The need for effective control over the transfer of technology can interfere with the firm's decision to internationalize, and hence, the success of new products as set out by Lall (1992), Yin (1992), Wei (1995), Madanmohan, Kumar, and Kumar (2004), Tatikonda and Stock (2003), Vtnen, Podmetina, and Pillania (2009), and Haeussler, Patzelt, and Zahra (2012). Relationship with external partners helps firms attain continuous learning cycle and encourages additional external collaboration (Hillebrand & Biemans, 2003). (2009). (No. [1] Worlds (societies, cultures, civilizations, stellar federations, interstellar empires) are classified by their available technology. Lam, V. M. Y., Poon, G. K. K., & Chin, K. S. (2006). How does altruistic leader behavior foster radical innovation? Cillo, Rialti, Bertoldi, and Ciampi (2019) urged that to survive and succeed in todays rapidly changing technological environment, business firms must effectively develop the capability to exploit and transform idea, information and knowledge from the environment into valuable technological innovation. A study of the relationship between competitiveness and technological innovation capability based on DEA models. DOI:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2010.10.002, HOMBURG, C.; KUEHNL, C. (2014) Is the more always better? Luvison and de Man (2015) opined that with active relational capability SMEs firms achieve superior alliance portfolio performance. LALL, S. (1992). The result of the univariate test reveals nine potential univariate outliers. Collaborative learning model of infrastructure construction: A capability perspective. Technovation, 26 (1), p. 121-134. A. A framework for determining and prioritizing relational capitals: The case of Iran e-business. Ziggers, G. W., & Henseler, J. Technical Capabilities themselves are drawn from industry best practices and specific business needs and are defined for each IT function within the business. For example, a real estate company buys and sells properties, manages rentals, often has a finance division arranging mortgages, and so on. This can be demonstrated using the followed example. Developing countries (like Mexico and Brazil) have high levels of international technology transfer, due to the involvement of foreign partners and good local technological capability (Dechezleprtre, Glachant & Meniere, 2009). Currently, to achieve success in the competitive environment, organizations are increasingly developing new products for international markets (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2004). (2012). (2012). -M., Aaltonen, K., & Haapasalo, H. (2017). DOI:10.1016/0305-750X(92)90097-F, LEE, J.; KIM, H-B. Therefore, the Ledyard, Conn., property recently upgraded and migrated its retail and food and beverage (F&B) operations technology to Agilysys' award-winning point-of-sale (POS) software . (2010) Assessing the impact of knowledge management strategies announcements on the market value of firms. Therefore, technological capability and relational capability are essential dynamic capabilities that enable firms to achieve and maintain sustainable competitive advantage and superior performance in competitive global business environment (Yang, Xie, Liu, & Duan, 2018; Wang, Lo, Zhang, & Xue, 2006; Teece et al., 1997). (2000) Core competences and company performance in the world-wide computer industry. Where IT investment will likely improve key capabilities versus investment in niche capabilities, How technology change can impact the business, for example replacing a Content Management System may impact an organization's online presence, but it may also show the impact on how we deliver support services to customers. Article publication date: 19 September 2019. The scoring was done jointly by economists and technologists familiar with the particular industry in Thailand and in general. The fifth step was the preparation of the literature review with a brief conceptual overview, the main gaps, and convergent/divergent results in order to allow a better reflection on the subject investigated. (2006). pp. However, relational capability negatively relates to SMEs performance, while technological capability also negatively relates to learning capability. DOI:, Universitrio de Farroupilha of University of Caxias do Sul - UCS/RS. We need to develop new research in emerging market countries to understand new product success (NPS) in international markets, especially if it is associated with obtaining technological capability. 2012-12-08. Accelerating development of the microelectronics, software and computer industries, creating an independent, controllable technology system, and strengthening our core technological capabilities are matters of national strategic importance, and our national strategy needs to spur these endeavors. Limpibunterng and Johri (2009) demonstrated that learning capability is a symbiotic to firms innovation. Por fim, foi proposto um framework terico, limitao do estudo e sugestes para pesquisas futuras. Inovao e teorias da firma em trs paradigmas. Para tanto, foi necessrio analisar 87 artigos obtidos a partir de quatro bases de dados. Hence, technological capability enables SMEs firms to endure the effects of dynamically changing business environment throughout the life of business, right from the startup to the age of corporate social responsibility. An assessment of technological competencies on professional service firms business performance. (1985) The new product learning cycle. Rajasekar, J., & Fouts, P. (2009). included Jorge Tello-Gamarra, LTC, Rio de Janeiro. The effect of technological capability on the performance of SMEs in Thailand. This technique compliments the goodness of fit in PLSSEM (Hair et al., 2013). Effective development of technological capability in SMEs firms entails becoming open-minded to the development in technological environment, perpetual accumulation of valuable knowledge and deployment of the current technologies effectively (Ahmad et al., 2014; Bergek et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2006). 7 No. However, evolving strategic relationship with partners is valuable when it leads to the creation of more benefits to the firm. YAM, R.; GUAN, J.; PUN, K.; TANG, E. (2004). Therefore, SMEs firms that are learning oriented can effectively leverage their technological and relational capabilities to create superior customers value, enhance competitive advantage and achieve distinctive performance. Several organizations seek to compete in the international market to improve the relationship with it and expand customer numbers. Technological Competences: A Systematic Review of the Literature in 22 Years of Study. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour, & Research, 17(1), 6481, Available from: The variable Increment in Capability serves for examining the role of technological capability in the analysis.Table 5.7 shows how different levels of capability increments are distributed within total links of firms and how they change by firm type. In this sense, the use of technological resources by exporting firms requires strategic diversification (Kylheiko et al., 2011; Garca, Avella & Fernndez, 2012) (Tzokas et al., 2015), strong relationship skills with customers, incremental innovations through the use of new technologies (Jonker, Romijn & Szirmai, 2006), government incentives (Lall, 1995; Wei, 1995; Wang & Zhou, 2013), technological planning and control, market orientation, technical manual labor, and infrastructure (Madanmohan, Kumar & Kumar, 2004). Additional articles were included in the survey in order to clarify some concepts and variables. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56 (2), p. 219-228. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(3), 9851000. The study found that technological capability improves the relationship between quality, cost orientation, and performance. Building . Journal of Strategy and Management, 5(4), 407419. Thus, higher capability and the speed of innovation can influence the final cost of the product. The meticulous findings of this study offered managerial contribution for SMEs in Nigeria and developing economies that are compelling to invest in developing technological, relational and learning capabilities to advance their operating technologies for better competitiveness and performance. This means that relational capability is also a VRIN resources and dynamic capability, which help SMEs firms develop effective collaboration with strategic partners to enhance other operational capabilities and improve performance in todays dynamic environment. It has been demonstrated that technological capability improves firms learning capability, organizing and manufacturing capabilities, as well as resource allocation capability (Baark, Lau, Lo, & Sharif, 2011). Technology duplication as sometimes well see multiple products in one area. Using our . Journal of Business Research, 67 (7), p. 1360-1367. Empirically, numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of learning capability on firms financial and market performances (Peris-Ortiz et al., 2018; Visser, 2016; Moon & Lee, 2015; Santos-Vijande et al., 2012; Goh et al., 2012; Tohidi, Seyedaliakbar, & Mandegari, 2012; Limpibunterng & Johri, 2009; Bhatnagar, 2006; Prieto & Revilla, 2006). The study examined both the direct relationship of technological and relational capabilities with SMEs performance and the indirect relationship through the role of learning capability. This is because, fundamentally, software comes in two flavors: the first is designed to do one thing and one thing only, straight out of the box. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2005.00145.x, BAKER, W. E.; SINKULA, J. M. (2007) Does Market Orientation Facilitate Balanced Innovation Programs? How the order of market entry influences the relationship between market orientation and new product performance. Rungsithong et al., (2017) postulated that trust expedites the efficacy of relational capability in creating beneficial outcomes. Research policy, 24 (1), p. 97-114. doi:10.1016/0048-7333(93)00751-E, BOZEMAN, B. Through technological capability SMEs firm can efficiently acquire, operate and upgrade technologies that can be used to provide product that meet up the changing market demands. In this way, by mapping out the IT systems using both Technical Capability and Business Capability models, we get a much more accurate view of how efficiently the IT estate has been implemented.,,,,,, Innovation Capability: From Technology Development to Transaction Capability, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation: Vol. The Learning Organization, 19(2), 92108. Latent variable techniques of PLSSEM were employed to evaluate the hypotheses developed in this study. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6(1), 14-25. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, v. 22, n. 6, p. 483-502. Looking for research materials? Equally, to determine how SMEs firm upgrade its knowledge and skills about the physical environment in a unique way and transforming the knowledge into instructions and designs for efficient creation of desired performance, technological capability was measured with 11 items adapted from the study of Wang et al. Gray, C. (2006). Journal of Modelling in Management, 14(2), 476491. Therefore, from Table VII, it can be clearly observed that both learning capability and SMEs performance have exhibited moderate predictive relevance. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 519540. Fernanda Maciel Reichert, Meanwhile, the average number of AI capabilities that organizations use, such as natural-language generation and computer vision, has also doubledfrom 1.9 in 2018 to 3.8 in 2022. However, H2 was not supported, as the result indicates a significant negative relationship of relational capability with SMEs performance (=0.297; t=4.251; p=0.000). Brazilian Administration Review, 9(11), 95117. Technological changes are continuously creating challenges and opportunities for the development of new products (Wei, 1995; Cetindamara, Phaal & Probert, 2009). 1, pp. (2006). The mediating effect of organizational learning capability, Leadership, & Organization Development Journal, Organizational learning capability and organizational innovation: The moderating role of knowledge inertia, Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable and measurement error, A predictive approach to the random effects model, A framework for determining and prioritizing relational capitals: The case of Iran e-business, International Journal of Commerce and Management, The relationship between learning capability and organizational performance: A meta-analytic examination, Absorptive capacity, knowledge management and innovation in entrepreneurial small firms, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior, & Research, The effect of organizational learning capability on firm performance: Mediated by technological innovation capability, Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance, Multirative Data Analysis: a Global Perspective, A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), LA, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington, DC and Melbourne, Configurations of entrepreneurial- customer- and technology orientation: Differences in learning and performance of software companies, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour, & Research, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, The relationship between internal and external cooperation: Literature review and propositions, Enhancing organizational performance of Malaysian SMEs: The role of HRM and organizational learning capability. High-tech companies are seeking internationalization in order to obtain knowledge and resources aimed at NPS (Haeussler, Patzelt & Zahra, 2012). Based on the idea that subjects develop technological capabilities, the technological capability literature could be classified into micro- and macro-level applications, and this study is an extension of the latter strand in terms of understanding the technological development and growth of nations. Firm internationalization can be understood as an antecedent variable of technological capability (Tseng & Chen, 2014). This is specifically essential for SMEs firms from less developed economies as they are lagging behind on the global competitive platform, and that the possession of specific advantage locally may not be adequately enough to help penetrate the global markets. ICT and the New NSW Syllabus Documents Students live in a rapidly changing technological world. Sukoco, B. M., Hardi, H., & Qomariyah, A. The repair option is often a good one: re-train and re-tool the willing keepers. 4-30. More Citation Formats Issue Vol. (2015). Practically, managers of SMEs firms in developing economy must recognize and appreciate the potential role of technological, relational and learning capabilities in achieving sustainable superior performance in this competitive and dynamic changing environment. Technological capability is a core resource and distinctive competency that enables firms to create firm value. SMEs firm that efficiently develop its relational capability creates effective collaboration, which enhances its competitive position. Learning capability is a strategic capability for business survival in this dynamic and competitive business environment (Santos-Vijande et al., 2012; Sok & OCass, 2011; Calantone, Cavusgil, & Zhao, 2002). On the other hand, relational capability positively and significantly relates to SMEs learning capability (=0.546; t=8.332; p=0.000), therefore, H4 was supported. (1999) The Internationalization of Industrial R&D From technology transfer to the learning organization. The study results show that cooperation with competitors has an inverted U-shaped relationship with innovation of successful products. ***Significant at 0.01, Predicting relevance Q2 (StoneGeissers). DOI: 10.1111/1540-5885.1150397, NERKAR, A.; ROBERTS, P. W. (2004) Technological and product-market experience and the success of new product introductions in the pharmaceutical industry. DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2004.10.002, JOHNSON, W. H.; PICCOLOTTO, Z.; FILIPPINI, R. (2009) The impacts of time performance and market knowledge competence on new product success: an international study. DIME Final Conference, Maastricht (pp. The list of the most important articles pioneer is found in appendix A. The CAL will be a member of the department leadership team responsible for generating work, advising on technical capabilities, and mentoring in the area of OT Counter Measures. A resource-based view of the firm. The direct structural relationships were reported in Table III and Figure 2. Kathiane Benedetti Corso, Journal of Business Research, 58(6), 715725, Available from:, Keskin, H. (2006). The diversification of a companys product portfolio if it operates in the international market increases the chances of selling the products in new markets (Zahra, 1996; Kang & Montoya, 2014), thus contributing to an increase in NPS rates (Ernst, 2002; Nerkar & Roberts, 2004). Several studies have been developed on NPS (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1993b; Ottum & Moore, 1997; Maidique & Zirger, 1984, 1985), where a wide variety of background factors were found to influence the final result of new product performance (Montoya-Weiss & Calantone, 1994). R Consequently, 238 valid questionnaires were keyed into the Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS 24.0) for the purpose of the evaluation of the potential outliers. Keywords: Technological capability, Moderating effect, Internationalization, New product success. This demonstrated the VRIN nature and dynamic capability of SMEs learning capability in enhancing operation, competitiveness and performance in a rapidly changing competitive environment as confirmed by several other previous studies (Muddaha, Kheng, & Sulaiman, 2018; Visser, 2016; Goh et al., 2012). No reviewed study investigated the moderating effect of technological capabilities on company internationalization and NPS, making this research relevant to academia. Recently, the Nigerian Government failed to assent the bilateral African continental free trade agreement due to pressure from Nigerian Labor Congress and the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, that the treaty would be disadvantageous to Nigerian firms which are mainly SMEs due to the lack of economic of scale and competitive advantage (Akeyewale, 2018). excluded Strategy, & Leadership, 46(1), 2329. Download Technological Capability In The Third World full books in PDF, epub, and Kindle. The investment will be made in two new manufacturing facilities at LEAP Lebanon Innovation and Research District of Indiana in Boone County. It also demonstrated the need for SMEs manager to recognize and appreciate the roles of these strategic capabilities in achieving sustainable competitive position. European Journal of International Marketing, 9(4), 396417, Available from: Technological capability can be defined as the capability to intensive knowledge to jointly mobilize different resources [tr8] to enable the firm to develop innovative products of success through the implementation of competitive strategies and value creation in a given environment (Garca- Muia & Navas-Lopez, 2007). In this sense, it is important that the firm expands and builds tighter relationships with potential customers, creating new consumer markets through the company's internationalization. Cloud Solutions Move to the Microsoft cloud to get more from your data and unlock business value. 2 (2012), Technological Capability's Predictor Variables, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation: Vol. The study hypothesized that technological capability, relational capability and learning capability positively associated with SMEs performance. A model for measuring technology capability in the agrifood industry companies. However, the company should be cautious with the decision to keep "mature products" and/or generate "new products", because performance portfolios influence companies financial results. P1: There is a positive relationship between firm internationalization and NPS. Furthermore, Sukoco, Hardi, and Qomariyah (2018) sought for an investigation of the potential mediating role of learning on the relationship of firms capabilities and performance. Learning capability has been described as a firms features and management qualities directed toward the promotion and support of a learning process (Fang, Chang, & Chen, 2011). The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 20 (6), p. 444-467. SCHUMPETER, J. and University-industry collaboration as a determinant of innovation in Nigeria. Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance. (1997). Hence, Lado, Paulraj, and Chen (2011) urged that SMEs firms must tirelessly cultivate and leverage relational capability to generate and provide superior customers utilities. ISIC rev. 2019 Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Facultad de Economa y Negocios. (1995) Trade, Technology and International Competitiveness. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(8), 31173142. Marcelo Trevisan, However, depending on the diffusion capability of domestic technologies, the country of origin may have a lower rate of technology internationalization, such as in India (Chittoor & Ray, 2007; Dechezleprtre, Glachant & Meniere, 2009). African Journal of Business, 5(5), 18641870, Available from: Research Policy, 28 (edio especial), p. 107-117. Furthermore, the nine items used to measure relational capability in this study were adapted from Pham et al. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2005.05.007, MONTOYA-WEISS, M. M.; CALANTONE, R. (1994) Determinants of new product performance: a review and meta-analysis. As a rule, incremental innovations generate less impact (resistance) in consumer markets, because the benefits of the product are more visible to customers. Capacidades tecnolgicas e estratgia empresarial: Evidncias em nvel de empresa da indstria de telefonia no Brasil. Technological capability entails not only technical mastery capability, but also the capacity to expand and deploy the firms core capabilities, and effectively combine the different streams of technologies and mobilize technological resources throughout the firms (Zawislak, Alves, Tello-Gamarra, Barbieux, & Reichert, 2012). To assess the significant relationship hypothesized in the study, both the direct relationship of the independent variables with the mediating and the dependent variable were examined. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 1-32. DOI: 10.1109/17.985742, KYLHEIKO, K.; JANTUNEN, A.; PUUMALAINEN, K.; SAARENKETO, S.; TUPPURA, A. R&D Management, 36(4), 421-438. AFUAH, A. ZAWISLAK, P. A., ZEN, A. C., FRACASSO, E. M., REICHERT, F. M. and PUFAL, N. A. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-013-0603-z, TATIKONDA, M. V.; STOCK, G. N. (2003) Product technology transfer in the upstream supply chain. 9 No. This topic is intended to suggest propositions based on the theoretical framework developed and instituted. It is the ability to leverage different IT resources for intangible benefits.[1] The analysis of this study is restricted to only resource-based view and dynamic capability theory. Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que a capacidade tecnolgica pode ser utilizada como varivel moderadora; capacidade tecnolgica considerada um importante elemento de crescimento econmico; facilita a internacionalizao da empresa; pode proporcionar o sucesso de novos produtos; a transferncia de tecnologia auxilia na formao de capacidade tecnolgica, por meio do conhecimento tcito, habilidades e competncias dos funcionrios; em regra, empresas exportadoras apresentam maior capacidade tecnolgica. The effect of strategic alliances between key competitors on firm performance. The integration of ICT capabilities in teaching, learning . A five Likert scale survey questionnaire (strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree and strongly agree) was developed to collect the data. Technology Transformation & Capabilities Marks and Spencer Oct 2022 - Present 3 months. Retrieved May 01, 2012 from , 2012. Therefore, to sufficiently generate rent from relationship with external partners, firms generative learning and integration ability must be effective to create value (Albort-Morant, Leal-Rodrguez, & De Marchi, 2018). International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (pp. Clements, M. D. (2010). Technovation, 27 (1), p. 30-46. Technological capability concerns directly R&D activities, which facilitate the creation of new products. DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2006.04.004, GRANT, R. M. (1996) Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. Resumo: Nonetheless, limited attention has been given to the empirical examination of the mediating role of learning capability on the association of the technological and relational capabilities and the performance of SMEs in developing economies. After all, isnt the technology there to support the business? This is specifically essential for business firms from less developing and emerging economies as they are lagging behind on the global competitive platform, and that the possession of specific advantage locally may not be adequately enough to help penetrate the global markets (Yiu, Lau, & Bruton, 2007). The Learning Organization, 13(2), 166185. Complementary role of organizational learning capability in new service development (NSD) process. Inter-firm network capability: How it affects buyer-supplier performance. The survey results suggest that technological capability can be used as a moderating variable; technological capability is considered an important element of economic growth; it facilitates company internationalization; can provide NPS; technology transfer assists the formation of technological capability through the tacit knowledge, skills, and competencies of staff; as a rule, export companies have greater technological capabilities. TSAI, K. (2004). Table V demonstrated a small, substantial and medium effect size of learning capability, technological capability and relational capability on SMEs performance, respectively, based on Cohen (1988) criterion. This has also been underscored by Ghane and Akhavan (2014), who mentioned that relational capability is critical to the execution of strategy and programs aimed at reducing customers complaints, creating cordial relationship and enhancing satisfaction. SMEs firm that successfully developed and continuously advances its ability in learning creates superior competitive advantage (Clements, 2010; Bhatnagar, 2006). British Food Journal, 111(8), 794810, Available from:, Goh, S. C. (2003). Mavondo, F. T., & Matanda, M. J. Building on the absorptive capacity perspective and organizational inertia theory, the authors propose that technological capability has curvilinear and differential effects on exploitative and explorative innovations. It is a well-established fact that no business can operate efficiently in this globalized business environment without modern technologies and collaborations with strategic partners. Hence, through deployment of valuable resources and dynamic capabilities, such as technological, relational and learning capabilities, SME firms achieve distinctive competitive position in the market. Learning orientation, form innovation capability, and firm performance. Innovation is essential for exporting companies (Zhang, Jiang & Zhu, 2015). SEBRAE. As with Business Capabilities, identifying, naming, and clarifying each capability not only determines the technical services provided to the business but creates a common framework and structure that all parts of the company can understand. A technology capability model identifies and documents the technology platforms and infrastructure concepts used by the company to support its business operations. (2020), "Technological capability, relational capability and firms performance: The role of learning capability", Revista de Gesto, Vol. Would it be more cost-effective to invest in one high-end product and eliminate lots of smaller niche applications? The low success rate of new products worries some scholars, perhaps because the success of a new product is considered complex, in other words, it directly involves obtaining financial resources, high development costs, investment risk, a low life cycle in the market, and a rapid release time. A longitudinal study of the impact of R&D, patents, and product innovation on firm performance. The role of organizational learning capability, Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria news, Collaborative learning model of infrastructure construction: A capability perspective, Relational capabilities to leverage new knowledge: Managing directors perceptions in UK and Portugal old industrial regions, Leveraging new knowledge with relational capabilities: An investigation of rural school libraries in southern Portugal, The associations among market orientation, technology orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance, The influence of organizational learning capability on success of technological innovation (product) implementation with moderating effect of knowledge complexity, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Integrative capability for successful partnering: A critical dynamic capability, Technological environment and some selected manufacturing industry in Enugu State, Nigeria, Strategic learning capability: Through the lens of environmental jolts, European Journal of Training and Development, A model for measuring technology capability in the agrifood industry companies, Learning capability and Nigerian SMEs marketing innovation: The moderating influence of dynamic business environment, International Journal of Management Research, & Review, Relational capabilities for value co-creation and innovation in SMEs, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Improving retail supply flexibility using buyer-supplier relational capabilities, International Journal of Operations, & Production Management, University-industry collaboration as a determinant of innovation in Nigeria, Organizational learning capability and open innovation, The influence of relational capability and marketing capabilities on the export performance of emerging market firms, Common method biases in behavioral research: a critical review of the literature and recommended remedies, Learning capability and business performance: A non-financial and financial assessment, Commonality, conflict, and absorptive capacity: Clarifying middle manager roles in the pharmaceutical industry, Strategic alliances as a competitive strategy: How domestic airlines use alliances for improving performance, Emerging through technological capability: an overview of India s technological trajectory, Technological capability and firm performance, Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, The effect of strategic alliances between key competitors on firm performance, Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, The new competitive advantage of automobile manufacturers, Relational capabilities in Thai buyer-supplier relationships, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, On the road to happiness at work (HAW): Transformational leadership and organizational learning capability as drivers of HAW in a healthcare context, The impact on competitiveness of customer value creation through relationship capabilities and marketing innovation, Toward a subjective measurement model for firm performance, How organizational learning affects a firms flexibility, competitive strategy, and performance, Achieving superior innovation-based performance outcomes in SMEs through innovation resource-capability complementarity, Linking entrepreneurial orientation and small service firm performance through marketing resources and marketing capability: A moderated mediation model, Distinctive marketing and information technology capabilities and strategic types: A cross-national investigation, Cross-validatory choice and assessment of statistical predictions, Social capital, relational learning, and performance of suppliers, The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction, Dynamic capabilities and strategic management, Organizational learning measurement and the effect on firm innovation, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Extended dependency network diagrams: Adding a strategic dimension, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Organizational learning capability and battlefield performance: The British army in World War II, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, How technological capability influences business performance: An integrated framework based on the contingency approach, Journal of Technology Management in China, The influence of relational competencies on supply chain resilience: A relational view, International Journal of Physical Distribution, & Logistics Management, Leveraging informational and relational capabilities for performance: An empirical investigation, International venturing by emerging economy firms: The effects of firm capabilities, home country networks, and corporate entrepreneurship, Supply chain quality integration: Relational antecedents and operational consequences, Innovation capability: From technology development to transaction capability, Influences of the internal capabilities of firms on their innovation performance: A case study investigation in Brazil, Inter-firm network capability: How it affects buyer-supplier performance, Improving organizational learning capability: Lessons from two case studies. The pressures from the highly competitive environment pose on to the SMEs a challenging task of meeting multiple demands of several forces that works together in the attainment of common goals (Mat & Razak, 2011). So, 229 valid responses were used to examine the relationship of the hypotheses established. From the theoretical review developed, it was possible to infer that absorption capacity improves the development of skills and competencies necessary for managing tangible and intangible firm assets. Analytics and AI Scalable solutions delivering clear analytical insights using the latest technology. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(8), 12851293. Journal of Technology Management in China, 1(1), 2752. The empirical result in Table IV revealed that learning capability does not mediate the relationship between technological capability and SMEs performance (=0.089; t=2.709; p=0.003), thus H7a was not supported. Long Range Planning, 22 (4), p. 115-124. Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance. DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.09.003, TSAI, K-H. (2004) The impact of technological capability on firm performance in Taiwans electronics industry. Technovation, 28, 327-334. Confirmatory analyses of the data related to each variable were performed using the partial least square structural equation model (PLSSEM) to determine the reliability and validity of the data. The new competitive advantage of automobile manufacturers. Does relational capability significantly relate to SMEs learning capability? It was therefore necessary to analyze 87 articles obtained from four databases. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10(1), 4266. Palavras-chave: Capacidade tecnolgica, Efeito moderador, Internacionalizao, Sucesso de novos produtos. Does learning capability mediate the relationship between technological capability, learning capability and SMEs performance? Technological capability reflects a firm's ability to employ various technological resources (Afuah, 2002 ). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior, & Research, 12(6), 345360, Available from: Energy policy, 37 (2), p. 703-711. Technological capability contributes to the achievement of higher levels of economic performance for firms, since it allows incremental improvements from the use of new technologies (Jonker; Romijn; Szirmai, 2006). The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), 195213, Available from: NPS is never guaranteed (Maidique & Zirger, 1985) but it can be predictable (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1993c), provided that the organization identifies the critical factors that interfere with the success of the new product (Cooper, 1979). A Technology Level is roughly an order of magnitude increase in capability across the three measures of technology: labor enhancement, quality improvement, and achievement of impossibilities. Some reasons that can justify advancing technological capability are: the need for developing and maintaining internal capabilities, changes in technologies underlying the control system, R&D, closer relations with universities, research institutes, and specialized suppliers (Niosi, 1999; Bozeman, 2000; Prencipe, 2000; Terawatanavong et al., 2011; Wang & Zhou, 2013), development of new technology components, long-term system integration capabilities (Prencipe, 2000), and firm internationalization (Kylheiko et al., 2011). 2012-12-08, Customer focus, supply-chain relational capabilities and performance: Evidence from US manufacturing industries, The International Journal of Logistics Management, The link between organizational learning capability and quality culture for total quality management: A case study in vocational education, Determinants of absorptive capacity: The value of technology and market orientation for external knowledge acquisition, Journal of Business, & Industrial Marketing, Complementary role of organizational learning capability in new service development (NSD) process, Firm performance and alliance capability: The mediating role of culture, Common method bias in marketing: Causes, mechanisms, and procedural remedies, Are altruistic leaders worthy? Our Assignment Writing Experts are efficient to provide a fresh solution to this question. (2012) The role of lean launch execution and launch timing on new product performance. GRSi was purchased for $185.0 million, or $157.9 million net of transaction-related tax benefits worth approximately $27.1 million on a net present value basis. For this, it was necessary to perform six steps: i) reading the title of the articles; ii) reading the summaries; iii) automatic exclusion of duplicate or inaccessible articles; iv) downloading the articles available; v) reading of the relevant articles, i.e., with the most citations (Scopus and Web of Science); and vi) reading the latest articles (Scopus, Springer, and Science Direct). The total number of reviewed articles was 87 publications. (1988). Technovation, 16(9), 451-468. Management Decision, 28(5), 577609, Available from: The Theory of Economic Development. REICHERT, F. M; BELTRAME, R.; CORSO, K.; TREVISAN, M.; ZAWISLAK, P. (2011). Research and Publications WP No. BELLINGHINI, M. F.; FIGUEIREDO, P. N. (2006). DOI:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2011.02.001. Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(1), 11-136. Therefore, relational capability has been established to positively influence marketing intelligent gathering (Pham et al., 2017), enhance firms cultural orientation (Luvison & de Man, 2015), capability for the co-value creation and information sharing (Ngugi et al., 2010), and expedite the conversion of customer knowledge into specific market product (Snchez-Gutirrez, Cabanelas, Lampn, & Gonzlez-Alvarado, 2018): Relational capability significantly relates to SMEs learning capability. The Technical Capability model can then really deliver value by linking the capabilities to the actual technologies being used. In this regard, Nigerian Government has introduced several programs and policies such as the National Information Technology Development Agency, the National Industrial Revolution Plan, National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion, among others, to help SMEs firms improve the capacity to develop or imitate the universally acknowledged industrials technologies and enhance their ability in assimilating new technologies to satisfy the peculiar needs of the country (NIRP, 2014). It is generally understood to refer to the technological strengths of a particular unit of analysis. BM&FBOVESPA (2012). As constantes mudanas existentes no ambiente corporativo exigem que as organizaes apresentem alta velocidade de adaptao aos cenrios hipercompetitivos. Santos-Vijande, M. L., Lpez-Snchez, J. ., & Trespalacios, J. They refer to applications and infrastructure concepts and are agnostic of any specific business activity. Consequently, the mediating role of learning capability on the relationship of relational capability and SMEs performance was established by the finding of this study. P2: Technological capability positively moderates the relationship between firm internationalization and NPS. Finally, a theoretical framework, study limitations, and suggestions for future research are proposed. It determines the potential of SMEs firm to survive, innovate and flourish in the market (Jerez-Gmez, Cspedes-Lorente, & Valle-Cabrera, 2005). British Food Journal, 121(2), 242258. Martins, J. T., & Canhoto, R. (2016). In this section, the last hypotheses were tested. (1981). Technological capability enables SMEs firms to endure the effects of dynamically changing business environment throughout the life of the business. British Food Journal, 118(6), 14221461, Available from:, Muddaha, G., Kheng, Y. K., & Sulaiman, Y. Asante, J., Kissi, E., & Badu, E. (2018). Is there any significant relationship between SMEs learning capability and performance? Jansen, J. J. P., Van Den Bosch, F. A. J., & Volberda, H. W. (2005). A., Paulraj, A., & Chen, I. J. Similarly, Technical Capabilities, also known as Technical Reference Architecture, define a company's ability to deliver business services but from a technical perspective. However, learning capability was measured with seven items adapted from the work of Hailekiros and Renyong (2016), which evaluates the degree of SMEs commitment toward the promotion and support of the firms learning process to directly enhance performance and influence other capabilities to improve competitive advantage and performance. Having a well-defined technical capability model enables a business to respond more quickly and efficiently to changes in its business resulting from growth, mergers, acquisitions, or new legislation, and to assist with budget planning. Alegre, J., & Chiva, R. (2008). However, these capabilities have been studies on firms from plastic industry (Chantanaphant, Nabi, & Dornberger, 2013), professional and financial services (Ulbrich & Borman, 2017; Ainin, Kamarulzaman, & Farinda, 2010), healthcare, (Salas-Vallina, Lpez-Cabrales, Alegre, & Fernndez, 2017), constructions (Manley & Chen, 2015) and aviation industry (Rajasekar & Fouts, 2009), mostly from western developed world, the USA, Latin America and Emerging Asian economies. The firm's performance enhances the release of new products in the domestic market and reduces product life cycle time[tr11] , i.e., they are more likely to succeed in the international market. Specifically, Bauchi state was selected from north-east, while Kano and Niger states were selected to represent north-west and north-central, respectively. The Learning Organization, 16(4), 326348, Available from: Excessive relationship exposed firms to lose its competitive capabilities, knowledge and resources to major competitors (Ritala, Hallikas, & Sissonen, 2008). The information about each capability is collected, via a standard template, using appropriate resources within the business, usually technical personnel or employees with IT knowledge. Learning capability supports firm in improving productivity, sensing market opportunities, adjusting business activities, minimizing cost and new product delivery methods to the market (Sok & OCass, 2011). GRSi was purchased for $185.0 million, or $157.9 million net of transaction-related tax benefits worth approximately $27.1 million on a net present value basis. The constant changes in the existing corporate environment require organizations to submit high speed to adapt to hypercompetitive scenarios. Scant research has been developed involving technological capability and the internationalization of companies from emerging economies, such as Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico, and China (Chittoor & Ray, 2007; Vtnen, Podmetina & Pillania, 2009; Dechezleprtre, Glachant & Mnire, 2009). (2006) Technological effort, technological capabilities and economic performance: A case study of the paper manufacturing sector in West Java. SMEs firms generally find it very challenging to penetrate into new and unfamiliar marketing environment mainly because of the resource constraint and strategic capabilities (Pham et al., 2017). Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14 (4), p. 258-273. Access to a wider range of new technology options (Tatikonda & Stock, 2003) can influence the product cycle time (Montoya-Weiss & Calantone, 1994), speed of firm innovation (Coombs & Bierly III, 2006), launch and time to market of new products (Calantone & Di Benedetto, 2012), product development costs (Hultink & Robben, 1995), success in developing new products (Tatikonda & Stock, 2003), and is considered an important component of knowledge and skills for the firm (Tatikonda & Stock, 2003; Renko, Carsrud & Brnnback, 2009). Emotional and learning capability and their impact on product innovativeness and firm performance, Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance, Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: The role of organizational learning capability, Organizational learning capability and job satisfaction: An empirical assessment in the ceramic tile industry, Factorial analysis of capacity-building needs of small- and medium-scale building contractors in developing countries: Ghana as a case study, Innovation sources, capabilities and competitiveness: Evidence from Hong Kong firms, Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Technological capabilities and late shakeouts: Industrial dynamics in the advanced gas turbine industry, 1987-2002, Measuring organizational learning capability in Indian managers and establishing firm performance linkage, Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance, From the editors: Common method variance in international business research, Journal of International Business Studies, The effect of technological capability on the performance of SMEs in Thailand, Dynamic capabilities of logistics service providers: Antecedents and performance implications, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Assessing inter-organizational innovation performance through relational governance and dynamic capabilities in supply chains, Measuring organisational learning capability among the workforce, Knowledge management and open innovation in agri-food crowdfunding, Building learning capability: Enhancing the learning talent chain by connecting environments, Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, How does altruistic leader behavior foster radical innovation? Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 36(3), 271295, Available from: Technological capability refers to the capability, which provides to an organization technological strength and gives opportunity to create competitive advantage. Research Policy, 14 (6), p. 299-313. Assume that I have an SAP Accounting System which I use for running my accounts, and a Business Intelligence (BI) System which I use for analyzing those accounts. The research results indicate that companies with high technological capability made strategic alliances in order to gain knowledge and resources. DOI: 10.1111/1540-5885.1250392, JABAR, J.; SOOSAY, C.; SANTA, R. (2011) Organisational learning as an antecedent of technology transfer and new product development: A study of manufacturing firms in Malaysia. 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