane Peter(col),VC's Clayton Cowles(let). Venom is an antihero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. [119] Turning Haze Mancer over to the Nova Corps, they tracked down the bounty hunters - led by Killer Thrill - but their battle to rescue the Starjammers was interrupted with the Poisons revealed they had invaded Earth-616. The first and most well-known symbiote is Venom, who originally attached itself to Spider-Man during the 1985 Secret Wars miniseries. The remnants of his original symbiote in Kasady's blood unsuccessfully attempted to reject the new symbiote, as did Kasady himself, to no avail. Years later he married and fathered some children. [70], When the Red Onslaught was unleashed, Magneto recruited numerous villains to stop the madman's Stark Sentinels. [119] Corrupting the Agony and Riot symbiotes, Cletus sent Agony and its host Gemma Shin who was complicit in his plot to spy on Hank who Flash had sent as a spy. The Red Goblin was then impaled by Harrys Goblin Glider. Symbiote Hive-Mind;[18][19] formerly Ryker's Island, New York; Ravencroft Institute, New York; St. Estes Home for Boys, Brooklyn, New York City, New York Hair He is also addicted to the power bestowed upon him by being bonded to a symbiote, which has caused drastic shifts in his personality.[156][154][24]. [16] In the sixth century, two of Knull's symbiote dragons arrived on Earth and attacked Scandinavia, becoming known as the Grendel and Grendel's Mother. However, a symbiote that was earlier discarded there by Spider-Man sensed his anger and merged with him, becoming one of the deadliest Mac Gargan, who had become the Venom symbiote's host after Angelo's death, attacked the F.E.A.S.T. An organization of noble warriors from various species that were sought out by symbiotes to act as champions, dedicated to protecting those in need and capable of maintaining peace across the universe. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Loss and Restoration of the Carnage Symbiote. During the invasion of Earth by Knull and his symbiotes, this follower of the Dark God fights Scream who will eventually destroy him. However, the strain of being the new King in Black took a toll on Eddie's still-mortal body, causing him to rapidly age over the course of a few months. They're also able to morph their bodies to be able to stand up, walk, and fight with superhuman speed, strength, and durability. Despite Dylan's misgivings, Eddie took the dreamstone - which manifested an artificial symbiote from dark elf magic - and promptly turned on the war-witch. Spider-Man, with the help of a sonic wave cannon, removed Carnage and Venoms symbiote. [184][185] Captured and taken to Stonehenge, the Venom symbiote was tortured by Malekith in an attempt to bend it to his will despite its efforts to resist. After his recovery, Scream searched for the hidden Xenophage ship to help him hunt down as many of the surviving Symbiotes as possible. The character is depicted as an evil deity who created the Recognizing Dylan Brock as Eddie's son and fearing that learning this would cause him to abandon it, the symbiote pretended to be brain dead and began suppressing various memories it sensed would be harmful to him;[98] leading to Eddie not remembering the Maker's repeated attempts to interrogate him over a period of two weeks and forgetting Flash Thompson's death. 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