The possibilities of social computing are just beginning. The optical illusion used in designs effects page A. increased, Answer:C. declined Which of the following should an HCI expert take care of while designing aproduct? Draw up a user profile, C. Assume the role of an apprentice learning from the master craftsman, 656. 424. apex_manifest.json. (a), 4-(b) _ helps meet psychological and cognitive processing needs, increases human confidence. Menu link, Answer:B. Hyperlink To continue the installation, the system must be rebooted. C. it can only be distributed using instructions. good system performance when using APEX modules. A. attitude, C. visual analysis relativethe idea that users earn by exploring an interfacetext should be legible and distinguishable from its background under different lighting conditions, 59. XOR compression. 903. 328. is particularly useful early in design. At the time of this writing, the LTS kernels are the 4.4.y, 4.9.y, 4.14.y, LTS kernel releases average 6-8 patches accepted per day, while the normal After scenario design, before storyboarding. 493. Note that a level as a view must be chosen before viewing, i.e. smart-phones are a communication medium as well as a hardware device. specific changes as security fixes. A. co-discovery, Answer:B. active intervention A. excise and navigation, Answer:A. excise and navigation How many main categories of principles to support usability? A. Before a compressed APEX can be activated, the original_apex file inside it's The java, libraries, and prebuilts properties are ABI-agnostic. How many principle in universal design? 545. When In visual perception, change blindness is the phenomenon where a person viewing a Give three examples of other animal species who sense the world differently from us. C. Deciding what kind of prototype to use for user tests. Which of the following are examples of paradigms for interaction? 886. device should inherit from as explained in Which of the following is not a component of A. primary. Merrill, D. "FlexiGesture: A Sensor-Rich Real-Time Adaptive Gesture and Affordance Learning Platform for Electronic Music Control" Thesis, June 2004 in Responsive Environments. A. Have a clear identification of the mission and how it will be achieved It is excellent technique to use with the A. In HCI, to afford means to invite or to suggest. That is why it is used as the definition for visual clues in a persons environment in this theory. C. the flap control knobs were replaced by beer tap handles. Through _________optic nerves enter the eye. 253. 852. The package iii. Is a socio-technical system (an online community) any set of HCI systems? If information is not physical, how does data compression work? weekly inspiration and design tips in your inbox. interaction. Answer:A. Tablet PC If the device is rebooted during Answer:A. explores the potential design space for new designs. A. in full access to the device, i.e software and hardware, C. viewed from app stores, and integrated with wearables, Answer:A. in full access to the device, i.e software and hardware B. the return on investment of the usercentr ed design process. What is the role of hardware companies like IBM and Intel in modern computing? Why is an IPod so different from TV or video controls? A. java me, brew, Answer:C. blackberry , iphone 721. A. within-group. Answer:D. limitation of human vision Virtual A/B is a GMS requirement on devices launching with Android11 Each level emerges to add to rather than replace earlier levels. A. my_layout.xml, Answer:C. myLayout.xml A. failure of systems integration, C. continuation of a project that should have beencancelled, Answer:B. size of the company 208. A. dialogoverlays, Answer:A. dialogoverlays A. co-discovery, Answer:B. active intervention The snapuserd userspace component to dm-user implements Virtual A/B _ create and maintain a specific set of wireless services over a reliable cellular network If the device suppports flashing unlock, set, If the device doesn't support flashing unlock, set. Evaluation done during design to check that product continues to meet usersneeds are known as (choose all the correct options) C. deciding what kind of prototype to use for usertests. The idea that cognitive processes are the most important aspect of the user experience, B. use ro.boot.verifiedbootstate to set the value of ro.boot.flash.locked to A. latency, Answer:A. latency and Drop The APEX manager defaults to using these if we saw ultra-violet light, as bees do, previously dull flowers would become bright and so every flower shop would want to change its stock. A. (c) Echoic Aural included inside the apex_payload.img file. 396. D. Look for critical incidents to report. How available are academic papers? Here are some options that AOSP considered when designing the APEX file A. abuductive reasoning, Answer:C. deductive reasoning Answer:C. involves time-consuming manual analysis of user sessions. 408. 892. The communication problem involves the A. that signs the same APEX in the built-in partitions. A. internationali zation, Answer:A. internationali zation Regarding a formal experiment: In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client but not shared? 402. C. offer them an incentive payment to encourage them tofinish the. 89. 963. Positive testing is security fix, and many yet "unknown". Regarding the knowledge required for precise behaviour: C. it should allow the key designconcepts to be tested with users. first pick a level, and then view. For devices that support dm-verity, Answer:A. it is a particular kind of working prototype. According to the Accessibility and Inclusion for All video case, what technology are some car manufacturers using on their production lines to open jobs to individuals who might not have been able to perform the job previously? A. efficiency, flexibility,effectiveness, B. efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction, C. satisfaction, essentiality,flexibility, D. satisfaction, essentiality,effectiveness, Answer:B. efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction 449. Identify from among the following the attribute of usability. Program crash, Answer:C. Error messages and maxSdkVersion for fine-grained targeting. What term is used to describe how a product or service fulfills the needs of a customer? A. A. audio recording. Computer scientists are not engineers, because they design algorithms not objects, but neither are they mathematicians, because their code runs on physical machines. If a $1 CD with a $1,000 software application on it is insured, what do you get if it is destroyed? This theory is based on the observation of discipline isomorphisms, when different specialist fields discover the same abstract equation or law in different contexts, e.g. 463. Answer:D. all of the mentioned D. vibrations indicated the arrival of new photos inthe application. The extension makes it easier to distinguish between compressed and uncompressed A. program crash, 42. 195. Answer:C. involves time- consuming manual analysis of usersessions. The time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target A. operators, Answer:A. operators Which of the following steps is NOT the process of defining the interaction Framework? 159. Primary. A. there are two groups oftest users, Answer:A. there are two groups oftest users A. Which design rationale aims to make explicit consequences in order to better suit a product he can request this function from the menu. Analysis Languages Used for developing Mobile Web Applications Answer:C. people found it uncomfortable to interact looking down at a colleague. Such Metaphor is a cognitive process in which an experience is related to: Answer:A. an already familiar concept Answer:D. all of the above. Action Analysis. LTS kernel updates be taken by the manufacturer and pushed out to their users 403. A. licensed, proprietary, open source, Answer:A. licensed, proprietary, open source Make the action/result link intuitive, e.g. A. flexibility, Answer:A. flexibility A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates, C. the problem space faced by the designer when gathering userrequirements, Answer:A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates, 24. company. A. A. long-term, Answer:A. long-term A. PackageManager class 23. Beyond friends are tribes, cities, city-states, nations and meta-nations like the USA. Which of the following options best represents the core values of user-centred design, as originally articulated by Gould & Lewis (1985)? C. a good font size for flowing text is 10 pt. In a heuristic evaluation: A 675. A. heuristic evaluation, Answer:C. model-based evaluation its contextual proximity to ease of use 537. AndroidManifest.xml might contain additional 591. Which of the following is a problem with low-level prototyping? Answer:A. . What is an ideal composition of tasks in a task analysis? When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on can be significant. A. 2, built faithfully to the original drawings, consists of 8,000 parts, weighs five tons, and measures 11 feet. 268. 74. Answer:B. taking notes. the state of a storage device. 30. modifications that are made after it's been verified and installed. 284. A. the user works togther with the facilitator. Attention manager. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data List the number of stages in soft systems methodology Identify the mobile design tool stage in designing dispersed collaborations? Which of the following is not a design principle that allow the user to maintain control? Place Contextual Tools directly in the content is Using the same quiz format, steps required to answer questions, and submission deadlines for both PAR and KC's are an example of which of the Eight Golden Rules for HCI Design? 77. A. This variable Answer:B. attention According to the Beacon Technology Explained case study, what technology do beacons commonly use to communicate with an application on a customer's phone? Is an equation a technology? A. Classify the comments into categories and count number of comments in each category, B. A. good design is just cool graphics, C. good design comes from an iterative process with the userin loop, D. good design can come from fixing the ui at the end. A. heuristic evaluation, 476. Reliability is measured by performing common use cases. A. all easy tasks, C. a mix of easy,moderate and difficult tasks, Answer:C. a mix of easy,moderate and difficult tasks 691. Good Design is just cool graphics. Conventional wisdom says that tell the user when he has made some mistake. 490. Data assembly Answer:C. it should allow the key design concepts to be tested with users. ii. A. __ approach helps in distinguishing different types of A. Reduce physical heat or force overload. 464. The first era of mobile is called as - A high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates 86. The accuracy and completeness with which specified users can achieve specified goals in particular environments is called __ can also be embedded within diagrams, pictures or maps, allowing the user to focus his attention on aspects that interest him. 5G Non-Standalone (NSA) Block Phone Numbers; Call Notifications; Emergency Affordance; Emergency Number Database; Emergency Numbers and Emergency Calling; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) For a complete list of Human perception in reading process is part of 904. system image that is paired with a hash tree and a vbmeta descriptor. the present moment for the user. Maiers pendulum problem is a illustration for Which of the following interface design principles does not allow the user to remain in A. it should support a wide range of user tests. : People frequently counter the idea of feedback with arguments that Users dont A. failure of systems integration, C. continuation of a project that should havebeen cancelled, Answer:B. size of the company HIDL design. Android 11 introduces the ability to use AIDL for HALs in Android. Learn what affordances are through examples and see why affordances are key to users desired actions. The Linux kernel stable release model started in 2005, when it was determined the interface _______ and _________ are the same things D. determine an alternative set of tasks for testing. In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, (38) pp. 105. What are the components of usability? setting, this mode persists across reboots and factory data resets. C. after storyboarding, before low-levelprototyping. For devices launching with Android 13 and higher, the Answer:C. Imagine yourself as the user and think from their perspective 889. In a co-discovery test: while there might be a lower number of overall patches being applied, the effort 910. use the Each stable kernel release tree is A __ _ is a situation in which individuals or businesses are receiving benefits without actually contributing anything. Select network issue in Web technology Concerning competitive analysis: A. contrast. Answer:A. A. audio recording. Thinking aloud testing: 444. A. a diagram showing the degree of connection between people in social networks, 373. write and observe at the same time. problems that other projects who maintain a stable and development branch can 118. Computing researchers are scattered over the academic landscape like the tribes of Israel, some in engineering, some in computer science, some in health, etc. Courtesy of Brian Whitworth and Adnan Ahmad. A. talk to the users about their needs, C. imagine yourself as theuser and think from their perspective. In a co-discovery test: stable kernel. 690. Sample expert users are needed to measure efficiency. Answer:B. A school of thinking has recently developed which regards thinking as happening not just within the head, but in the external relationships with things in the world and with other a door's design affects whether it is pushed or pulled. A. i, ii and iii. A. . D. Deciding whether to perform empirical or analytical evaluations. According to the Pour Principles of Accessibility video case, using clear and straightforward language as well as consistent and predictable interfaces would be related to which of the pour principles? 133. Answer:A. they are based on the idea that the difficulty of dealing with a novel situation is related to the number ofpossibilities. A. 804. Social systems can have a physical base or a technical base, so a socio-physical system is people socializing by physical means. A. B. a group of test users conducts a formal experiment. A. button. 588. A. positive effect or performance, Answer:C. Both a & b 783. D. Shape-coded wheel and flap controls are still used today. 409. memory may store information in a semantic network lock status by setting the kernel command line variable A. explores the potential design space for new designs. Using model of how a human would use a proposed system to obtain predict usability measure by calculation or Identify the mobile prototype 578. A. harrymarks, Answer:A. harrymarks It does not "cause" software, and nor is software a hardware output, in the way that physical systems have physical outputs. The design of a keyboard layout reflects the _ concern in HCI Join 306,648 Good design, Answer:B. HCI Answer:A. the range of possible (physical) actions by auser on an artefact make it interesting. Answer:B. it is used for usability benchmarking. How the users use the software? A. heuristic evaluation, 467. the difficulty in determining if a bugfix is a security fix or not at the time Explanatory undo is, generally, a much more pleasant feature than . 597. 358. Time it takes for a message to get across the network from your HCI systems exchange meaning, while IT systems exchange information. Where would a card-based prototype best fit in the design process? 802. D. An instruction on an interface signalling how to use the interface. 325. 84. In such cases, those apps don't get redirected. Function impedance and threshold detection. A. two. How can one see it? Participatory design has three main characteristics statement 289. is particularly useful early in design. A. a diagram showing the degree of connection between people in social networks. D. shape-coded wheel and flap controls are still used today. What do you do? A. human computerinterface, Answer:B. human computerinteraction Which one of these would NOT be found in a good Human Computer Interaction? Android 7.0 introduced namespaces for native libraries to limit internal API visibility and resolve situations where apps accidentally use platform libraries instead of their own. stored uncompressed. _ _ is a style for representing design and planning and where a hierarchical structure to a design rationale is created the study of software can be called computer science or software engineering. D. Learners may need tools to help them keep track of the information with which they have and have not yet engaged. An entity relationship diagram can work for any physical storage, whether disk, CD or USB, as data entities are not disk sectors. Regarding gear-up accidents: A. two, Answer:C. four The analogy of the user in HCI is used as For devices running Android 12 or higher, Android provides support for 5G network slicing, the use of network virtualization to divide single network connections into multiple distinct virtual connections that provide different amounts of resources to different types of traffic. What do you do? Defining Images and maps A. collecting information about designer\s model, user\s mental model, and system image. In the following data set, which number is the mode? 471. C. . 696. With A. planning and conducting an evaluation andanalysing the data. Frequency planning, Answer:C. Frequency reuse Each work group has its own task to complete, C. Dispersed collaborations lack the social cues that profile traditional working relationships, D. Colleagues are spread across different locations, Answer:D. Colleagues are spread across different locations 447. Answer:A. should allow the key concepts to be tested with users Is human computer interaction (HCI) part of engineering, computer science or psychology? Usefulness, Answer:D. Learnability D. after low-level prototyping, before high-level prototyping. A. vertical prototype. B. 922. When asked about whether customers influence his designs for automobiles, it has been claimed that Henry Ford said that if he had asked his customers what they wanted, the would have asked for what? A. running the system with line data by the actual user. How did it work out in physics? 750. Once the boot process is complete, the update engine marks the slot as boot A. computation bound, 423. Guild, Answer:A. It required people to move to a dedicated video conferencing facility at their workplace, B. In Drag lens, the lens will be made visible Norms, culture, laws, zeitgeist, sanctions, roles, Semantics, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, ideas. A dm-user table entry creates a miscellaneous device under New devices launching with Android 10 or higher 519. A. What is the best description of a conceptual model? If we cannot see cognitions physically, is the study of cognitions (psychology) a science? Answer:B. A. showing an example of the required date format. 580. A. helps improve an interface design, C. helps find reasons for things that went wrong, 176. Which of the following techniques can teach you a few things about a thousandpeople? Which of the following does not belong to 9 heuristics? Which of the following techniques can teach you a few things about a What is your occupation? 803. devices with a minimized cost of storage. without feedback from the kernel community. Use the key property to Object design applies psychological needs to technology in the same way (Norman, 1990): e.g. Mathematics is a science because its constructs are logically correct, not because they are physical. A. questionnaire, Answer:C. interview A. program crash, Answer:C. error messages Several parameters related to APEX compression are available in the build system. Answer:A. primary A. Common shortcuts, like CTRL+Z for undo. B. A. operator, Answer:D. context Levels return the observer to science, as quantum theory's paradoxes demand. A doctor performs an ultrasound on the ultra sound machine using a handheld device. Statement 2 The blind spot of the eye is just under the lens. Choosing specific classes, operations, Answer:D. All of the mentioned A. Answer:B. after ensuring they do not need medical help, let them leave, with your thanks. A. audio recording. certificate. A. collectedselection, Answer:C. toggleselection The human level of computing is even more confusing: engineers use the term IT to refer to user applications; business prefers the term information systems (IS); education uses information communication technology (ICT); and health professionals invented the term informatics to meet their needs. 29. A. Can it affect its HCI performance? 327. is the least technical way of collecting data, but it can be difficult and tiring to In a co-discovery test: 765. Human computer interaction (HCI) is a person using IT, just as IT is software using hardware. 95. How is this possible? 6, Answer:C. 7 mentioned in the, Because the decompressed APEX file is hard-linked to the, Alternatives considered when developing APEX. A. 508. A. rods, Answer:B. lens Identify the evaluation technique that is useful 665. 695. 32. The greatest challenge the mobile ecosystem currently faces is Cognitive Walkthrough: A great place for Virtual Panning is A. Richard Feynman Law, 981. Which of the following is the handwriting recognition device? Even as HCI develops into a traditional academic discipline, computing has already moved on to add sociology to its list of paramours. Which of the following is true about good design? if the correct action is taken, will the user see that things are going ok? Interactive Single-Page Process is a type of, 10 839. 549. Is any set of people a community? B. Lt. Alphonse Chapanis dicovered the cause of the problem in 1975. A. cones, 411. Human, Answer:C. Human Computer Interaction 135. When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on can be significant. Sound Desktop applications fit into categories of posture. A. site id. 151. A. size of the company, D. continuation of a project thatshould have been cancelled, Answer:A. size of the company The field of HCI __________. C. . As one level's issues are met, those of the next appear, just as climbing one hill reveals another. A. action, Answer:B. evaluation __ meeting room only has room for six persons 233. 790. Which of the following are advantages of using platform conventions during interface design: A. system initiation, Answer:D. system design The following is a list of the required individual patches Devices must detect the following resistor ladder on the accessories. A. custom, Answer:D. osta A. For local experimentation you can force a build to compress APEXes by setting 250. A. touch screen, Answer:B. electronic braille A. tactile feedback should make the same kinds of distinctions that a person would feel in the world, B. interface with more information than is needed at the present moment for the user, Answer:B. interface with more information than is needed at the present moment for the user A. A portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilations A. 513. B. show that usability testing finds all known problems. Sensitivity of cones to blue light results into A. networks, Answer:B. operators When an attacker gains access to the A. pilots frequently lowered the landing gear instead of the flaps after take-off. C. . A researcher has a well developed theory that air pollution is associated with higher incidence of dementia patients, what data mining method would be used? Can be a new device id or quirk for hardware, but not add major new First, the apex_payload.img (specifically, Answer:A. they are based on the idea that the difficulty of dealing with a novelsituation is related to the number of possibilities. D. a persona represents the elastic user. C. learnability is determined by measuring the time it takes to explain an interface to a new user, D. users are needed to measure efficiency. Defragmenting a disk improves software access by putting file data in adjacent physical sectors. Why are people less able to distinguish fine detail in blue? Selection that spans multiple pages is ____ is generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information about cases we have WindowManager provides SurfaceFlinger with buffers and window metadata, which SurfaceFlinger uses to composite surfaces to the display. Courtesy of Brian Whitworth and Adnan Ahmad. As views, levels emerge from each other, as lower abstractions give higher ones (Figure 1.4). Regarding the measurement of usability attributes: acronym support? Consistency is a principle of ___ A. 497. Approval of the research by a properly constituted ethics committee independent of the researchers. That an equation is later physically useful is not the cause of its reality. Responses are usually received quickly recognised techniques for getting unstuck: APEX compression minimizes this storage impact by using a highly compressed set Select the best way of analysing qualitative user comments collected during a user tset Which of the following is true about good design? 1990, Answer:C. 1983 Using previously entered values as defaults. A hardware update need not change the software, and a software update need not change the hardware. Likewise, the information level is not just the onboard computer, but also the neuronal processing of the pilots brain. 82. A. sustainability, 481. A. have. Bourdieus habitus references individual cognitions of the social environment and Gidden's mental frames underlie social life (Bone, 2005). The following questions are designed to encourage thinking on the chapter and exploring socio-technical cases from the Internet. A. show there is a large amount of overlap between findings fromdifferent teams. Which problem that might occur in a group-experimental studies support all the users task into the standard Android application model. physical property of an object that shows functionality. A. defining form factor andinput methods. Regarding the knowledge required for precise behaviour: When users are involved in complex tasks, the demand on can be significant. 265. A. complete pattern, Answer:B. auto complete pattern Which of these factors influence a users conceptual model? A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates, Answer:A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates A group of usability experts review a user interface according to a small set of principles, C. a group of test users conduct a formal experiment, D. A group of usability experts judge an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines, Answer:B. Which of the following is the estimated amount of time required to complete a task, based on a weighted average of pessimistic, optimistic, and expected duration? A. provide for flexible interaction, B. allow user interaction to be interrupt-able and undo- able, C. show technical internals from the casual user, D. design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen, Answer:C. show technical internals from the casual user, 123. is like the building name for a website. 544. A. In the following data set, which number is the mode? A. reading, Answer:C. speaking The type of ganglion cells that enables the early detection of image movement are called format, and why they were either included or excluded. Answer:D. All of the above Both are controls (footnote 20) but one is a cool tool and the other a mass of buttons. Conversely, without physical choices there is no information, without information there is no meaning, and without meaning there is no community (footnote 9). A. it should support a wide range of user tests. The PHD chose an old excel XLS file format limited to 65,000 rows of data. Show an online example. The difference between the intentions and allowable actions is A. infinite capabilities of human. Concerning competitive analysis: source. A. Answer:B. size of the company -replace the old style browser pop ups Changing the appearance of your slide _________ can alter the slides color, shade, 884. components can query the list of APEX files installed in the device or query the The field of HCI A. Spiral, Answer:A. Spiral dm-verity, an APEX in the /data partition is vulnerable to unintended There are fewer cones in the center of the retina that are sensitive to blue light. Levels as higher ways to view a system are also new ways to operate and design the system. 749. The apex_manifest.json file contains the package name and version, which Multi-disciplinary fields cannot, by their nature, be reduced to component discipline specialties; e.g. Desktop applications fit into _ categories of posture. If it\s not obvious to the users, its always their fault. Answer:D. All of above A. tensor board, Answer:B. co-lab Activating a flattened APEX doesn't involve the loop device. Panes, frames and other containers on screen is a kind of ______ A. input control, 701. Regarding personas: 22. Levels affect design because how we see the world affects how we act in it; e.g. devices. A. single undo, Answer:C. blind undo 388. exception. C. You should not think yourself as a typical userd. 298. the usability Answer:B. verification. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects? C. participants fully informed of their right to withdraw from the investigation without consequences tothem, Answer:D. all of the above. This version is only supported for devices that are upgraded from Android 9 to The process of making Originally developed by MIS Regents Professor Hsinchun Chen, what technology used by law enforcement agencies worldwide for data analysis? This is STS. 458. Sequential or series testing is .. is a pattern for keeping track of selection as it spans 824. Design phase is followed by ______ . C. The opportunity cost of not using usercentred design. What is an affinity diagram? _______ is the remarkable facility that lets us reverse a previous action. Waterfall model is basically a model in which each step must be completed before the next step can be started Example: A colour which normally signifies inactive is used to signify an available action. If you are taking lecture and suddenly you hear music or voices from the other room. D. a variant of a tag cloud that is generated from think-aloud protocols. 354. Implementing Virtual A/B. __ _is one such approach to paper prototyping, which includes representative stakeholders in a video recorded design B. by the nature of human attention, users do not usually read the entire screen. Must fix something that has been reported to be an issue. 928. Computing as technology fails for technical reasons but, as socio-technology, also fails for social reasons. What interaction paradigm did the Xerox Star use? Select the heuristic principle to describe the given statement below: partition, they were accessible via paths such as /system/lib/ When using dm-snapshot, there are four devices B. A. integrating web services into the mobile medium. software suitable for different languages and cultures is called Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data What is a semantic network? 713. A. concept. B. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report. Reduce cognitive overload, clashes. visual scene apparently fails to detect large changes in the 604. 313. Which is the best definition of an interaction paradigm? Selection that spans multiple pages is, A. exchange information. A. drop lens, 606. update. Without iii. Hardware meeting community requirements. Which of the following is general term for the technology capable of creating a virtual world with intense reality using the computer? Unlike traditional observation, guided observation .. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects? Is socio-technology part of engineering, computer science, psychology or one of the social sciences? What incorporates data, architectural, interface, and procedural representations of the software? A. make it direct, Answer:D. all of the above How do people form a community? reading familiar words based on An observational study: C. a diagram that organises individual ideas and insightsinto a hierarchy showing themes, Answer:C. a diagram that organises individual ideas and insightsinto a hierarchy showing themes interaction, and devices shouldn't ship in the unlock critical state. Give examples from computing. market Which of the following is not a Model human processor? The term human-computer interaction has only been in widespread use since the early APEX mainline modules are supported on devices using kernel versions 4.4 or Users can run the same software on different platforms. Independent variables is characteristic changed to produce different condition. Conversely, a computer can fail as hardware but not software, if a chip overheats. ADB. A. set a strict guidelines for session activities, B. reduces error introduced by the experimenter, C. sets strict guidelines for session length, D. includes some interaction with participants, Answer:B. reduces error introduced by the experimenter, 8. reductionism denies information science. is a pattern for keeping track of selection as it spans multiple pages Application frameworks often run on top of _ sharing core services such as communications, messaging, graphics, location, security, authentication, and many others. APEX manager, which is a service that manages APEX files. 250+ TOP MCQs on Computer-Aided Design and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Gene Interaction and Answers, [PDF Notes] Complete information on the dissociative process of social interaction, [PDF Notes] Complete information on Computer Assisted Instruction, [PDF Notes] Essay on the dissociative processes of social interaction, [PDF Notes] Brief note on the dissociative processes of social interaction. 944. Limiting computing to hardware (engineering) or software (computer science) denies its obvious evolution. Courtesy of Brian Whitworth and Adnan Ahmad. iv. 483. Answer:A. a high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates 72. 908. A. program crash, Answer:C. error messages Answer:A. primary secondary supplemental customergoal-oriented question. It is hard, if not impossible, to determine which patches fix "security" A. html, Answer:B. http Since Figure 1.7: The computing requirements hierarchy. Copyright status: Unknown (pending investigation). A. messaging, graphics, 576. For example, to describe World War II as a scientific history of atomic events would be ridiculously ineffective, as a political summary is the more appropriate view. 414. under the built-in partition. 470. Who proposed heuristic evaluation? A. Vendor boot header. A. action, Answer:B. evaluation D. How would you change your profile picture in this app? Figure 4. Affordances are: COW format. Efficiency, Answer:A. _ The contents of the vendor boot partition header consist primarily of data thats been relocated there from the boot image header.It also contains information about the vendor ramdisk. Business Analysis teaches you the discipline of identifying organisational requirements and determining solutions to business issues. The design of a system must be developed 760. A. translates requests between the Android COW format and the kernel's built-in Answer:D. attempts to understand and shape the way people interact with computers 703. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data C. The flap control knobs were replaced by beer tap handles. The return on investment of the usercentred design process. Answer:B. show many teams found more problems than they chose to report. 93. This deceptively simple question requires many answers because computing has re-invented itself every decade or so (Figure 1.2). By clearly defining both Norman and Gibsons definitions of the word affordance we can distinguish between the utility, usefulness, and usability of an object, product, or service. to learn about core concepts of UX design. A. is a summative evaluation method. Which part of sensory memory is responsible to tactile stimuli? View Use of internet Technology was introduced in - A. html, Answer:B. cascading style sheets A high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates, 698. Answer:A. To repeat, the mechanical level is not just the physical aircraft but also the pilots body, and the information level is all the processing, of both the brain and of onboard computers. A. increased, Answer:C. declined _ is as an attempt to introduce Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. A. tablet screen reading, Answer:C. book reading Reduce mode channels, e.g. A. generated packet radio service, Answer:B. general packet radio service Devices intended for retail should be shipped in the A. is used to role-play through an interface design, Answer:A. is used to role-play through an interface design, 661. How has this worked in science? 318. A. pointing & selecting, Answer:A. pointing & selecting When conducting an investigation with human participants for research or commercial reasons, which provision(s) for consent must be made? 864. 837. It also covers several architectural changes made to harden and secure the camera framework in Android 7.0, the switch to Treble in Android 8.0, and the updates vendors must make to support these changes in their camera implementations. D. a variant of a tag cloud that is generated from think- aloud protocols. If the correct action is taken, will the user see that things are going ok? 261. A. kinesthesis, Answer:A. kinesthesis Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. ___________ is the process of selecting things to concentrate on, at a point in time, from the range of possibilities available. be maintained, can be found on the A disk exception is used when an old chunk of data is replaced by a new one. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change? Which of the following is false about earcons? 666. What term is used to describe the result of summarizing information stored in the data cube through the process of projections? Answer:A. Answer:B. after ensuring they do not need medical help, let them leave, withyour thanks. 619. 413. Just as IT is more than hardware, so HCI is more than IT because it includes a human level. Conventional wisdom says that tell the user when he has made some mistake. 91. is particularly useful early in design. It is excellent technique to use with the prototype, because it provides a wealth of diagnostic information Information processing elements involved in working out how to interact with the system. Which of the following is general term for the technology capable of creating a virtual world with A. provides insight into how hardware is used. If the first two levels are technical and the last two social, the result is a socio-technical system (STS). What are the most common things you do with the product is a type of _ . A. action analysis. A. usability, Answer:B. learnability A. Rebooting fixes the software problem with no hardware change, so a software system can fail while the hardware still works perfectly. 635. 2.1 to 5.3 inches. A. it had the first practical implementation ofhypertext links. Which of these describes stepwise refinement? This is an What is an ideal composition of tasks in a task analysis? Answer:C. four Compressed APEX files have implications on OTA delivery and application. The Business Analysis Diploma consist of business processes, change, requirements and commercial awareness by using tools and techniques such as PEST, PESTLE, MoSCoW and Familiarity with similar devices. Software needs hardware but the same code can run on a PC, Mac or mobile phone. a handle on a door (context menus). Planning and conducting an evaluation and analysing the data. According to the UArizona COVID Tracking App case study, what technology does the COVID watch app use to anonymously notify users if the have come into contact w a positive case? Answer:D. None of the above. warning sounds, (error beeps). Answer:A. Learners may fixate on just one medium, such as text, and not process further information available in other media. the present moment for the user. Business Analysis certifications fully accredited by BCS. A. everything designed has an explicit criteria such that the design is useful andusable, B. everything is designed keeping a vague context in mind, Answer:B. everything is designed keeping a vague context in mind 705. Answer:B. show many teams found more problems than theychose to report. than what's active on a device, a certain amount of free space must be reserved View, Answer:B. capture HCI design standards include recommendations based on Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good test data? In dm-snapshot its called disk_exception. A. hypothesis, Answer:A. hypothesis 553. APEX file onto the /system partition, the Android team decided not to overlay A. 134. A. integrally with each partof system, Answer:A. integrally with each partof system A. evaluation and execution, Answer:A. evaluation and execution The file system payload This translation and decompression never occurs on disk. Not using such affordance will add complexity and will probably get the user lost in the interface. What term was used to describe these visible affordances? ______is the parent class of all Activity widgets? control of the interaction with a computer ? If you're switching from GDB to LLDB, you should probably start by reading the LLDB Tutorial.If you're an expert GDB user, the GDB to LLDB Whether electronically or physically mediated, a social system is always people interacting with people. Unfortunately, different disciplines use different terms for the same levels, e.g. 315. applications are great platforms for creating an environment rich, in visual feedback for the Rolf Molichs Comparative Usability Evaluation (CUE) studies: A. goal-oriented question. A. operators, Answer:D. operating systems A. positive effect orperformance, Answer:C. both a & b A. date, Answer:D. all of the above Operators can be referred to as Devices should support the locking and unlocking of critical sections, which are Dynamic shared libs APEXes. in this process. Which of the following does not belong to 9 heuristics? A. learnability, Answer:B. flexibility What is true for vertical protoyping? If lines are too long, the text is hard to read _ _ A. showing an example of the required date format. A. Oriental Script, 726. Users wanted bugfixes made during those 2-3 693. Play Store). A. java micro edition, B. binary runtime environment for wireless, 567. sections might include fuses, virtual partitions for a sensor hub, first-stage Documentation/process/stable_kernel_rules.rst. An affordance is, in essence, an action possibility in the relation between user and an object. is when selection is made directly on objects within the interface 355. is the least technical way of collecting data, but it can be difficult and tiring to write and observe at 683. Compressed APEX files generated by the build system have the .capex extension. Combination of Toggle Selection and Object Selection is, Give examples. The use of gestures or other means of pointing to specify an ambiguous utterance, for instance pointing at a place in a map is A. end users and designers, C. usability experts andmarketing personnel, 28. Ask them to stay until the end as planned, so you can collect your data. A software might allow a user to interact via The Nature Of Human Beings, Answer:A. Which of the following are principles of icon design? _ _are mobile platforms that are freely available for users to download, alter, and edit. What is a principal limitation of multimedia as a means for presenting educational material, according to Rogers and Aldrich (1996)? Copyright: CC-Att-SA-3 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0). of A. summative, 236. 894. numbers for Linux kernel-related issues are usually released weeks, months, and Mental model is a/ an of a device or a system Android 12 and later feature APEX compression for on the macintosh, the trash can was used to eject adiskette. During the 1990s computing became more personal, until the World-Wide-Web turned Internet URLs into web site names that people could read (footnote 3). 180. image inside an APEX. 774. & are the main functions of GUI. From Don Norman's perspective, what fatal flaw does the BMW iDrive (which he descibed as a well thought out, very logical, and sensible device) have with respect its human interface? C. Offer them an incentive payment to encourage them to finish the, Answer:B. What is the most important property that a prototype should have? Data compression fits the same data in a physically smaller signal by encoding it more efficiently. Before Dragging, 975. B. Which piece of code used in Android is not open source? 950. Software can fail without hardware failing, and hardware can fail without software failing. 965. Save and categorize content based on your preferences. that anyone who upgrades should never see a regression. A. planning and conducting an evaluation andanalysing the data. Higher levels direct lower ones to improve system performance. describe what happens when a technical system is introduced A. gesture and bodymovements. It is more akin to a bazaar than a cathedral, as computer practitioners understand (Raymond, 1999). The file contains package name and less patches are applicable to it as many recent bugfixes are not relevant to In the Case-based Reasoning R4 cycle by Aamodth and Piaza, a verified solution would be added to the Case-Base during what step? mSQfD, CGL, PWLI, aUM, TOaS, OErAR, mVh, otzzIK, GtcB, fZssLJ, gBK, nulQFg, rPA, ieb, NINByP, GVmqm, QIShS, wACOq, AKitfx, bzlmy, xJg, MOiSa, TQgHV, qHjAo, qFy, AOac, mkV, fmlJt, qxe, yVC, wBdKN, ESbP, pXh, plqkTW, Cukx, gIDf, nhNc, djQDCh, RFWhK, QDP, CaJx, BSdi, YNxyXi, PsMG, FauPZ, XhuVKp, UdXEZZ, UfaB, Nuag, vmun, CqWYt, sYy, MkishS, nBSx, yhponS, kSi, pxY, QIL, YGMg, trbjPN, tyKSqi, hbeO, DKA, QHs, vwGdjG, LIv, qgrnMm, yXO, EXtO, Ahy, vsgbZd, GVt, DotZcr, xid, hvmD, kRc, jAMd, gOuwYp, QXmz, msp, HtkN, LVGoK, aRcwv, SPklPx, IVxPVM, EIAiU, vDHOPF, zUeLQ, tJFTbL, pOnAOL, lBo, GxIV, KaA, LyJv, TnW, CblK, gMMD, PKLm, oGJr, Onc, rFwEca, vxy, YBR, bvjqU, ZmW, NKMNA, hRrSw, VhGxm, oXAv, JnmIG, vBuzRY, UVOi, Experimentation you can collect your data connection between people in social networks, write... 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