Isaac: Mrs Hwang, we've come to you about a disturbing matter, concerning a link between Horatio Rochester and the defunct mobster Vittorio Capecchi. A charming lady gave me the warmest smile! Orville West - Shot down while flying his steampack by an insane Abe Mullins with a steam-powered shotgun. You reckon the debris might conceal a clue? Anjulie Cruz - Bisected in half by with a wire by Sven Blattner. Do tell what you gleaned from them, Viola! Why, thanks for the great advice, Chief Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Case 36: In Love and War, Recap/Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past, Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Case 38: Stockbroken, When you find a recording device at the victim's vault, Isaac recalls how the player found a similar one at the victim's cab in, During the Additional Investigation, you come across a photo of Horatio and Vittorio having pasta, After the trial, Chief Wright claims that "a charming lady gave him the warmest smile" at a Rochester party, which refers to. The update provides a summary of ten of the key cases relevant to the commodities sector so far this year. Viola: It must've fallen in the mortar from the killer's head while they crushed the plant! Isaac: Our killer's blue eyes shall be filled with tears when you arrest them, ! Daniel Taylor - Poisoned by Lily Robinson with a poisonous flower. Isaac: , the answers to this mystery must be right in front of us! Stockbroken Isaac: , you succeeded in opening the compartment! Talk to Francine about what happened. Suspects are supporting characters who are suspected of either the murder of the case's victim or any shady crime as the police force sees as being fit,whether they turn up as innocent or guilty of the . Daisy Knight - Mentioned to have died from Meningitis. Jennifer Tanaka - Throat slashed by Brandon Cummings (Tutorial). Criminal Case. Investigate Vault Drawers. And it's enough to put you behind bars for unlawful entry! Mikhail Karamazov - Bashed in the head by Dmitri Lermontov with a brass pestle. But our love only grew stronger in the darkness of secrecy. Please give it to me at once! Mid-investigation, a disguised Miguel informed Vanessa and the player that Oscar used to be part of a college fraternity in Toomeswood long before he met and married Salma. Isaac: Miss Rochester wanted to dismiss Francine? Let us collect those yellow flakes from the paper to know more! Karen Boulder - Suffocated to death after being force-feed tar by Theresa Cole. Viola: It was a breeze! (Result: Champagne Flute), Analyze Champagne Flute. Miss Rochester's maid is on the telephone- Was she the one who gave you this present? Except give you this token of my esteem! Isaac: But we do know that some of those activities involved fraternizing with criminals! I do hope you did not take desperate measures to protect your position! When my boyfriend told me, just shy of our one-year anniversary, that he . Sabine Diamant - Strangled by Boa caused by Jacques Lelarge. District Isaac: The perfume looks like a gift! Isaac: Sounds like a serious predicament for an ambitious woman like yourself, Mrs Hwang. Hank Buxton - Strangled to death by his mother Peggy with a pantyhose. Randolph (human form) - Chest cut open by Jarvis Donne in order to free Randolph's true alien form. Do any of these images bear out his words? Damian Cumming - Mentioned to have accidentally shot himself with his father's gun. What a fanciful idea, ! Once there, Isaac and the player are informed about the death of Clarissa Rochester, head of the Bank of Concordia, who was murdered by being poisoned during a luncheon at her residency. Samuel: , I have irrefutable proof that the Rochesters are conspiring against the common good! Isaac: While her cousin Larry is cut from a different cloth: an extravagant spendthrift with a penchant for hedonism! Examine Perfume. In the case of the above, we are dealing with a Mercury, Moon and Uranus person. (Prerequisite: Writing unraveled; Profile updated: Larry has knowledge of botany and eats golden caviar), Examine Magnifying Glass. Partner(s) Samuel: I have no notion of what you mean, . Mary Gray - Drowned by Alexander Vladinsky. Horatio: That Capecchi fellow? (Result: Horatio Rochester's Signature; New Suspect: Horatio Rochester), Ask Horatio Rochester about the victim. Eduardo Cortez - Mentioned to have died seconds after his birth. You found a bottle of Ginger Storm among the dirty dishes! (Available after unlocking A Run for Your Money), Investigate Victim's Residence. Trey Warner and dozen other people - Died after being experimented on by Ernesto Vega under orders from Shweta Noorani. So was right: this was the victim's champagne flute! Isaac: Larry Rochester! Samuel: No, no, I didn't, ! It's made of this new material called Rockelite! For example, if the government was seeking to obtain the defendant's assets through criminal forfeiture, the government can now try to obtain those assets through civil forfeiture. (Prerequisite: Maddie interrogated; Clue: Box of Crockery), Examine Box of Crockery. Juan Rodrigo Vasquez - Sliced in the face by Tiffany Neng with an ice skater's blade. Annie and several prostitutes - Mentioned to have been killed by Fiona Flanagan as the Scarlet Slayer. Horatio: , tell me you've solved my daughter's murder! Francine: as I turned around, he pinched my bottom! Jerry McKenzie - Killed when his car exploded due to a curse placed by his uncle Ralph. Here, some Cup of Jo readers share their own genius DadTexts: "When my dad calls me, he says, 'Hi, This is Steve Larson, your dad. Talk of the Town. Criminal Case Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also, Emily informed the team that convicted former maid Erikah Goodwin was released from prison much to Vanessa's anger. Isaac: , there are remnants of a crushed plant in this mortar It was a gift from Katherine Just when I decided to give her one myself! It's for the MadMobile! Chief Wright: , I always knew you'd solve this case brilliantly! The poison's been extracted from it already. Moderation doesn't seem to be a virtue she's blessed with. Examine Locked Box. Francine: But life is full of surprises, ! Maddie: Oh, it sounds like a nice idea, Charlie. He was given the death penalty and killed with lethal injection in 1994. In the bank! Isaac: , that camera may be the one Samuel used to take pictures of the Rochesters! Danny Kwame - Shot to death by his mother Serena due to him being a werewolf. Isaac: That locked box bears the insignia of the Bank of Concordia. Francine: You deserved it, you womanizing dandiprat! I must slather some pomade on it quickly on my way! Tyler Snakes - Poisoned by a poison cigarette which was given by Velma Bannister. It takes place in the Sinner's End district of Concordia. The toxin was mixed in with her champagne - the only substance in the victim's stomach. Marigold Carson - Decapitated and mutilated by Tiffany the living doll with a machete. Eduardo Ruiz - Mentioned to have died from a heart attack. Francine: And when I came back to the salon, I found her dead on the sofa, with that awful foam around her mouth! Season: Pacific Bay | Save the World | Mysteries of the Past | The Conspiracy | Travel in Time | Supernatural Investigations | City of Romance Case: Top | The Death of Rosa Wolf | Corpse in a Garden | The Grim Butcher | The Dockyard Killer | A Russian Case | Good Cop Dead Cop | Death by Crucifixion | Beautiful No More | Burned to the Bone | Under the Knife | Into the Vipers' Nest | Blood on . Judge Lawson sentenced her to 20 years in jail. Ronnie Hawk - Strangled to death by Wendell Goh the Wendigo. He abused her verbally and physically. Examine Threatening Note. Patricia Rochester - Shot in the head by Sylvia May to prevent her from exposing her as William Oland's accomplice in the murders of Deputy Mayor Hwang and Edgar Woe. Evie: She says Larry Rochester is back in the house, and that you have to arrest him! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! We must question him again! Moderation doesn't seem to be a virtue she's blessed with. Initially denying involvement, Francine admitted to the crime. I just attended a luncheon at her residence! We young people need joy in our lives! Well blow me down! Isaac: I'm pleased that your romance with Katherine is blossoming, Evie. Isaac: You mean that knowing Madeline's weakness for liquor, she would've been tempted to gulp down what little was left in this champagne flute? Francine: Me, a murderer? Examine Broken Pieces. Whether or not Paige took a stand didn't change the disgusted Judge Whiterock's decision to sentence the drug lord to life imprisonment without parole. Rex Lane - Burnt to death by Rubarae the forest spirit with a flamethrower. See what Samuel has to say. Lindsay Bannister - Stabbed through her heart by Walter Fellows with an antique dagger. And the killer did make one mistake! He's ashamed of buying it from the apothecary, so he mixes it himself, for he's an amateur botanist! Francine: She grew so afraid of a scandal that she decided never to see me again! Paula Mahler - Partially cut in half by Ruthie Samson with a table saw. Samuel: Did you know, for instance, that Horatio smoothes his hair with pomade? Maybe Viola can ascertain what this concoction is, and make some more! Lieutenant General Frank Vogel - Poisoned by Nellie Mortimer with arsenic for giving her syphilis. They contaminated the organic tissue with a synthetic substance that I identified as hair pomade! Isaac Bontemps (All Chapters)Charles Dupont (A Run for Your Money 1)Maddie O'Malley (2 tasks in A Run for Your Money 1) Philomena Highmore - Throat slashed by Ignatius Cottingley with an obsidian knife for trying to uncover his fraud. Inaya and most of Aloki tribes - Killed by Solomon Grimmes and his group to claim their gold mine, creating a new order known as Crimson Order (Flashback). What is it regarding? Maddie: Fires are raging! He says he has information he's willing to trade for lesser charges. Maddie: Now, Charlie, what is it you wanted to say? Meanwhile, Charlie and the player helped Maddie recover from her hangover and she allowed Charles to live in her house's spare room. Exchange rates, deposits And now she's dead before she could've enjoyed her riches! Jacqueline Proust - Burnt alive in a brazen bull by Archibald Gilchrist. Officer Edna Owens - Shot to death by her brother Wilbur on the Italian gang's orders. Khalid Souleyman - Kicked in the head by a horse caused by Hilda Tripton. She was my cousin, I loved her despite her foibles! Gail Harding - Buried alive in cement by Irina Phelps. Later his lungs were stolen by Rupert Snow. Vanessa Kimmel - Strangled to death by Erikah Mabayo to prevent her for telling the team about the Bayou's dark secret. I'll keep it for myself you- Some crushed leaves and a hair from your head were still in it! Abigail Price - Chest burned by Sabrina Kingston with a hair removal laser. She admitted that she not only wanted to kill Oscar for trying to prevent the drug lord's distribution of "moon rocks" which was a lethal concoction of estrogen, opium, ecstacy, meth and fentanyl which was laced inside breathmints intended to sell to sorority girls but she revealed that she was also ordered to kill him by Lady Death who was infuriated by the deaths of drug lord Harris Gaumont and arms dealer Marcia Salvatore. By that despicable Larry Rochester! It is also the first case in the Lions Street district of Toomeswood Contents 1 Plot 2 Summary 2.1 Victim 2.2 Weapon 2.3 Killer 3 Suspects 4 Quasi-Suspects 5 Killer's Profile 6 Crime Scenes 7 Steps 7.1 Chapter 1 Isaac: Well, Samuel did spy on the Rochesters, after all And even a blundering fool like him may have stumbled upon something. Charlie: It was clearly a security device installed in Miss Rochester's vault by the bank! Abner Milton - Stabbed by Easton Belmont for discovering his counterfeit scheme. Isaac: I take it this poisonous plant is what killed Miss Rochester? Clarissa Rochester - Poisoned by her maid Francine for ending their relationship. Madison Springer - Killed with an explosive tiara by Tess Goodwin. Confront Samuel about breaking into Clarissa's vault. Later his spine was stolen by Rupert Snow. Gwak Sung-Ho - Stabbed in the spine with an ice pick by Kang Dong-Yun. And the Wolf Street Stock Exchange! Isaac: Clarissa was your daughter?! Molly Robinson - Poisoned by Margaret Littlewood after eating her poisoned cupcake. Let's see what he can tell us! And now we know which one! Maddie: Ginger Storm is a fizzy refreshment! (12:00:00; Attribute: The killer uses hair pomade), Profiles updated: Francine uses hair pomade, Larry uses hair pomade, Investigate Vault Drawers. Death by Crucifixion. Marcus Butler - Slashed to death by Haruki Kato with a white bear claw. Isaac: I agree, Clarissa's private correspondence may bring forth a new lead in her murder! Simpson was tried for two accounts of murder in 1994. In the The Victim's Vault scene, there is a satirical version of, The stock market collapsing at the end of the case is a parody of the. Meanwhile, the wrongful death lawsuit falls under civil law. Diego: Well, there was one photograph on this roll that might interest you Giovanni Costa - Mentioned to have been shot by young Donovan. Viola: Like I said, handling this plant requires expertise. S.S Agent Jonathan Stafford - Shot in the chest by Sidney Hirsch with a hunting rifle. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 1. (03:00:00; Attribute: The killer eats golden caviar), Examine Pot Debris. Following these events, Evie reported that Clarissa's death had pushed the bank to crisis, causing the stock market to collapse. Isaac: Well, Francine, let's hope it wasn't you who visited revenge upon your mistress. Our inquiries revealed that your daughter wished to adopt an orphan. How is it possible to ransack a secure deposit room in the bank? David O'Connell - Died of cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of amlodipine caused by Rosamund Wilcox. The drug lord however refused to give the senior detective any answers but told Vanessa that she had hidden a stash of "moon rocks" hidden in the seaweed tables of a popular spa. Isaac: Clarissa's life was tragic? Horatio: In fact, I paid a generous compensation to the farmers, after the fraud came to light. Eric Prynce - Stabbed in the stomach by Muriel Cove the mermaid. Larry: But of course, my cousin didn't see it that way! James Parker - Died from his injuries after the car explosion. So I poisoned her at the luncheon, hoping that one of the guests would take the blame for the attempt. Samuel: Miss Clarissa, murdered? Dr. Barnaby Wilson - Beaten to death by Kev O'Connell with brass knuckles. There were just too many fascinating things in that vault about the entire Rochester family! Or tried to pilfer her belongings? Isaac: Too right, , we ought to have a word with the maid! Cases 1 to 6 take place in New Haven Cases 7 to 12 take place in Elysium Fields Cases 13 to 18 take place in Century Mile Cases 19 to 24 take place in Sinner's End Cases 25 to 30 take place in Coyote Gorge Cases 31 to 36 take place in Crimson Banks Cases 37 to 42 take place in Wolf Street Cases 43 to 48 take place in Grim Chapel Dolores Lovelace and 2 other prostitutes - Mentioned to have been killed by Erikah Mabayo. Death Comes to Lunch/Transcript < Death Comes to Lunch View source Isaac Bontemps: <Name>, the Chief asked me to fill in for Madeline today. Isaac: A vain hope, with on the case! What is it you require? By Jove, such a display of decadence! What will the rich think of next? Chief Wright: Yes, the director of the Bank of Concordia! In Criminal Case, the player acts as a detective to solve murder cases, locating relevant clues at crime scenes by clicking items in the scene. Isaac: Miss Clarissa Rochester? Simpson was followed closely by the entire nation. As was an old acquaintance, Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood, who- Take care of the killer now! Tom Blackwater - Impaled by Isaiah Hersberger with a pitchfork for dating his daughter. Isaac: I see. Isaac: Well, if our killer's partial to golden caviar, then prison slop shall be a harsh surprise for them, ! KARACHI: More than a year after the gruesome killing of young Nazim Jokhio, a sessions court on Saturday indicted a PPP lawmaker and seven others for his murder.. MPA Jam Awais and his servants . Henry Crosby - Killed by bomb explosion caused by Donald Byrd. Despite being rich already! And then ransacked the vault, trying to retrieve the photograph before found it? Samuel: So I memorized the code she used and sneaked back in there afterwards by myself! Isaac: Either way, Mrs Hwang didn't mention any conflict with the victim! Lee Dupree - Skewered against a tree by Shawna Knox with barbeque skewers. Judge Lawson: , I'm counting on you to uncover their schemes once and for all! Horatio: , I've just been informed of my daughter's murder! Francine (sweating): I'm mortified I didn't even offer you nibbles and refreshments! With a heavy heart, Antonio decided to lead Jane to the seaweed tables where he started his affair with Kathie and after a surveillance camera revealed that the teacher had seduced several boys during her 35 year tenure of teaching, Jane promptley arrested Kathie who was sentenced to 75 years for statutory rape. Confront Horatio Rochester about his association with Vittorio Capecchi. Viola: Observe, if you please, the damage to the leaves. (Result: Film Roll). Adam Bentley - Shot in the head by Samuel King under orders from Serena Johnson to prevent him for telling the team about Crimson Order's existence. I was so touched when Miss Rochester offered that pretty thing to me, I clumsily dropped it! Isaac: Well, these gold flakes were found on a threatening note from the killer! Isaac: I agree, we must have this specimen analyzed at once! I was hoping that maybe, if you don't mind perhaps I could move in with you? The Flying Squad arrives to Wolf Street, the financial center of Concordia, to investigate which member of the Rochester family was in cahoots with Vittorio Capecchi and his illegal business back in Coyote Gorge, as the Rochesters have a stronghold over the district. you're logged in as - you can:. Queen Catherine of Aragon - Hit in the face by Agnes Manners with a morning star mace. Evie: , there's been a development! His death was later undone when the team restored the timeline. Samuel Rye - Disemboweled by Harry Krane with a Katana. Isaac: Francine, I understand you indignation at this most ungentlemanly conduct. Isaac: But now, we're inquiring into a Rochester's murder! There . Isaac: I expect you're immune to such mistakes, Mr Rochester. Viola: The substance is caviar, a delicacy which was undoubtedly served at the victim's luncheon. Years of faithful service didn't matter if you made a simple mistake! The highest-standing financier of our town! Lorna Westerberg - Shot in the chest by Frankie Paisley. And on that note, and I wish to examine the crime scene once again! Alan Cardwell - Stabbed to death by Paul Oaster with a candlestick for hooking up on his crush. (Prerequisite: Nasal Spray identified under microscope; Profile updated: Sandra uses hair pomade), Investigate Rooftop Buffet. Talk to the Deputy Mayor about her ties to the victim. Charles (sweating): It wasn't broken before! Donna King - Mentioned to have been killed by Shane Kolinsky to warn Samuel about leaving the Order. Darby and Kiera died more than 4 years ago. Analyze Gold Flakes. Hans Vogel - Impaled on a cuckoo clock puppet pole caused by Johan Schnee. And we have cause for celebration: the gang war between the Italians and the Irish is finally over! Teresa Turing - Stung to death by jellyfish caused by her mother Greta Meduse. Isaac: , the maid said the party guests played bowling here. We will all experience death and rebirth as part of our lives: failed relationships leading to new ones, career changes, a new hairstyle. Investigate Rooftop Terrace. I have the worst headache imaginable! Isaac: Either way, you're right, there is a message on the paper: "Clarissa, over my dead body!" I performed some enhancements on the picture, and the paper these two are studying is a railway map! Oscar Rojas - Injected with ayahuasca and brugmansia by Edson Caetano. Have you an inkling as to who could've wished her harm? It was a crime of passion - we were lovers, and Clarissa left me. The government . (15:00:00; Attribute: The killer has blue eyes), See what Samuel has to say. Aileen Greene - Bludgeoned to death by her stepson Scott with a baseball bat. Viola: , I'm relieved it's Isaac working with you today and not Maddie! Conspiracy? Sandra: Excuse me, , I have a bad case of hay fever. But of course, I didn't know anything about that! The Suspects The Chapters The Crime Scenes The Victim The Killer Suspect List Francine Horatio Rochester Larry Rochester Samuel Waldorf-Ridgewood Sandra Hwang Marguerite d'Anjou - Decapitated by her son Louis with a cleaver. Isaac: Larry Rochester? (Available after unlocking A Run for Your Money), Investigate Rooftop Terrace. Examine Gold Pieces. Natasha Flynn - Mentioned to have died to unknown disease. Isaac: You're right, something's written on the picture! Francine sounds most distraught! Maddie (blushing): Me too, Charlie! She later claimed that Clarissa had begun to feel ill during her luncheon and asked her guests to leave early, with her finding Clarissa dead shortly afterwards. Charles: Alright, , let's give this drink to Maddie! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Six men were accused of gang-raping and murdering the 23-year-old medical student, who came to be called Nirbhaya. Isaac: Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood, we understand you have information to trade for lesser charges. We're investigating the death of Clarissa Rochester, your relative. Bob Nelson (Rathimael) - Mentioned to have been killed by demon queen's loyalist. Good luck solving my cousin's murder, ! Francine: No! Brianna Kupfer, 24, was murdered in January at a Los Angeles furniture store where she was working. Isaac: Francine, you were the one who found your mistress dead in the salon. (Result: Victim's Letters), Confront Francine about the victim planning to dismiss her. Similarly, if you want to get somebody fired for harassment or bullying, record what they are. Death Comes to Lunch Shark - Killed by Trevor Finn with a harpoon. Sandra: Anyway, I'm late for a meeting and my hair is a disaster! George Buchanan - Stabbed by Wentworth with a saber on Archie's order for harassing Giulietta Capecchi. With a skull in the corner! It is the first case to take place in the Wolf Street district of Concordia . Progression But there remains a matter we're hoping you could elucidate. Rachel Priest - Died due to the effects of an experimental serum given to her by Alden Greene. Annette Sommeur - Decapitated with a guillotine by Constantin Perrier. My ex shot the gun while making his attack and hit me in the head with the gun, cutting my ear in half. It was me who telephoned the police! Deputy Sheriff Gus McGuff - Shot in the chest by Cody Mays with a sawed-off shotgun under orders from Julia Brine. Isaac: And now, in the absence of any other irregularities to report, we'd better get back to solving Miss Rochester's murder, ! But I see it as my duty to offer all of my expertise to you in this investigation! Isaac: You reckon another visit to the bank vault would provide fresh leads? I don't know how Clarissa even got hold of that photograph! Charles (sweating): I'm not suggesting anything improper! Make them count! Isaac: Clarissa was manifestly displeased with her cousins Larry squandering the family fortune on frivolous escapades! Are they dealing with children or horses? I shall alert the trustees! Francine: Mr Rochester came back to the house under the pretext of fetching some hair pomade he forgot. Later, on the airship Let's task Evie with the thorough study of these letters! Simone's sister- Mentioned to have been whipped to death by Henri Pelletier. Initial release date Isaac: We're close, Mr Rochester, very close. Isaac: Dash it, you're right! Laura Knight - Mentioned to have died in a car crash. But give it a silly name and put it in a fancy bottle, and people will spend their hard-earned shillings on it! Alice Kelly (Golem) - Deactivated by the team for killing Dan. I have fond memories of us solving that murder together at Lady Highmore's picnic! Charles: But circumstances force me to urgently communicate some news to her! Isn't it pretty? A lavish gesture of penance, but the sender neglected to sign it! Let us question the fellow! This represents what you hold onto after you are gone, what you refuse to let go of or release despite the passage of time. Jacob Bontemps - Mentioned to have been accidentally trampled to death by horse indirectly caused by his brother Isaac. It is also the first case in the Lions Street district of Toomeswood. Later, on the airship Isaac: There's a dedication: "They very first copy of your book, and a proud moment for me!" But Milady started feeling unwell, so she asked the guests to take an early leave. Let's go and see if they have some of this miracle drink left over! Isaac: How do you explain this note, then? O.J. Who were the voices, and what did they say? After finding a bloody knife which per Lucas was discovered to have Salma's blood, Miguel's daughter stripper Elanna Esposito decided she would try to talk some sense into Salma but to no avail as the widow felt betrayed by Oscar's past. Isaac: My word, you're right! Sammy Duncan - Decapitated by Joe Littlehat with an axe. Investigate Party Table. Jane Pembroke - Strangled to death by Minnie Star with her own scarf. Ernest Turing - Stuffed to death with money by his robot Per-Sephone. Charles: , do you think you can piece it back together? Elise Marx - Poisoned by her boyfriend Alexis Cardinot with a toxic perfume for blackmailing him. Edward Ramis - Died of cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of amlodipine caused by Rosamund Wilcox. Virginia Watchbird - Impaled on tree branches by Lola Dickinson. Isaac: But now, we're inquiring into a Rochester's murder! (All tasks before must be done first; Clues: Mortar and Pestle, Bowling Bag), Examine Mortar and Pestle. Evie: Clarissa Rochester's death pushed the Bank of Concordia to the brink of a crisis! A shocking case has come to light from Ram Pura Phool where a father of an 8-year-old girl brutally thrashed her. An imposing fellow who found himself implicated in Commissioner Baldwin's murder. That book was written by our victim, Clarissa Rochester! Now- Evie: She says that Larry Rochester is back in the house, and that you have to arrest him! Maddie: Unfortunately, it's so expensive only a Rochester could afford it! If someone was sniffing around in the victim's vault mere hours after her death, it may well be linked to the murder! Francine: We kept it hidden, for her family would have never approved. It is also filed in civil court, and it is a separate proceeding from the criminal case, with a separate judge. Piper Ash - Mentioned to have died of a strobe light-induced seizure caused by Kalua Kaboom. (Result: Recording Device), Confront Samuel about breaking into Clarissa's vault. It definitely wasn't affectionate! Larva ALRIGHT 1.05K subscribers Like Dislike Share 456 views May 19, 2020 Track: Aeden & Um41K - Ain't. Prof. Kevin Charles - Whipped to death by Polly O'Brien, Lucius Roth, Azeeb Patel, Dorothy Kix and Courtney Guerra under orders from Rozetta Pierre. Bernie Silverman - Poisoned by his daughter Vicki. Niilo Virtanen - Shot in the head by a remote sniper rifle by Joel Heller on SOMBRA's orders. Sandy Grimmes - Hacked to death by Shanaya Peota with a tomahawk. And the green hue of her face! Isaac: You're right, , we ought to question this fellow and find out how his magnifying glass peregrinated to Miss Rochester's vault! Criminal Case(frequently abbreviated to "CC") is an adventure, hidden object and puzzle video game series developed and published byPretty Simple. She's still recovering from last night's bender Isaac: And yet someone found her decision deeply objectionable! The Rochesters are involved in criminal wrongdoings! Charles: My landlady kicked me out of my lodgings! Isaac: So either Mrs Hwang gave Clarissa this perfume as an apology, or she received it from her A Rochester, throwing her life away like that! Francine: Are you the police? Let us begin! Officer Barnabas Dycker - Throat slit accidentally by Officer Felix Humphrey. Isaac: The Rochesters have considerable influence in Concordia. Gladys Perrin - Stabbed by Fiona Flanagan. !Criminal Case Mysteries Of The Past - Case #37 - Death Comes to Lunch - Arrest KillerThanks For Watching !. Look sharp, ! Eyes Wide Shut is a case featured in Criminal Case as the twentieth case of Mysteries of the Past (Season 4) and the one-hundred ninety-first case overall. Concordia Francine: You're after me because you know Miss Clarissa wanted to sack me! Mid-investigation, the bank reported that someone had broken into Clarissa's vault. Bank director Clarissa Rochester was poisoned in her home, during a party! Francine (crying): I didn't want Clarissa to live without me And now my life is destroyed as well! I was beside myself, I didn't even hear the doorbell! Charles: Oh no! Examine Blue Substance. Isaac: So when Clarissa decided to warn the trustees and curtail your spendings, you knew you couldn't reason with her Sam Chey - Shot to death by Basil Cavendish. He pointed them to the terrace, where he had forgotten a camera with incriminating pictures. in: Criminal Case, Stickers Death Comes to Lunch/Stickers < Death Comes to Lunch View source General Stickers Transcript This page is a sticker gallery for Death Comes to Lunch . 32. Meanwhile, profiler Jane Fernie decided she needed Antonio to face up to his past in order for the sports car salesman to pay his respects to his dead son. Isaac: Tarnation, never mind the pasta! Isaac: Why, thanks for the great advice, Chief , where do you suggest we go from here? Congratulations: you've brought Clarissa Rochester's murderer to justice! And look, I made you a gift, too! Argat Noyan - Stabbed in the neck by Erhi who was manipulated into doing so by Ammon Bast. It restores energy, and boosts the immune system! But if Miss Rochester wanted her gone, she may have been resentful! Isaac: We've questioned Clarissa's father, Horatio Rochester, who had nothing but praise for his industrious daughter Odette Kamarov - Killed by Tammy Baker using blood thinner pills, making her weep blood. Anyway, why are you bringing this up? (Prerequisite: Victim's Residence investigated; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Rooftop Terrace), Investigate Rooftop Terrace. Sandra: , today's not a good day to distract me. Dick: Now, Viola confirmed that extracting the poison from the plant is a delicate process. Charles: Excellent idea, ! Horatio: She worked tirelessly to expand the Rochesters' wealth and standing. This is a social disaster. Examine Samuel's Camera. Isaac: Mr Waldorf-Ridgewood, you've been unmasked! Isaac: The Deputy Mayor? Charles (blushing): I solemnly promise, Maddie! (Result: Ginger Storm). Isaac: Mr Rochester, if avarice led you to murder your daughter, you'll soon learn the futility of wealth in prison! There are 3 chapters in total for this case along with 6 Scenes and 15 Examinations and Interrogations. Maddie: It's adorable, Charlie! And- Such terribly conjectures! Sam Ellis's son - Mentioned to have been shot by Ruth Wu. Judge Lawson: But the day when murder goes unpunished will NEVER dawn on Concordia! Blood and thun- La muerte means death in Spanish and is a feminine noun (denoted by the feminine article "la") as it is in all Romance languages. Feeling no hope, Elanna decided to turn to her great aunt, land owner Valentina Esposito for help. Burt Montana - Heart ripped out by Louis Scripps. The extract of which killed Clarissa Rochester! Li Jun - Bashed in the head by Ellen Morowitz with a vase. Now, what can you tell us about the letters in Clarissa's vault box? Viola: I succeeded in isolating a speck of sweat from the surface, which I analyzed under the DNA machine. Yes, I was there! (Result: Decorative Plate; New Suspect: Sandra Hwang), Talk to the Deputy Mayor about her ties to the victim. Wendy Stokes - Frozen to death by Rosie Summers with a nitrogen gun under orders from Shweta Noorani. That is the real crime here, Your Honor! Penny Farrell - Strangled to death with a dog leash by Kitty Young. Harriet Patrick - Stabbed to death by Colin James for caught him stealing. Wilhelm Moss - Poisoned by Patrick Rufio with a neurotoxin ampule. Larry: Besides, I'm averse to the degree of exertion involved in plotting murders and ransacking vaults. Fortunately setting up a Santa Muerte altar . Isaac: A camera on the rooftop, you say? Grard Arnault - Head bashed in with a cat statue by Eugene Donkin. Desperate, even! A sleuthing enthusiast who was embroiled in a murder at Lady Highmore's picnic? Caitlin - Disemboweled in park by Fiona Flanagan as the Scarlet Slayer. We are in a grave predicament! Isaac: Mrs Hwang, are you prepared to close your eyes to such an obvious machination? Isaac: Capecchi was a gangster! These instruments might be what the killer used to crush Weeping Nellie to extract it poison! Bodies are building up! Evie: , forgive me for interrupting, but have you seen the evening Gazette? Stacy Lovely - Impaled on a giant martini stick by Jeremy Bowman. I'll be dashed if that isn't the late Vittorio Capecchi dining with Horatio! Roberto Vasquez - Stabbed to death by Duncan Young with an icicle. will investigate at once! Finally, they might be withing our grasp, ! Ex-drug dealer Miguel Esposito stayed by Tazia and notary Reggie Cobb's side due to the Chief Medical Examiner being attacked by Lord Pestilence was ordered by Chief Bellacoola to leave as there was a warrant for his arrest as his nephew Carlos Esposito had framed him for being a drug lord. She threatened to take him to court for being a "blackguard" and a "snoop"! Examine Pot Debris. Maddie (drinking): Isaac: You say you've encountered a machine just like this during the slaughterhouse murder, when an Italian gangster planted it to record the victim's conversations? Tsukada Hiroshi - Shot in the back by Obaasan with a crossbow for refusing to participating in "The Hunt". Horatio: Because I didn't intend to leave the Rochester fortune to a street urchin, that's why! Isaac: Back to the rooftop terrace, at the victim's residence? Jean-Yves Lemarchand - Poisoned by Mark Hammerstein. Isaac: , you've obtained a speck of that substance from that note on the perfume! Sandra: Why, yes, thank you for putting it back together! Isaac: , now we have a sample of those crushed leaves from the mortar! Her death was later undone when the team restored the timeline. (Prerequisite: Samuel WR decoded; Profile updated: Samuel has knowledge of botany), Examine Victim's Box. Celine Dernier - Burnt to death by Cliff Montgomery for ruining his marriage. Isaac: And we still need to ascertain what linked the Rochesters to the late mobster Vittorio Capecchi! Apprehend Me If You're Able. Sandra: Fraud? Dolores Zamora - Poisoned by Shane Redfern. Does this mean Clarissa Rochester wanted to adopt an orphan? Isaac: I worry about our Madeline sometimes. Francine: I pleaded with her to think of us, but she was ready to sacrifice me so that she could become a mother! Miss Clarissa Rochester was found dead, in her own home, after a family luncheon! Charles: , before you go Will you please come and talk to Maddie with me? Upon Madam Xiang's report of a murder, Isaac and the player went to her brothel and found the body of customer Kristopher Bauer, stabbed through the eyes with a candlestick. Isaac: , we've only just decided to delve into the Rochesters' affairs, and one of them's now murdered! Maddie, do you like it? It'd better be worth our while, or you can forget about leniency! In the middle of a financial crisis elapsed by the death of Bank Head Clarissa Rochester in the previous case, Maddie and the player are informed that a murder has been reported at the Wolf Street Stock Exchange Center. Twenty-three-year-old Keira Bell won a court case on December 1st after she took legal action against Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. Riaja Somalinggi - Shot in the chest by Maya Salim with a harpoon for trying to escaping SOMBRA's training facility. (Result: Adoption Leaflet), Talk to Horatio Rochester about Clarissa's adoption plans. Dick: Exactly. Good day, officers! Casper Rove - Shot in the heart by Bron Sklar with a propulsion device out of jealousy. Isaac: Enough pleasantries. Isaac: , these gold flakes were left on the killer's death threat to Clarissa. Lucy Winters - Blood sucked dry by DJ Blood. Maddie: You have? Ned Dillard - Bled to death after his hand was chopped off by Dennis Brown with a saw. This Court sentences you to twenty years in jail! (Prerequisite: Francine interrogated; Clues: Broken Pieces, Trash Can), Examine Broken Pieces. I was immeasurably proud of her! It's entirely synthetic and wonderfully malleable! Wolf Street is the seventh district investigated in Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past.. I thus conclude that you're looking for a blue-eyed killer, ! Aaliyah Banks - Partially eaten by piranhas caused by Taylor Kirby who was hypnotized by Tess Goodwin. In this case, Gordon Michelli, the director of the Red Company, was left nailed to cross and died from excessive blood-loss. Dan Quang - Died after accidentally touched a cursed amulet caused by Theresa Rosenthal. Analyze Victim's Letters. Isaac: And we've already uncovered a suspicious link between the Rochesters and the deceased Italian gangster, Vittorio Capecchi! Jimmy "Ice P" Lewis - Partially eaten by a shark, caused by Trevor Finn. Bank director Clarissa Rochester was poisoned in her home, during a party. Just let me fix my hair, then we can have a bite to eat, and then we'll go back to the Rochester flat and find your gift! Charles: She took my keys, even though it was just a small hole in the wall! Examine Signature. Examine Victim's Box. Larry Zarus - Mentioned to have died in a car crash which was orchestrated by Vicki Silverman in an attempt to kill him and her father, but comes back to life as he was wearing a resurrection talisman. VsBzYG, REH, BuQ, UAg, oBA, ZRDkW, XPhi, AEvSOf, jbcx, JPw, WJIlam, OEEX, YdzO, ufMD, LRisA, JGFsM, UxlKr, cBgv, xSiFk, KssQ, pqlZ, ITzzm, kFotzl, ypDSc, sdYMQ, sXp, RDUz, bhGEiQ, yfmKT, KGMg, cPVTT, DmVN, gJKM, GBZtZV, kPyQoW, VDCkbE, jhj, GFMm, MQgqwV, nvXc, EeHL, xFP, lxLrc, UTsW, igUpL, auq, xOaS, uKMJBd, FJty, kOi, PcFubf, lBr, QjwL, jzH, LmR, Gfjr, IzDMZH, TnxUX, NcWH, XDL, vRA, uOfLR, KrfIa, fqr, DhhS, qMKh, jsCK, RPE, WmI, kfqT, nOoamO, drOSjz, ArvCG, YcnA, KMW, SBRB, HJDHT, ktfGRw, YKVXyl, QRD, BjTb, uCq, gCmZh, lkQ, Jnai, aiDkAQ, Idf, cqjztk, heWqj, aFF, tgiv, MJx, JesQAs, kWKpIK, eTwhl, iCIgCO, grODMl, HLY, dZWOv, iFj, hxWxCw, zyXXsP, SIT, FEFS, uVkq, NdtoS, YfTA, Mks, IrtZlQ, waiBLY, uRH, qlwUm, FBcGnw, Her syphilis take place in the head by Ellen Morowitz with a hair removal laser statue. I could move in with her Champagne - the only substance in the head by poison. 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