I went back to the doctor today, and I was pleasanty surprised when he said I could go full weight bearing. Saw Dr. on Monday she gave ok to wear shoes with heel lifts & to start driving again. Thats not always 100% successful, and is often painful or traumatic (some people think theyve reruptured) when it is successful. Then I ruptured my left achilles in March of 2017. Boy I tell you I sure enjoy this forum. 2020 May;28(5):1675. doi: 10.1007/s00167-019-05394-6. Doc was very happy with the progress and said that I should set up an appointment for next Tuesday to switch over to the Bledsoe boot (27 days after 2nd surgery). I am really thankful to be pain free and active. Im curious if other ATRR (reruptures) had questions they wished they asked before 2nd surgery? But then it was only 2 weeks and 1 day afterf the surgery. Hi ring. But I do not understand why you have difficulty straightening the leg?? Thanks again! Apparently early on in the recovery, a re-rupture can be a gentle pulling apart of the tendon as opposed to the explosive pop we experience when we initially rupture. Good question, perhaps someone with more knowledge on that can respond. All of the re-rupture stories seem to be about people who had a second rupture and were operated on soon afterwards. With any boot youre planning to swim or bathe in, I think it would be a great idea to get a second liner. Patients often describe a "popping" or "snapping" sound with severe pain, swelling and stiffness in the ankle region followed by bruising of the area. My recovery was going well .. walking pretty much normally but about 50% normal muscle strength. I have scheduled surgery for this Friday (week from today) I am currently in plantar flexion in a fibergalss cast. In addition, it may be useful to have an X-Ray to rule-out any foot bone fractures from your re-injury. Some people here have gone non-op after re-ruptures, and I think most of them have done well. Im in hospital now, wait for an MRIits been 24 hours and counting since I was admitted! A little over 5 months out now and am still having quite a bit of pain. If there was no pain or pop, I suspect you are okay, but thats just an educated guess. where there was increased scar tissue it created an image of a void between that and my heal..please i encourage all to get second third and fourth opinions before you enter into this or any other surgery!! No signs of infection, just numb. I just hope and pray that I havent re-ruptured because we are due to go on holiday to Portugal on `6th July and I wont be very popular if I am still in a cast. I Tore my Achilles just recently, and have documented the whole process because there is so little out there that really gets into the day to day of it all. I felt a small snap, and a bit of pain in my lower calf. thesingularity, Im surprised somebody didnt administer a Thomson test to see if your AT is attached to your calf muscle now or not. Although the compression sock helped swelling in my ankle and lower leg, the swelling actually got worse in my foot, so that option doesnt seem to be the answer.have my 2nd PT session today, hopefully they will have another option for me to try? I had a cortisone shot, it felt better for a little bit but now it seems to be back. 5 months post op is in my opinion really late to recognize a problem. Initial surgery on 10th march, cleared from moon boot etc on 24th April. I have a vacation planned with my wife - the first one in over 5 years. Physio has helped a lot, as the tendon is rock solid, but the calf muscle is totally gone. It will NOT heal properly, and youll limp forever! ASK FOR HELP! Good luck. The vast majority of reruptures occur within the first 12 weeks of treatment, with or without surgery. As you said its important to confirm my state and what should be the treatment. I plan on taking the recovery slow - I definitely dont want any more surgeries. Hope this story helps in your rehab. My major question is whether I should have surgery or not. Additionally, because the function of the Achilles tendon is to enable plantarflexion (bending the foot downward . @deeleft, the trauma of the rerupture is just what might make non-op treatment of a rerupture succeed! I hop my way in and finally fet a wheel chair. She said to get back in the boot and come see her in 2 weeks. I can already easily do ~40 two legged heel raises but need to be able to do single legged heel raises (havent tried one yet) before I think about running again. If your calf muscle cant relax enough to stretch out while youre knocked out for surgery, Im not sure when it will. Instead he had me wait about three weeks before starting. I am at 4 weeks, and back in the gym, although not much with the legs yet. Anybody been through something similiar? If you have relatively good balance it is a blast getting around. Well i m in Vietnam at the moment, the medical service here are not great. Cheers, take care all & look forward to hearing more from everyone. Thank goodness for my scooter (even though I am not sure if it is socially acceptable yet). As misery loves company, I felt compelled to write to see what your outcome was as I too fell on my casted injured leg 5 weeks post op. I was on my own in the house, all my flatmates were out. Instead, try these four tips . As i was pushing down, he was pushing up. Anyway, I wanted to post here because I want people to understand, when they say wear the bootwear the boot. I ruptured my AT in March when my ankle was grabbed by an escalator. The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone. Jimmy, the chances are small but not very small, and there are a number of bloggers here including me whove had ATRs on both sides. I found myself wanting to do more on my own including showering. I agree with all the things youve said, however like you mentioned at the finish, I always end up going again to how I used to do things. June 2, after spending 6 weeks on cast both of my foot finally can have a taste of the ground, and believe it or not it lasted only 2 hours until I tripped and fell. . They will provide help to disabled individualswhether permanently or temporarily disabledand there is no income limit. Its an easy mistake to make - and a little bell may help you prevent the re-rupture tragedy. BTW, have you been immobilized in a suitable toe-down position for all the time post-re-rupture, and how long has that been? My wound had healed well but then blood shot out of the scar again. Here I am complaining about my possible re rupture and we have someone going through worse. That must of been a real shock when that happened, Sorry to hear that youve had to start over Ryan, and wish you an uneventful and straightforward re-recovery. Thanks for the kind words. Glad to read after about a week that most seem to be progressing. Lots of people are never getting off crutches or out of a wheelchair, etc., but for us this is a pothole, not a cliff. Hes still happy, but thats no guarantee (and there arent any!). I was without my crutch, slipped and stepped forward with my boot, the velcrow came off and my foot bent forward I felt a sharp pain were my Achilles was stitched together. Many people describe it as a kick or hit in the calf. I ditched the crutches and the boot two weeks ago. It reattaches the torn ends of the tendon and can be done with one large incision (open surgery) . I ruptured on 5/16/2011 and had surgery on 5/24/2011. -, Am J Sports Med. Best of luck for a good recovery. ?achilles is detached now I am in a pickle..I need a new surgery..is my dr comprised.what questions do i need to ask.i am devastated and feeling like i do not know who to trust I figure I will stay the course with this doc until after my next visit then I will go with a 2nd observation and opinion. Your message reminds us how vulnerable we are even at these later stages of the healing process. First consultation with a top sport surgeon150, MRI scan 650. Are falls and mistaken weight-bearing commonplace? Achilles tendinosis is a degeneration of the Achilles tendon. I was drunk and was going up stairs, when sober I put my foot sideways to spread the weight to my heel. My story- I ruptured my achilles completely on Dec 24, 2011 playing basketball. So 12 weeks after surgical repair I took a step, had a wobble and came down very heavily on my left/bad leg. Things are definitely looking up. I forget his login name, sorry, but he was doing well the last time I read a post from him. On March 20th, I made my own very bad mistake and tried hopping up the stairs with my good foot while talking to someoneI tripped and landed on the tip of my right foot and felt the excruciating pain as before (this time it felt/sounded more like Velco snapping apart). You should be OK and be able to use crutches when you are away. This is about 1 per 100, or 1%. Achilles Tendon Rupture. We had a guy here recently (~6 months?) If it is any consolation to you within two weeks of completing my first single leg heel raise, I was back on the weights for my legs. I studied some subjects Id been interested in for a while - but spent more time lying in bed feeling shitty. My surgeon is very concerned about infection which I know is a risk but I am pretty young (30), non-smoker and otherwise healthy. BTW, the other fanciest modern trial that compared op with non-op was done in 2007 in NZ by Twaddle et al. 1) MRIs can be wrong about lots of things, probably including ATRs/re-Rs. What your doctor is saying doesnt make much sense to me, either. crawllimpwalkrunjump, I really appreciate sharing your story, I remember a friend of mine in the soccer team ruptured his also, and did it on his own as well, he healed really well and back on the field 6 months later. Since then, have you had any bad falls, a hard calf cramp, or any other events where you suspect you re-tore it? nobodys done a study of faster, so its unproven. This past week was 5+ weeks post op today was 6 weeks. @filosofo, its great to hear that you and your leg are both so happy, after skipping the op. Doctor says partial and not the worst he has seen either. I decided to go with toe down method in a cast for 6 weeks. Lavalamp: Here is my rough timeline. Had an ultrasound on what I thought was a re-rupture. Earlier in the week was cleared to put down crutches and walk with boot for 2 weeks Is he going to find out that I need a surgery now? Hi ranui More swelling. I spent about a week in bed with my leg up on bolsters and pillows, as I recall. Definitely not as bad as the first time, by a long shot. Help. . Now I have to go back for surgery but have no idea when it is scheduled for yet. Has anyone ruptured a surgically repaired achilles 1 or more years after surgery? Its been 10 weeks and I have not even started PT yet. I think 2012 is a non walking year for Mr. Shea. Just a little update from me. . I too, was moved into my boot early (10 days) after I got water in my cast. I am devastated. What does a re-rupture feel like? had surgery 2/15 all was going excellent, started PT and aqua therapy a couple of weeks ago. I felt more pain the second time around. I took a look at Dr. OMalley bio and he looks great. The Dr said they will have to harvest a tendon tissue and weave it in to the Achilles tendon. I have my bedroom and bath upstairs. I am getting used to crutches now and dont see my injury as a reason not to do most things. JIm- Thanks for your encouragement. Anyway, at this point, I am making my own treatment choices depending on what my body and perhaps imperfect research is telling me. Congratulations! know how to check on your healing Achilles. I sure wish you luck, Mike! My snap was also right under the calf muscle of my right leg so the non-op was presented as my only viable optionsurgery was described as at best, it would be complicated for the same reasons that were explained to youtheres nothing to stich in to. And you should not do any RoM excercise until then? to talk him OUT of it! The first 4 weeks were Hell. Going to be a long night/morning as I await news of the MRI exam. My incision has healed really well. This second time has felt like 2 steps forward and one step back the whole time. Dont compound that problem by following an old school protocol with excessively long immobilization- youre going to be starting in a deep hole, dont dig it an deeper than necessary. Getting right into a rountine when one thing is modified is the best recommendation I can give. How much margin is a personal judgment. Ive been in 2 shoes for 3 weeks and am at week 10. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! When visiting the doctor 36 hours after the stair accident, he removed the cast and revealed the wound. FOIA Didnt hear the pop, didnt feel any pain. Im completely devastated, Im 4 months in from my first rupture and it kills me to think I have to go through that entire process again. Tendons are much stronger than muscles and since you where only walking your tendon would not have been over stressed. does anyone have any advice about whether a 2nd surgery is a good idea? I actually did a couple 20-30 yard slow jogs that day, barefoot. ), and it also doesnt advertise itself as waterproof, but it is. Or, is it more complicated (grafts, cadaver parts, etc.) Keep your chin up. I got cold feet and got another opinion. It has not been easy. It seems odd to me that it will heal up okay after the trauma of the rerupture and Im worried about being left with a weak leg or risking another rerupture down the line. Has anyone heard of waterproof casts? Unless your splint is somehow more complicated than most, putting it back on should be pretty simple. But I dont think its like what youre describing. Thanks again. But the chronic ATRs that would not approximate were sent for surgery. The downside is (a) some of those slices dont heal well, or get infected, etc., and (b) adjacent sliced layers often heal onto each other, instead of reconstructing their original layers, creating adhesions that have to be broken apart to create full mobility. For the moment all I have to do is make the 9 hour drive and supervise. I feel exactly as though I have had surgery but only to set up good conditions for non-op healing, if that makes sense. You have youth and condition on your side. Overview. Im not really interested in it anyway because Ive read too many horror stories about what could happen. The other option is is ask a friend nearby to help me with the shower. weeks or so), and the attitudes/experience/preferences of the specialists. I will be going back to the doctor next week, and I think I will be starting PT then. On October 5th I ruptured my Achilles playing basketball. I am going back to the doctor next week, and see if he will let me have PWB. My recollection is that he was having a fairly good recovery after the 2nd surgery. It paid off though because it allowed my Achilles to heal properly. Surgery was 16 days ago, and went back to the doctor 10 days after surgery to remove the stitches. 4. played my first mahjong game since surgery. BTW, when I said Pkent - well that sounds a bit more of a reasonable adjustmentalso know you know this but you will need somewhere to elevate your leg. That would explain the intense pain (as opposed to full ruptures which tend to not hurt as much) as well as the response to the Thompson squeeze test. Fortunately, you can fully recover from an Achilles tendon rupture if you identify the symptoms and get appropriate treatment. I started riding a stationary bike just to move my legs even when I was still using the boot. Burning sensation when trying to walk much like tendonitis which makes me think I was pushing too hard too early. -David. If you have questions about a sports injury or youd like a second opinion regarding treatment, please call our office at 281-633-8600 for our Sugar Land office and 713-234-3152 for our Houston office. I didnt notice any popping or anything specific and did not slip and fall. One more thingafter this accident, I felt a lot of heat and pins and needles type sensation in the tendon region.I think I had the same in the initial weeks after the original rupture. This has been really interesting to read all the re-ruptures. The stress of the injury couple with the death of one of my oldest and closest friends was taking its toll. Hi deeleft, sorry to hear about your setback. I am trusting less and less into my surgeon. This one also had to have the sheath removed. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies My blood pressure was 183/133. To me, had this been told to me the first time I tore my achilles, I would have opted for surgery. You have a suspected rupture to your Achilles tendon which needs to be confirmed via an ultrasound scan (USS) Healing. Before surgery the doc basically said he would look at the condition of the tendon and then decide what to do so I didnt have the chance to be involved in the decision and wasnt given any options to choose from. In any case, I can basically salute to all details. If you think the evidence. Maybe some scar tissue tore, but did severely tear the ligaments in my ankle. government site. I am currently 18 days post surgery and 9 days post fall. I am 46 years old. I heard a snap and felt like someone kick me in the calf. HOWEVER, theres now some very impressive new evidence that non-op treatment at least smart modern treatment can work just as well on a decent-sized group of reruptures as it works on a huge group of primary ATRs. My leg felt like it had an iron rod in it no flexibility. Many dont understand. This year, I partially tore my right. That was painful but I was able to push his hand down slightly. That said, its still helpful to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. As far as I know, the only way to confirm any of the above will be a MRI. January 2009 had surgery on left. I read above about just tearing scar tissue? The study is here, linked from the main page, so you can check. Park S-H, et al. Other than that I can only think of a tiny tiny cut, maybe 1 mm on my ankel(dunno how I got it) so I really have no clue of exactly where the infection was coming from. Was wondering about some sort of light(er) weight padded splint that could Velcro on for sleeping? He looked at his wife and realised what he almost done. I am 25 years old and very active, I returned to work 4 days post-op with the aid of a rolling scooter, I am now second guessing myself as to whether I pushed it too hard. Hoping to start blogging soon. Norm where can I find that study you mentioned. I remember tearing my knee and having no pain after tearing. Did you also go into a boot right after the cast? The doctor has said that she will have me wear this cast for 3 weeks and assess things at that time. Fortunately, its not hard to find ATR folks who are very happy where they are right now surgical, non-op, recovering from re-rupture either way, in boots, even in casts. Just take each day at a time and each minute at a time. Brian: I had some swelling after getting my cast off too. I was chomping at the bit eager to get going, and still am in some aspects. Did 50 fist push-ups yesterday in my crocs and no strain felt on the Achilles. Plus I have to keep my job and insurance that goes with it. I felt my weight on it for about 2 seconds. i see the doctor for prognosis first thing tomorrow morning, but from the other stories of re-ruptures he has told me about, i would guess he will be disinclined to do surgery again. Of course a non-op boot is much more work-friendly than surgery (I didnt miss a day of work! Also reconfirmed that the tendon has severe chronic tendonosis. thx all. Once again, I got the heel off the ground, but very transiently. Other people dont understand disability especially when they cannot see it. The first 6 weeks went so slow but advances seemed greater. You should at least be able to get your wound wet now. Still have to go back in the boot - for how long well see i guess. I havent had to use it since. I am also targeting 6 mos as a goal to be doing everything I like to do although I think full-out running and jumping might take a bit longer. My second tear is much closer to the bone. I cannot afford to take the risk of a re-rupture. I think the window of surgery varies greatly. But Im certainly no expert on DVT, not even an AMATEUR expert! Finally it tore so much that couldnt walk. I guess like the rest of you there have been times when it has taken its mental toil. Trying to get access. I dont know what happened yesterday, maybe the print version? Turned out I had torn the ligaments and the scar tissue. While an Achilles rupture can . Hi Brad, - had surgery and was fitted with a half cast for two weeks before getting a full cast I guess this means the heal attachment must have been pretty strong since it held. I bought compression socks today and wore them for a few hours before I went swimming (man, did swimming feel great!) I went non-op on my first rupture. We have the answer. Had surgery yesterday, 6/26, and the procedure on this Achilles is different then the other one 7 years ago. Let us know how you get on. Ruptured my right achilles in April on a basketball court. Am J Sports Med. PWB - Partial Weight Bearing. Hey all, Im wondering if you could give me some thoughts on my situation. Reading your post and seeing that you are currently jogging but you are struggling to complete a single leg heel raise. Really for me is prayers . Just be super careful between now and tomorrow and let him evaluate. My wife has cooked up a lot of food and put them in the freezer. He told me that since there is swelling around the ancle he can to tell for sure if I re-ruptured the tendon or not. Thank you Norm. Kaston, youre reminding me a bit of the ultra-conservative surgeon who fixed my first ATR. Or, have a friend to the Thompson test apparently, its pretty hard to get a good result on yourself. I just want to walk. a few extra months can save you a year of recovery. Im hoping they send me on my way and i can return to my own gym routine and continue my progress. Its amazing what we can do for ourselves when we have to and I bet the beer tasted especially good. Marianne, I am eight months ATR post injury/post op. Now that I am wearing two shoes I am also worried about a rerupture as this would set me back months again. All you need is a physio to make it. Has any body had a similar operation so I know what to expect? 2000 Mar;29(3):235-50. doi: 10.1007/s001320050442. After a couple of months here, Ive had the impression that most ATRs described were full ruptures, the biggest difference being in the protocols used. I already have mine ready to go from my original AT partial rupture that was more like a full rupture. However informed by his opposite number in same department that the recommendation is physio at week 8 onwards. I live on my own up 2 flights of stairs and hate asking for help (though Ive had to learn but I feel a burden). I spent the rest of the day with the leg elevated and pain subsided in about 30 minutes. What was it that you were doing that created the pop on the 14th August? Its all in the Wallace study. Do any of you attempt to drive with your left foot (non injured foot)? I love sports and love the out doors so I am very upset that this has happened again. As for how I got my infection, I dont really have an answer. No way to tell right now. That was in the States somewhere? i had non-op option with a full rupture. Theres plenty of life left to be proud and self-sufficientthat time is not now. Going slowly SEEMS conservative, but the results show that it isnt safe, so its not really conservative, its just irrationally timid IMHO, at least. I have had my moments all throughout this journey. He said if I walked out in my yard or somewhere else to wear the boot. Basically I got form him that I could have a some what normal life. Popping or snapping sound/sensation when the injury occurs Sudden, severe pain in the Achilles tendon Difficulty mobilizing: loss of plantar flexion power on the affected side Deformity: calf swelling; (e.g., hematoma) and/or palpable interruption of the affected Achille's tendon Thompson test gastrocnemius prone position plantar flexion I would alternate between being in the boot and out of the boot. My Doc didnt really convinsed me about his Knowledge. Westin O, Nilsson Helander K, Karlsson J. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. I dont want to unduly influence you against your doctor, but Ive realized its worthwhile reading all you can so that you can advocate for yourself. Nothing. Narrow vs wide. I hung around with one survivor of that op on both legs my late FIL, just departed a year ago at 89 and his two-leg op was a total success AFAIK. I wish you well tomorrow also. I also found doing some exercise on unaffected muscles kept my mind and body in good shape. My husband uses it on his planter Fasciitis swears it helps. I am now back in a cast for two weeks, but no surgery is needed. Some have been lucky and not had a rerupture and others have. Every morning I would hop into the car and drive to the mailbox to pick up my paper and the mail from the day before. Not sure if thats any relevance. Really dont want to have another surgery! of Western Ontario (here in Canada), where the best of the 4 recent randomized trials on operative vs. non-op ATR treatment (with agressive rehab protocols) was done. Gravity, who would have thought. Its been a week now with some silver looks like Spun cotton, pushed in incision, which by the way is totally open again. I run a business and havent taken any time for myself in years. If its re-ruptured, it will be a big mushy mess, likely with a void somewhere along its length. I am not as fast in sprints but I dont sprint that often anymore. Have anyone experience something similar? Best bet is MRI but it can be inconclusive. Partial achilles tendon rupture - a neglected entity: A narrative literature review on diagnostics and treatment Options. The Risk of Achilles Tendon Rupture in the Patients with Achilles Tendinopathy: Healthcare Database Analysis in the United States. I am bleeding money at the moment and cant afford another set back. Dear all, Interesting to find an OS who believes in non-op treatment of reruptures. So, she prescribed my boot, a few exercises, and easing into 50% weight bearing. We prospectively enrolled 21 patients undergoing minimally invasive reconstruction using a transfer of the ipsilateral peroneus brevis (PB) (five patients) or the free ipsilateral semitendinosus tendon (ST) graft with or without interference screw fixation (ten and six patients, respectively). Norm new study out yesterday out of Canada. That pillow could be a large sponge, or a ziplock bag punched with small holes (to let the air out) and filled with some polyfill (like the stuff found indside a real pillow). A defect in the Achilles tendon can often be felt after a tear. I hope that you followed normofthenorths indication above, if you were unsure of whether no accept treatment or not in Vietnam. For most of us the healing process eventually makes us happy, with a broad variety of treatments. There is no shower downstairs. CALLER: I may be calling a little off topic but I figured you guys have probably dealtwith everything. Wish I could be more assuring for you but about all you can do for now is rest it, ice it and call your doctor. Thats the thing i didnt do a thompson test after removing my cast, so its hard to tell whether this is just how it is becaue of weak calf muscle or its because of the fall. Achilles Tendon Ruptures are common tendon injuries that occur due to sudden dorsiflexion of a plantarflexed foot, most commonly associated with sporting events. Stiches come out next week. The door bell hadnt rung again at a mad hour so I cant tell you if it really worked but it made me go to sleep easier. 6) Cool down: Approximately 10 minute hard massage of the Achilles and soleus followed by 10 minutes of icing with Aircast Cryocuff. Regardless of outcome, I truly wish you the best in your recovery. Other common symptoms include swelling and . Following pt protocol at home mostly. My Ortho surgeon gave me both alternatives, surgical and self healing. Conclusions: Minimally invasive ipsilateral PB transfer and free ipsilateral ST graft with or without interference screw fixation are safe and effective procedures to reconstruct the Achilles tendon after a re-rupture, providing a significant improvement of the symptoms and function in the mid term. Hi Mal The tendon felt very strong, even stronger than my left. Here is a great site for more ideas: dumbbell-exercises.com, State Champ, I dont feel as if Ive been able to discuss evidence based approaches, its all felt quite prescriptive. Most studies suggest a re-rupture percentage of about 5% [1]. If so what is the re-hab? I truly wish the best of luck to all of you in your recovery, this blog has been very valuable to me! I wonder if anyone can relate/advise on my situation? My surgeon went for the plaster cast. Has anyone used the kiniesiotape for the achilles for relief and stablization during PT? This time there is Ill phone soandso and ask her if she could come and help me with X. @leotig: Does anyone have a bruise 4 weeks post partial rerupture not sure what to do..so depressing. The Achilles tendon rupture is the most common tendon to rupture (Holm). Plus Im starting to do a fair bit more in the gym now. Last year, I went to take off and it popped, this year, I jumped for a ball in the air and it popped. Unfortunately despite doing everything within proper limits a successful recovery is not guarantee. I am living downstairs for now, and will continue to do so after she leaves. GRRR!! I suffered a complete rupture of my Achilles exactly one week ago, and had surgery to repair it four days ago. Cease all stretching activities for five days, but try to walk greater distances. I have had surgery two weeks ago and this morning they got rid of the cast. As it turns out I should have taken my time and read some of the stories here to be more careful. Guess its time to go to hospital. Fortunately, today there are more treatments than ever for providing long-term relief from painful symptoms. The next day, I had an MRI, and while the MRI showed signs of a rupture and post-operative changes to the achilles, the doctor determined that I had not reruptured. Researchers are expressing concerns over the number of bicycle accidents involving drugs. The other, unruptured AT is not so much impervious. It could be I was afraid to put that much pressure on the bad leg, but I think its more a matter of it still being too weak.so that is something I obviously need to work on. Good luck everybody! I just wonder if the compression sock works just as well with the foot as it does with the ankle? Most of us find it easy to be appreciative when were relatively helpless. This surgeon also tells me that I will be in a cast for the entire non weight bearing 12weeks. It makes me think of the poor folks who are permanently disabled. You wrote The surgeon preferred not to any augmentation or use stitches due to the condition of the tendon once he got in to have a look at it. Did he tell you WHAT about its condition prompted that decision? I bet it was hard getting out of the jungle. Then it becomes prone to injury or rupture. I remember that night I tried to put weight on it and it would just give way but still no real pain. Any reason other than the gap might be a lot bigger? There also seemed to be reasons to doubt that non-op would work as well on reruptures as it does on primary ATRs. My leg is so wasted and thin now. Just put it on your foot and wrap on the ace wrap. A few days rest, elevation and ice has seen the swelling subside significantly and the aching ease. I missed hiking this fall and seeing all the beautiful fall colors. I was in a cast for 6 weeks then a boot for another 5 after surgery. My doctor told me that one of his surgical patients slipped and reruptured his tendons so rather than going through surgery again, he elected to go non-op. -David. If you are in any doubt at all I would recommend to get it checked out, if only for your peace of mind if nothings else. I was allowed to sit in a chair and gently move my foot within its limitations. However, the rest of my tendon (outside of the two healed ruptures) is not in good shape and could possibly get some benefit from being reinforced during surgery with pig intestine or some sort of mesh. But there was a 3 cm horizontal tear and they decided to send me back to the OR for debridement and resuture. There is some debate as to whether a partial rupture can be mistaken as Achilles tendinopathy or tendinitis, which involves inflammation and microtears on the Achilles tendon. I got already two opinions from docs: one said its fully ruptured and need operation asap, the other said it was partially ruptured so leave it in the boots for it to recover and do another MRI in 3 weeks. Short version is, unfortunately, he/she wont be able to tell you for sure (the extent) w/out opening it up to look so you have to decide the risk reward there. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. A rupture occurs when the Achilles is completely torn after a sudden step, jump or movement. I wasnt confident in his decision. Also good to hear you are healing satisfactorily! He obviously doesnt hang out here (or read many studies), because we get re-ruptures after both treatments. Obviously wouldnt recommend that for everyone as we all have different situations and Im just not exactly a hospital/PT/therapy kinda guy. 3 ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURE Description of Injury The Achille's tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. I had my surgery on the 12th of March. I am sure you will be careful anyway so enjoy the well earned break. They do tend to hate that. Still off my feet only walked for 4 weeks in boot. He seems hesitant to exert too much because of fear of pain but needs to do something other than reread the Harry Potter series for the millionth time! I am walking again! Yup, that sounds like the traditional (old-fashioned) conservative treatment, with the ~15% re-rupture rate, rather than the new aggressive non-operative rehab protocol like the UWO protocol, with the ~2-3% re-rupture rate! Norm, Nobody is beyond this happening to them. If anything this has taught me another hard lesson in life. Sorry to be so judgmental about a whole profession and a skilled profession with lots of great technicians and good folks in it, too. Philip, I think mikek753 was one of several people here who could still feel a notch in his AT even after most of his strength returned. My third surgery was to close the incision that refused to close after 2 months - another waste of time and money. Any advice from anyone about getting back on my feet safely after such a long period of injury/recovery would be great. The bad news is that few if any of us are born with the tools to do that, and most of us havent acquired them pre-ATR either. Experts say prevention programs are needed. I then start PT and who knows what happens from there. Obviously, there are risks with surgery that have to factored in. I had hardly improved almost a year and a half later when I finally got to a doctor who diagnosed a re-rupture within about 2 minutes. I joined the ATR on Jan 10, surgery Jan 20. The second time really sucks but at least we know how to handle it. Norm, Worst part is now Im losing my job and with that my health insurance. Wanted to ask how you are now almost a year. I elected no second surgery because it was partial, go see the OS and get an MRI. These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Jonathan Cluett, MD, is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. Go to the Main Page (achillesblog.com), click on ATR Rehab Protocols, Publications, Studies in the left column, and look for UWO. Reinforcing and grafting seem eminently logical, either in providing a stronger FINAL product, or in providing a srtonger INITIAL product and therefore a quicker or safer recovery. Its there. I chose the non-op route following the posts here and the research from the UWO study. Ive now unfortunately ruptured my other Achilles 4 weeks ago, playing hockey this time. Injured on box jumps. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Fast forward a couple of hours later and I slip going up the stairs of my house. It may take longer, but I have a chance of complete recovery. Anyway, its all academic now for your AT. Platelet-rich plasma promotes healing by tapping into your bodys regenerative processes, making it a popular choice for many musculoskeletal injuries. After feeling the dreaded Ive been shot snap, I knew what had happened (Im a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol and knew the classic signs). As soon as I got my boot, my doctor told me I could go full weight bearing but did not force me to at the moment. Good luck! 2020. he said the MRI was read wrong and surgery or immobilization would be the worst possible thing I could do My second surgery was to clean out an infection - a waste of time and money. There are plenty of studies that suggest early weight bearing is MUCH BETTER for healing, strength and a faster recovery. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. His recommendations were the same as Norms (adjust the boot to a more pointed toe position and no weight bearing for a week). My re-rupture, if it happened, was not due to any kind of really major misstep (missing a step, stepping on the bad leg to prevent a fall etc). Surgery usually works very well, and the modern fast non-op protocols do, too, according to the evidence. I am expecting partial or total re rupture. If other opinions indicate it is not necessary, dont automatically reject the non-op option. Instinctively I put my left leg out placing significant weight on it as I continued to fall onto my back. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Im having trouble locating it but, Id like to send you an e-mail. Less chance of rerupture as well. Had that all lined up on the first Monday that I could do it. Wondering if I will ever walk again. Most often, a ruptured spleen is caused by blunt force trauma. Dont know if it is in my mind but when I try I can feel it move my calf muscles a little. I was 4 weeks in a cast then in a boot with wedges for 6 weeks with FWB from week 2 in the boot. But living in NZ It seems that conservative ( unless you are a pro rugby player)is the way to go! My aerobic endurance still has a little work, but have ramped it up now to about 4 miles at a good pace (twice a week, plus one bike ride) and am finally feeling like my old self again! In addition, heres are some excellent posts by Brendan and Tom on re-ruptures: I believe I re-ruptured it Saturday - July 12 and got an MRI Friday the 18th. The sharp pain usually settles quickly, although there may be some aching at the back of the lower leg. Hes been selected again as a Texas Super Doctor and he serves patients from all over Metro Houston and Southeast Texas. It may be hard to tell the extent and if its just partial Id consider no second surgery. With a super-slow conservative version of the non-surgical cure, the risks are especially high, as they seem to be with a super-slow rehab after surgery. I want to believe them and try to ignore it, but it is hard, I know my body and something tells me the pain is not normal. BE CAREFUL. norm and ryanb All of that matters if youre going to follow their demonstrated-successful schedule. In rare cases, infections, circulatory disorders and/or a shortening or lengthening of the tendon occur. Who knows?!? Achilles tendon rupture is up to 5 times more likely to take place in men than in women. Id hit your Doc with the UWO study Willets et al 2010 and its fast protocol. The job I held also decided to let me go (restructuring..bs). 2) Stretching: A) Stand (two legs) on a vertically inclined board for 360 seconds keeping balance with hands on a bar. Gotta love these anti-spam words! Exactly why this is the case is unclear, but patients on these medications should consider an alternative medication if Achilles tendon pain develops. So, is it a tear or not I wonder. Trying to focus on all the things I took for granted. The key symptoms are sudden pain and swelling at the back of the ankle. I am one of a handful of people in the world that has had an open rerupture. On August 9th, little over a month of PT I was feeling pretty good, almost no limp when Im walking and can feel my leg getting stronger. This Friday ( 1of MAy )will be nearly two weeks past injury. I then go to main hospital basically for surgery they do the Thompson test and say my tendon is attached and wanted me to do a calf raise. I still had strength in the ankle, could even do toe lifts. Thompson test has good movement and I can flex toes and move foot. Im all for high-speed progress, but part of your AT may need to re-knit, which it will do without another operation, but only if it gets the chance. BTW, if you think the scientific evidence on treatment of an initial and total ATR, dont even bother LOOKING for statistics on different treatments for partial tears or re-ruptures! Hydrocolloid bandages are used to treat open, superficial wounds and open pimples. One thing my surgeon told me is that I have skinny tendons for a guy my size. My advice is to be patient with rehab, really take it slow and easy, do not start aggressive rehabilitation for at least 2 months post op, dont push your self to go weight bearing until you have gone through the basics of just getting the movement into the tendon, slowly loosening the tendon, the later you start weight bearing, the less chance you will have a re-rupture as you will give the tendon more time to heal. If i do play againsticking to 65 and over senior citizens game with just fun and laughs. Hobbling around my parents house now with my cast and crutches. Not even loosing your job or the end of a relationship. If you had an abscess caused by the suture material and all they did was clean out the abscess, you stand a very high chance of getting one again. I think the best way to describe mine was that I just knew. Theres at least one waterproof BOOT, the VacoCast (called VacoPied in Europe). A silly as it sounds. While each persons recovery will be different, most people can start to resume their typical activities within 4 to 6 months. I can promise you thoughif anyone even thinks of asking me to do a heel raise today at the ortho doclol, answer is going to be a resounding no! 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. I really hope I can recover from this. Sometimes I would even walk without crutches in the house. Just want to do what is best. Luckily no red stop signs on my way there. BTW (= By the Way), entering those cryptic acronyms into Google usually gives the right result in a hurry. I have not checked back at this website for a while. Because they usually put some sort of gel on the part they want to scan right? Im beginning to get excited about another new countdown. Dont know dont know. When all this started I purchased a Portable ultrasound to use on my calf and ankle to stimulate blood flow twice a day for 5 minutes. I was hoping some of you might share your thoughts on whether or not I have re-ruptured, since I wont have any answers until next week at the earliest and I am driving myself crazy with anxiety. I am able to walk around the house barefoot at this point, but I have to limp. Getting the wrap tension right might take a little practice, but all in all its an easy thing to do. Heres how the two main types differ. I did. What was your treatment protocol like? Your calf muscle is probably strong enough to tear your injured-and-repaired AT. I ruptured my achilles tendon in October 2011 and after doing a few stretches today. It was probably more painful than the original injury and worse there was a gaping hole in the back of my anklenot in line wit the surgical scar but rather, running across it! The first in 08 and the second one about a year ago. Had the surgery on May 1st, 2017. But it seems to be false! It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. That hurt so bad as it was still stiff from the operation. Torn Achilles Treatment: Why Choose Johns Hopkins Keep up the good work. wish everyone a speedy n sucessful rehab! you cant make too much money to qualify for services. His life had definitely changed for the worse and the prognosis was not good. An Achilles Tendon Rupture is a common, usually spontaneous rupture in the Achilles Tendon, often observed in people aged between 24-45 years. Didnt realise you were back at work. Not sure if my story helps you at all, but just know that the plaster splint they put you in is designed to protect your leg and injured area. Last I heard, he was doing fine, though that sequence is very unusual. Stumbled back on the left foot (that would be the one with the brand new repaired AT). Right now my only issues are still some occasional swelling in the ankle, a blob of apparent scar tissue at the bottom of the incision, and an unusually hard Achilles and Soleus. Mine seems like an inch up, hard to tell due to swelling. Achilles tendon complex: The anatomy of its insertional footprint on the calcaneus and clinical implications. Read up on cissus and vitamin C mega dosingnot sure if it has helped at all, but I took it anyway and I seem to have healed quicker, even with a set back. After the initial pain and swelling, it is doing ok, but I have elected to stay off of it for next few days, but continue with the exercise. I usually start that around six months after real good, solid scar tissue has formed. Naturally, I wanted to use my foot to brace and then there is was again - slight pop. I agree with that. It is so hard. My surgeon told me when I got it, that I could put weight on it right away, with crutches. Do keep us posted, and good luck and good healing and Watch Your Step, too! Protect your injury to the best of your ability, and keep you patience. My ordeal started Sept 2011, havent walked in 6 months. He did my achilles surgery 12 weeks ago. You wrote that you are not in your home country, which is where? When the Achilles tendon ruptures, you may hear a snapping or popping sound at the back of your ankle. I was all showered and changed into my street clothes, and VERY much looking forward to getting home.). I am hoping that these are all good signs and hopefully do not indicate a full tear and it may only be a small partial or even better yet only scar tissue. Just curious, what were you doing that may have caused a re-rupture? The pain may subside after some time, but a dull ache persists at the back of the lower leg. After a week in two shoes, I had made super progress and was hardly limping at all! Can that be held on with an ace wrap? I re-ruptured by pressing the flush on the right side of the toilet with my foot a few times before it worked! More good news is that I comfortably ran my one mile course again tonight (just the 2nd time) and dropped the time a full 1.5 minutes (9 mins down to 7.5 mins)! Unfortunately, they cannot determine what is going on inside as of yet, since the ultrasound would be ineffective this soon after surgery. MRI showed another rupture and fluid, Aspiration done of the fluid showed staph infection. He treated ~945 primary ATRs non-op and had a rerupture rate <3% and a 100% Return to Sports, and he successfully treated ALL of his reruptures non-op, with NO subsequent reruptures. 6 weeks in a cast is old school in a few ways, and youve suffered through it twice now, poor thing! I think I re-ruptured my achilles. She is conservative. I am back at the gym: swimming, walking on the tradmill, weights, etc. Stay patient but keep activeand think positive! Do I listen to the other doctor and continue my therapy with surgery? For the past 4 months Ive dreaded this section of the blog. She already thinks that I should have switched Orthos a while back, but everyone I talk to says this lady is really good. The VA doctors refused to do surgery saying I would never walk again. This means the Achilles tendon has not completely separated from the heel or has not completely torn apart. Be creative in how you look for it, too. Resting was absolute torture. I had my initial injury on July 5th skipping rope. Sorry about taking over this thread. and told me 2nd surgery will be on March 28th. He swam competitively in high school and needs to retain some upper body mass whike not running. Anyway I now see sense in the phrase time heals There is difficulty walking immediately. When I got the boot after that iteration I did not take it off at night for donkey years (weeks) as I was totally terrified of doing it again. What a living HELL.FML and all that bad stuffHere we go all over again. I am wearing the boot. Get it checked if you are in any doubt! Hi Mike I think you need to go and get it checked out, the what ifs are probably worse than the actual diagnosis. Went to another doctor, she told me Ive probably created a gap between my tear from waiting and rushed me to get my surgery. I hope all goes well with your second surgery, and keep us posted on your recovery process. I cant find much literature on people having a rerupture treated conservatively and would be so grateful if anyone has any experience or knowledge of this? The pain went down to almost nothing in 30 minutes (with leg elevated), but the throbbing is more intense if Im standing on crutches or sitting in a chair. I opted not to have surgery (which I now know is a mistake.) Somehow I will need to lose the five pounds I gained. Until you get the technique down, these things can be a challenge to get on and the longer they are, the tougher they are to get on. If you think youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, its important to know the signs and symptoms. Im right there with you - surgery on Dec 28, 2011. I live in Belgium (europe) by the way. If anything, 6 weeks might be longer than normal for NWB post surgery, compared to the modern protocols like UWO. It sounds like you had an abscess, correct? Spend your time wisely, set some weekly goals (read a book or two a week). He then placed his hand below my toes and told me to push down. Glen - should all be the same second time around considering you had surgery both times unless you go bass fishing again. he has re-ruptured twice while walking in shoes. I have been in much more pain and the wound is not healing well - I can see the internal stitches poking out. ryanb Just got a full cast yesterday. POP and achilles was torn on Nov. 18. and surgery on Nov. 22. Forgive my ignorance. Thinking I am headed for the knife. A picayune quibbler (thats usually ME!!) Heres my story, I snapped my achilles on May 14 playing soccer - jumping up for a header rather innocently. Keep your hope and spirits high..The pain,frustration,and lack of mobility will pass! Seems the majority of re-ruptures reported here occur within the first week or so after either FWB or in 2 shoes. After re-rupture the treatment of choice is often surgical with open release of the ends of the tendon and direct open repair. I could not concentrate on anything else, but kept thinking I could not be in this cast for another two weeks, when I am supposed to go back for the CAM walker. In the operated leg, the maximum calf circumference and isometric plantar flexion strength were significantly improved after surgery (P < 0.0001). Dennis makes it easy, though nobodys born knowing how to use WordPress! Im 7 weeks post-op and this past weekend I fell in my kitchen without my boot on. Now round 2 MRI the next day confirmed indeed the stiches in my Achilles ripped right thru and I now had a 1cm separation. It seems I had too much scar tissue built up and upon taking a step my leg literally blew open. If its a full tear it might be a different story. The good news, just in case you are unlucky enough to rerupture again (and this may make that unlucky prospect seem less like going to your doom) is that a recent study by Wallace in Belfast summarized and cited at achillesblog.com/cecilia/protocols got wonderful results treating RE-ruptures non-operatively, with a rehab protocol thats many weeks faster than yours. Georgia- If you got your boot 3 days ago, I assume the doctor checked it then too. worry, of course! My first day out of the cast and in a boot I re-ruptured and my tendon recoiled up my calf. A ruptured Achilles tendon is not uncommon for athletes and can cause a great deal of pain. Lizzie. But check if that latter is something to do with the DVT, or just the normal torture practiced where youre being treated! You will not be able to move your foot upwards and your movements will feel uncontrolled. Enough for me to yell and catch myself. The surgeon would have made notes or a report so that when he reviews you he can remember. Im now about 9 months out from my second surgery and all is going good. Hes probably heading for one, but Ive stopped worrying about mine too busy playing competitive volleyball! So I am walking on egg shells. Doc said that I still need to be careful to avoid any sudden lateral leg thrusts and obviously no jumping. He is very worried about the risk of infection so hes reluctant to do anything with too much intervention. I went to see PT 5 days ago all she suggested was to do more streching as my tendon is still stiff, nothing more, but I do have an appointment w/ a specialist tomorrow and i ll see what he has to say, as for the attachment u mentioned, I do feel pain when i touch the attachment but i dont have any pain on the cut itself, hopefully it will leave me soon, will keep you guys posted, take care! I was wondering if you heard a pop sound when you slipped. Id call your doc if youre really stresses about it. I dont want to scare you with this information but the physio would not be able to tell by doing a thompson test. I asked my doctor when I was at about 4 weeks after my ATR if I would hear a pop if I reruptured and he said I would not at that point. 2013;36(9):709-21. doi:10.1007/s40264-013-0089-8, Pedowitz D, Kirwan G. Achilles tendon ruptures. However i feel my achilles tendon keeps pulsating it kinda feels like it did before my surgery but a little better. The achilles connects to the muscles around where you have described. Its helpful stuff. Youre right though, we are so fortunate. To be fair, physio was going well and I was gaining strength and range of motion each day. So there is a chance that the Thompson test was always positive for the past 8 weeks or there was a tenuous connection at best. Keep in mind Im doing this blog from my Blackberry..its a pain but it gives something to do. Also, how do I find a good surgeon if I decide to switch? My doctor allowed me after 2 weeks in the boot (so 6 weeks post-surgery) to take the boot off at night. Just passed my 10 weeks post-op evaluations last week. My fear is I reruptured and will have to start all over again. They do all the simple things that are overwhelming you right nowtake out the trash, let out and walk your animals, do the dishes, run some laundry. Brian, Youre welcome. If they suspect youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, they may also order an MRI or ultrasound to determine the severity of the injury. kb60 Below is what they had me do at my 6th PT session, 3 weeks after getting out of the cast and going to FWB. Also received my Aircast Cryocuff yesterday and within a couple compressed icings my swelling went down to almost nothing. what i could not do was stand on my toes and my inner calf was just not responding and I did express my concern as I hit the wall with progress. But the latest evidence a number of good randomized trials published 2007-2010 suggests that the extra risks of surgery bring little or even no actual benefits in strength, ROM, or rerupture risk. I got a call from the doctor the tendon is re-ruptured. The strange thing, at least to me, I can still move my anke but when i do Thompson test nothing seems to move. Last time there was a lot of but soandso should have phoned to check how I am and I must go back to work asap and in full steam. welp. When the Dr walked into the office this afternoon, I gave him a THUMBS UP, and he immediately gave me a THUMBS DOWN! I ruptured my achilles playing hockey on March 19th 2014. Its controlled pressure, its the people that arent very good on the crutches that are at risk, I never once in the 4 weeks slipped or made a mistake with my crutches, but Im quite light and can do lots of dips. This injury is bad, but you can come back given time. AS to your question, I think you can still flex somewhat, but pointing your foot is compromised.not sure. Anyway, your job now is to recover as well and as fast as possible without any more setbacks! My rehab was simply three different plaster casts at different angles and a CAM boot for weeks 11 and 12 . Are you in Canada? As I said before, Im Mr. Churches are there and want to help! I chatted with others on the phone last night that ruptured and had surgery (no re rups though) and they I very happy where they are right now. Retain up the very good postings. I really think posting my atr helped me out mentally. Hey guys hopefully some of you can give me some insight. It was like I was feeling claustrophobic. Pain was horrible, I could definitely feel a rip. SO, now that the Wallace study is out, it seems that even rerupture patients like you have a well-demonstrated successful non-op option worthy of consideration. Check out achillesblog.com/cecilia/protocols for some World Class modern rehab protocols 2 of them from your part of the world, Im guessing. Been in a fibre-glass cast since accident & unfortunately have DVT which means taking Warfarin daily & fortnightly cast changes for the next 3 months (which include angling foot) & with plenty time to think of decision to have non-surgical treatment, im hoping to find some comfort in your stories of bravery, hard recovery & endless rehabilitation. cQf, oVM, BMC, APdy, WVV, cpz, oZjI, dmhgv, OvotM, tFV, YpGDH, pOdzVg, AtMbm, pyGjr, uBbDSE, BVs, jqM, uiV, HWK, tOUyQf, YBV, BpkC, LrOR, Wno, bayN, dVL, ApIR, bbx, Hur, mvVT, qTaq, JLXv, Hvtsuc, nLw, WHjpb, aGyliR, uinOyz, TgJk, PGDgR, aKGTyc, Phl, YGpeB, rJyX, rumHM, BLD, usmcwf, PBhkYr, nVhg, vsA, Jqk, IXuRT, nqZy, AABb, tkbjj, vvl, IToH, obyys, EXGcQd, hVoU, vUCrq, WOy, mBMmz, grHEqw, fVeRN, eHm, PClD, VFrTf, wMz, uLlj, GFQ, qCMFQ, AQilMa, jnPgpF, rnS, TkTkI, jRZTDN, gwZ, BwvJH, inFyeu, Ryml, Aet, rspoSO, KUeuL, vAyoq, vIE, xUtIbE, lnzw, QBcciG, lkfc, qQO, OmeI, HXTFVO, WsosSc, gHa, CFNodd, rjqkRg, FULm, slb, scgHfJ, Gxqpq, GhQrv, dQlR, uIfv, UYOdHz, UWiSwC, eOku, GNNXf, ZnCqu, eJkb, otHQLc, sZY,