Heyday the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success (noun), 60. Love, love, love words. Verjuice an acid liquor made from the sour juice of crab apples, unripe grapes, etc. Its so good to know, can give your story a little sparkle. Meaning "fear of the other," the folks at Dictionary.com asked readers to reflect on its meaning rather than celebrate it. Solander a case for maps, plates, etc., made to resemble a book and having the front cover and fore-edge hinged (noun), 171. unique? Why? It is two syllables longer than book thief. I actually remember A LOT of these from my ELA classes in school (the teachers all clap and rejoice). THANK YOU for all you do for the writing community! Enter the number in the input field to generate the number of random facts. Please order one of my books! Like this site? Bedlam a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion (noun), 15. Great list. thank you, Logophile, logophilia. []. Look no further! The name randomizer from a list is pretty simple and straightforward. More words & super cool facts! Awesome list, Tara! Have fun, lexicon lovers! Assign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time. Is there such a thing as a listophile?! Codswollop will ALWAYS make me think of Hagrid with a smile :-), etc. Jagodowski, Stacy. https://www.thoughtco.com/weird-english-words-4156446 (accessed December 11, 2022). Quixotic extravagantly chivalrous or romantic (adjective), 125. This is a great list but in a picture book I wonder if I will lose the reader with too many of these. Pictionary Word Generator Advertisement Generate interesting Pictionary words randomly to play Pictionary games with friends and family. Vicinal a person who has special knowledge or skill in a field (noun), 215. If you'd like to learn how to create a random text generator, then check out the minimal generator template . I Hope You Learn To Be Careful With Your Words, 50 Amazing Old English Words Ye Should Definitely Be Using More Often, 50 Cool Latin Words That Will Make You Sound Smarter Than You Actually Are, 70+ Big Words That Will Make You Feel Smart, 75 Weird Words Every Word Nerd Will Appreciate, 300+ Unique Words You Can Use To Impress People. You may also use this for finding random inspiration. (Pretend Im talking inRob Schneiders SNL [], List of 200+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words | My great WordPress blog, [] All writers love language. Ephemeral lasting a very short time (adjective), 35. Scofflaw a person who flouts the law (noun), 146. History: Another Dictionary.com Word of the Year, this time in 2016, Xenophobia has a special claim to fame. Rigmarole an elaborate or complicated procedure (noun), 136. Its a character name, a proper noun, and therefore not on the list. Haphazard characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity, or by randomness (adjective), 58. Zeitgeist A spirit of the time (noun), 247. When I say build a snowman, this is what I mean. In this case, you choose the number of names you want to appear. I have tried to copy this list, it is fabulous but it keeps telling me my address is wrong. Word lovers and Scrabble players alike often seek out and celebrate weird and interesting words, challenging themselves to include these unusual terms in their everyday speech. There are millions of words in the English language. Uvula the small, fleshy, conical body projecting downward from the middle of the soft palate (noun), 208. Juggernaut any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team (noun), 73. According to the website, this weird word rose to fame because it described so much of the world around us. 100+ Interesting Words You Should Slip Into Conversation To Sound Intelligent By January Nelson Updated July 30, 2018 God & Man These interesting words will help you sound smarter in any conversation. Blind pig Informal a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally. Storystorm 2022 Day 2: Tara Lazar Delights in Archipelagoes | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them), [] This practice of jotting down words quickly became habitI recorded every crazy word that made me feel something light and fun, every word that delighted my tongue. Guffaw a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter (noun), 54. Ballistic having its motion determined or describable by the laws of exterior(adjective), 13. These are some great posts to start with: List of 500+ Fun, Cool and InterestingWords, 500+ Things That Kids Like, and Jess Keating Notices the []. Copy them to your clipboard. Great word! Fribbit 6. An unscrupulous person lacks morals, principles, and a conscience. Hullabaloo a clamorous noise or disturbance (noun), 64. Bravo! Thank you, Tara. Click to order! Interfenestration the space between two windows, Ineffable Too great to be expressed in words, Jalopy an old, decrepit, or unpretentious automobile, Lamprophony loudness and clarity of enunciation, Limerence being infatuated with another person, Lothario a man whose chief interest is seducing women, Macrosmatic having a good sense of smell, Meldrop adrop of mucus at the nose, whether produced by cold or otherwise, Meme an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture, Nibling the gender-neutral term for nieces or nephews, Nefarious Wicked, villainous, despicable, Oblivion the state of being unaware of what is happening around you, Pauciloquent someone who doesnt say much, Phosphenes the light and colors produced by rubbing your eyes, Petrichor The pleasant, earthy smell after rain, Paresthesia the prickly feeling when your limb falls asleep., Pogonotrophy growing and grooming a beard or other facial hair, Taradiddle filled with pretentious nonsense, Tergiversate to change repeatedly ones attitude or opinions with respect to a caus, Salopettes high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps, Sonder the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own, Schadenfreude experiencing pleasure or satisfaction from the trouble, failure or humiliation of others, Serendipity The chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way. Thanks, Joanne! Calamity a great misfortune or disaster (noun), 18. Your story inspires me to make my wish a reality. Choose the number of random paragraphs you'd like to see and click the button. Hit the green button below the lower box to copy the selected nicknames or the red button to clear them. Totally flabbergasted with the list. Demitasse a small cup for serving strong black coffee after dinner (noun), 26. The player has 60 seconds to act out the word while all other players attempt to guess what it is. Next up: delivery via drone. im on number 26 i have a lot to go but its taking my mind off things! Dumfounded speechless with amazement (adjective), 32. Peely-wally Scotslang off-color (adjective), 114. Ricochet people, or a group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless 9noun). You send dozens of texts and spend hours talking every single day but you are reusing most of your words. The word is derived from scruple, which means a weight of a mere 20 grains, which was a meticulous measurement for apothecaries. A great list. http://writeknit.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/very-inspiring-blogger-award-nomination/. 1 An infinity sign is called a "lemniscate." Shutterstock The term refers to a plane curve in which two loops meet at a central point, creating what we might call a sideways figure-eight. You send dozens of texts and spend hours talking every single day but you are reusing most of your words. Definition: to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc. This word stems from the name Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. It's a word that you have no idea or control over appearing, so you aren't able to influence the resulting word in any way. Uniped a person or animal having only one foot or leg (noun), 206. Jagodowski, Stacy. abecedarian abracadabra accoutrements adagio aficionado agita agog akimbo alfresco aloof ambrosial amok ampersand anemone anthropomorphic antimacassar aplomb apogee apoplectic [] List of 500+ Fun, Cool and InterestingWords []. In an elevator with a lot of people say I bet you are wondering why I have gathered you here today. In the case of our random word generator, a random word is a word that is randomly chosen from the database of words we have in our generator. When used carefully and correctly, rare words can elevate your writing to the next level. 4. Take a peek below and get ready to add 250 unique words to your vocabulary. The lister! If you're a Perchance builder then you'll probably find some of them useful for importing into your own projects. (2021, September 1). January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. Love these lists that you put together. This is one of the most uncommon words that mean quibble. Resplendent shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid (adjective), 132. (interjection), 65. Thanks for the great share. Fracas a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight (noun), 44. Love it and thank you for the great share. 3. Probably my favorite on the list . There are hundreds of interesting words that you have never even heard of before (or you might have already heard but have no idea how to use them in a sentence). I now have a new favorite word: clishmaclaver. I think I have a fetish over your #181. Telekinesis the supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means (noun), 192. The first person to go draws a word out of the hat. Wow, such incredible technology! ), Every Picture Book Author Should Make a Storyboard (plus a giveaway! Kerplunk with or as if with a sudden muffled thud (adverb), 78. characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste. Guru an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader (noun), 55. ), https://taralazar.com/2014/06/09/list-of-200-fun-cool-and-interesting-words/, http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/english/bippy, https://taralazar.com/2014/06/09/list-of-200-fun-cool-and-interesting-words/. , doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card), vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?). Click here for the list! I would seek out other sources, for this is not my are of expertise. and the exclamation point (!) Woozy Stupidly confused (adjective), 237. Blubber This word refers to a thick layer of fat. Happily, we do not have a merit based . Diphthong a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another (noun), 28. (adjective), 239. I bookmarked it so I can go back again and again! If you're interested in learning more English words to add to your vocabulary, here are some of the most awesome words that you might not have heard before: Cool Words (A-B) Acceptance (n) The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered Acquiesce (v) To accept something reluctantly but without protest Amenable I tried to stick to real words (with the exception of two Dahlisms, because I adore Dahl) and words that did not require a hyphen (because I felt the hyphen was cheating, in a way) LOL. Widget A small mechanical device (noun), 228. 3. Zephyr Noun: a calm, gentle breeze. Supercilious haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression (adjective), 181. Mnemonic assisting or intended to assist the memory (adjective), 94. You can use somebut not all, LOL. Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying oohand some sound too hilarious to be true! Wheres the book?!? Sorry about the hyphen. Sternutatory causing or tending to cause sneezing (adjective), 177. . Nabob any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person (noun), 98. I am keeping the list for later. Thanks for creating this list and then sharing it! (You do have a way of doing that) xoxox. The first way this can be used is as a random name picker. For the serious Mad Lib-er, generate a couple nouns with this form. 60+ Cool Words: The Most Epic and Interesting Words in the English Language. Thingamajig a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name (noun), 194. Also try: Great example of using complex but fun words in a picture book. : ), LOVE these! "11 Weird and Interesting Words in English." Fribbit 5. What a list! History: Scrupulous means that you are proper and have moral integrity, and on the flip side, unscrupulous means, well, the opposite. Kumquat a small, round or oblong citrus fruit having a sweet rind and acid pulp, used chiefly for preserves (noun), 79. List-o-mania! Take it as an online brainstorming tool that provides you a random word that you can use to boost your creativity. Love befuddled. 2. Abomasum the fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep (noun), 2. thank you so much for this list! Bring a desk on an elevator. 4. Definition: having moral integrity; acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper; punctiliously exact, painstaking. Whats your favorite [], Top 10 Toys (and Candy) at the Turn of the (Last) Century: Wheels of Change (plus a giveaway!) You had me at akimbo ! Bamboozle to deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery (verb), 14. Rendezvous an agreement between two or more persons to meet at a certain time and place (noun), 131. If youre looking for a place for more fun, weird words, Worthless Word for the Day is a terrific source. I love these words because they are so silly and funny thank you . Definition: fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers; fear or dislike of the customs, dress, etc., of people who are culturally different from oneself. Boost Your English Vocabulary With These 50 Greek and Latin Root Words, Definition and Usage of the French Word 'Enchant', How to Conjugate "Protger" (to Protect) in French, Tips for Remembering How to Spell Wednesday and Other Tricky Words, The Etymology of Words and Their Surprising Histories, Capital vs. Capitol: How to Choose the Right Word, M.A., Communications and Information Management, Bay Path College, B.A., Journalism and Design, Mount Holyoke College. Its a book! | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them), [] one last question. Soon I had a list of over a hundred words. Unless of course you need to answer the "Why?" portion, then you're on your own! And now I have an idea I need to get started on, thanks to you! This word has a Latin origin. Ive always loved that word! Orrery an apparatus for representing the positions, motions, and phases of the planets, satellites, etc., in the solar system (noun), 109. Wow! Unsplash / Raphael Schaller Boffola Informal a joke that gets a loud or hearty laugh. Absquatulate to leave somewhere abruptly (verb), 3. Hit the copy button to copy the selected words in your list, and paste the list to use anywhere you want. Quiddle to spend time in trifling employments (verb), 122. Kvetch to complain, especially chronically (verb), 80. Interrobang a punctuation mark designed for use especially at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question; usually written as ?! "11 Weird and Interesting Words in English." adamant. Wittol A man who knows of and tolerates his wife's infidelity (noun), 233. Fuddy-duddy a person who is stuffy, old-fashioned, and conservative (noun), 46. Fuddy-duddy a person who is stuffy, old-fashioned, and conservative (noun) 46. Here are 126 rare words with beautiful meanings: 1. Oh no, which word was 181 when you looked at the list? Sockdolager something unusually large, heavy, etc. Bugbear any source, real or imaginary, of needless fright or fear (noun), 17. Turducken a deboned turkey that is stuffed with a deboned duck that is stuffed with a deboned chicken (noun), 200. 3. Ylem The hypothetical initial substance of the universe from which all matter is derived (noun), 244. (updated January 4, 2013). Ive never [], Great list Tara, but you forgot Mambe-Pambe! Woebegone Affected by woe (adjective), 234. Once you do, move on and memorize five more you can use. Wowser An excessively puritanical person (noun), 236. lous\ skr-py-ls \. Create and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. This is great and so helpful! Yes, emotions tied to many of these what a fun thing to explore. Benefits of a Random Word Generator . Biblioklept. Thank you, Tara! I have a word purse I use with students, and these would be great ones to have in there (Id have to check for duplicates first). Pantagruelian the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor (noun), 111. I have since abandoned with no hyphen rule! an account that tells the particulars of an act or event misanthrope someone who dislikes people in general melancholy a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed lucid transparently clear; easily understandable lethargic deficient in alertness or activity ken range of what one can know or understand karma This word refers to the color between cyan and blue on the spectrum of visible light. (noun), 170. Gotta look several of these up and use them when my kids are in a bad mood. Select the words of your choice. Usurp to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) 3. Lollapalooza an extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event (noun), 85. Thanks for sharing it! armor plate that protects the chest. 4. Love it, and it definitely inspires creativity. Stylite one of a class of solitary ascetics who lived on the top of high pillars or columns (noun), 180. 134. It's a tool like a hatchet that you'd use to cut and dress roofing slates. Love it LOL. The expected number of fun facts will appear. Jagodowski, Stacy. It's the only three-letter word with a Z and an X, scoring you big points. ), List of 100+ Monsters (it's monstrous fun! Its true:there are so many interesting words in the English language, but people tend to use the same ones over and over again when theyre having a conversation. rumpastilskan is not on the listI`m not sure how you spell it. Umpteen indefinitely many; a lot of (adjective), 205. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. If you can find a way to slip these words into everyday conversation, you are going to look like the most intelligent person in the room. Wisecrack A smart or facetious remark (noun), 232. Festooned a string or chain of flowers, foliage, ribbon, etc., suspended in a curve between two points (noun), 39. Zeppelin A large dirigible balloon consisting of a long, cylindrical, covered framework containing compartments(noun), 249. Hit the green Generate button. If you want to change up your vocab a little, try including some of the 250 unique words (with their meanings) we rounded up below. The useful generators list is a handy list of simple text generators on various topics. Random sports name generator online tool allows you to randomly generate a list of different sports. 6. Some of them are ones you may have heard before, but never knew what they meant and others may be words you never knew existed. 33. Vocabulary.com can put you or your class My instructor of this course introduced to us your website. Pilgarlic a person regarded with mild or pretended contempt or pity (noun), 115. I love that word, and Im a musician and someone wrote a fun piece called the Heebie Jeebies. Original Piece: a Character Paragraph Description via a Vocabulary Prompt tproll, [] If youre having trouble finding some interesting sounding words heres a site to check out https://taralazar.com/2014/06/09/list-of-200-fun-cool-and-interesting-words/ [], Sketchbook Challenge - Day 14 - Autumn Powers, [] If you are having your child join you, here is a kid-friendly word list https://taralazar.com/2014/06/09/list-of-200-fun-cool-and-interesting-words/ [], Writing Children's Books as a Lifestyle with Tara Lazar - Rhys Keller, [] books with your name on them and three more on the way. I cant wait to see what zenzizenzizenzic means! (noun), 212. Havent heard some of these words used since I was a child. a person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea. Ziggurat A temple of Sumerian origin in the form of a pyramidal tower (noun), 250. The benefits of using a Random Word Generator are as follows: Create engaging new names for your blog entries . Snollygoster a clever, unscrupulous person (noun), 169. Enter the number in the input field to generate the number of random funny words. Jalopy an old, decrepit, or unpretentious automobile (noun), 71. Shenanigans mischief; prankishness (noun), 160. Tchotchke an inexpensive souvenir, trinket, or ornament (noun), 190. Virtuoso aperson who has special knowledge or skill in a field (noun), 217. Bobsy-die A great deal of fuss or trouble. "Onomatopoeia" is just a fun word to say, which makes sense, as it refers to words that resemble or imitate the sounds they describe. Im going to challenge my kids to define all of them by the end of the summer, with a trip to the book store as a reward. Long-Time Reader, First-Time Author Lori Alexander (plus a prize pack!) Interview with ABSURD WORDS Author Tara Lazar & Two Giveaways - From The Mixed Up Files, [] have a list of Fun, Cool & Interesting Words on my website, and it became the most accessed page on my site. Fribbit 4. Study vocab and increase your English vocabulary. Fribbit 2. Click to order! 2. Catamaran a vessel, usually propelled by sail, formed of two hulls or floats held side by side by a frame above them (noun), 22.Crescendo a gradual, steady increase in loudness(noun), 24. Earwig any of numerous elongate, nocturnal insects of the order Dermaptera, having a pair of large, movable pincers at the rear of the abdomen (noun), 33. The Random Fact Generator has 1000+ random facts including fun facts, interesting facts and amazing facts. Hit the Generate button. 1. Xylophone A musical instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars (noun), 243. Rumpus a noisy or violent disturbance; commotion (noun), 142. Zephyr A gentle, mild breeze (noun), 248. Trust us, youll be turning your head, catching your crushs attention and be taken more seriously at work once you start saying them. , So, SO fun but you are missing my favorite word cacophony. Thank you! affinity. The expected number of funny words will appear. And we especially love fun, amazing words, dont we? Biblioklept is, in at least some sense of the word, fairly useless. Here are some funny-sounding words in the English language. Ignoramus an extremely ignorant person (noun), 66. But hear me out. I hope your family members gave you more than 200 strange looks while you were sitting at the dinner table saying this splendiferous smorgasbord is scrumdiddlyumptious and giggling. (noun), 167. 6. 35,000 worksheets, games,and lesson plans, Spanish-English dictionary,translator, and learning. Calliope a musical instrument consisting of a set of harsh-sounding steam whistles that are activated by a keyboard (noun), 19. The biblioklept holds her bounty tightly. Editors at Dictionary.com saw the stock market, political groups, and public opinion go through a roller coaster of change throughout 2011.. Switcheroo an unexpected or sudden change or reversal in attitude, character, position, action, etc. Fribbit 8. 2. | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them), [] plug. I am bilingual Spanish is my first language. Bestial. How to Play: Pick a person to start. Snellen chart the standard eye exam chart. The word Boondoggle really had got me in a giggle. Input Quantity: Generate Skiing + Wrestling + Skateboarding + Badminton + Fishing + Auto Racing + Rugby + Mixed Martial Arts + Gynastics + Bobsleigh + Weightlifting + Horse Racing + Your Selected Usernames About Online Random Sports Generator Tool Maelstrom a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool (noun), 89. (LogOut/ Select names that you want to keep . Cattywampus This is a term used in the Midland and Southern United States. Bafflegab confusing or generally unintelligible jargon (noun), 12. RELATED: 23 Words For Emotions. Yes this is a fun, cool, and interesting list of words! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Before you know it, youll know all kinds of new words. Tomfoolery a silly act, matter, or thing (noun), 198. All Rights Reserved. Either way, incorporating one or several of these unusual works into your dialog will impress people. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/english/bippy, [] great pre-posts prior to the official kick-off. Saved it on my bookmarks bar for reference! 32. Skullduggery dishonorable proceedings; mean dishonesty or trickery (noun), 163. These interesting words will help you sound smarter in any conversation. We even listed them in ABC order. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Blog at WordPress.com.Ben Eastaugh and Chris Sternal-Johnson. Wuthering Wind blowing strongly with a roaring sound. Aa a kind of volcanic lava that forms jagged masses with a light frothy texture, Abibliophobia afraid ofrunning out of things to read, Acnestis between the shoulder blades and the loins which an animal cannot reach to scratch, Agastopia admiration of a particular part of someone elses body, Bibliopole a person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones, Bloviate people who talk for a long period of time, Burke murder without leaving a trace on the body, Bombinate making a humming or buzzing noise, Collywobbles a weird feeling in your stomach, Caruncle the triangular, pink areas at the corner of your eyes, Cancatervate heaping things into a pile, Cabotage the exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders, Cromulent appearing legitimate but actually being spurious, Donnybrook an uprising, a melee, or a riot, Defenestration the act of throwing someone out of a window, Denouement the resolution of a narrative, Duffifie laying a bottle on its side for some time so that it may be completely drained of the few drops remaining, Ethereal Extremely delicate, light, not of this world, Esoteric knowledge that is only available to a select group of people, Epoch A particular period of time in history or a persons life, Eurhythmic an aesthetically pleasing rhythm or structure, Flibbertigibbet silly and overly talkative, Gubbins an object that has little or no value, Grawlix a series of symbols commonly used in comics or cartoons to represent curse words, Grommet an eyelet of firm material to strengthen or protect an opening or to insulate or protect something passed through it, Hubris excessive presumption, exaggerated pride or self-confidence, Halfpace a platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight, Hiraeth A homesickness for a home you cant return to, or that never was. Murmuration an act or instanceof sound (noun), 96. 10 Words : 1. Wigwam An American Indian dwelling, usually of rounded or ovalshape (noun), 229. Gardyloo This word has a Scottish origin. Your chosen number of paragraphs will instantly appear. 5. Cavil. Nagware computer software that is free for a trial period during which the user is frequently reminded on screen to register and pay(noun), 99. Whodunit A narrative dealing with a murder or a series of murders and the detection of the criminal (noun), 227. Bailiwick a person's area of skill, knowledge, authority, or work (noun), 11. Try starting by memorizing five words and their meanings each day and then challenge yourself to use them within 24 hours. I have a new potential publication date of November 2021! Rumper the hind part of the body of an animal (noun), 141. Cryptozoology the study of evidence tending to substantiate the existence of, or the search for, creatures whose reported existence isunproven (noun), 25. Riffraff people, or a group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless: 135. LOL. ShhhI think theyll be having too much fun to realize they are learning, too! Lugubrious mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner (adjective), 86. Lampoon a sharp, often virulent satire directed against an individual or institution (noun), 82. Wouldnt it be fun to sprinkle one or two in each book, like a word scavenger hunt. Skedaddle to run away hurriedly (verb), 161. Wunderkind A wonder child or child prodigy (noun), 238. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Saucier a chef or cook who specializes in making sauces (noun), 147. This tool makes it easy and provides you some truly random text or words from our database. Miffed put into an irritable mood, especially by an offending incident (adjective), 92. Quinze a card game with rules similar to those of vingt-et-un, except that the score aimed at is 15 rather than 21 (noun), 124. Reblogged this on electricbluegaloo and commented: Youre awesome, by the way . Amok an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects(noun), 7. Agastopia: admiration of a particular part of someone's body 2. Taniwha a legendary Mori monster (noun), 187. Jabberwocky a playful imitation of language consisting of invented, meaningless words (noun), 70. It supports me & my work! She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. Spitchcock an eel that is split, cut into pieces, and broiled or fried (noun), 176. Scrumdiddlyumptious extremely tasty; delicious (adjective)156.Scuttlebutt an open cask of drinking water (noun) We need to go.". This is a funny word that means something is moving in the wrong direction/counter-clockwise. Umlaut a mark () used as a diacritic over a vowel, as, , ,to indicate a vowel sound different from that of the letter without the diacritic (noun), 204. A person who talks at great length without making much sense. Click on words that you want to add to your selected favorites list. They'll make you laugh aloud! Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it! Zaftig Full-bodied; well-proportioned (adjective), 246. Great list shared for fellow word hoarders, Gifting one back, to you bippy. 6. (noun), 184. Alcazar a Spanish palace or fortress (noun), 6. Saudade a deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent (noun), 149. | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them), [] This blog featurest a list of 500+ Things that Kids Like, Things They DONT Like, and a list ofover 200 fun, cool and interesting words. Dear Tara, Superfluous being more than is sufficient or required (adjective), 182. Flimflam a trick or deception (noun), 40. Amphisbaena a mythical serpent with a head at each end (noun), 8. Juxtaposition the state of being close together or side by side (noun), 74. 4. Raconteur a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly (noun), 126. Derecho a widespread and severe windstorm that moves rapidly along a fairly straight path and is associated with bands of rapidly moving thunderstorms (noun), 27. January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. Thanks! 5. I love this list. Scintillating animated (adjective), 154. I am so excited about writing a book. Need Definitions! Xenophobic Relating to or exhibiting fear or hatred of foreigners (adjective), 242. 01 . I love the words you listed above. How to Generate Random Nicknames 1. Skirmish any brisk conflict or encounter (noun), 162. Hi Rosa, thanks for your nice comments. Vuvuzela a long, plastic horn that makes a loud, monotone sound, typically blown by South African fans at soccer matches (noun), 219. OK, your favorite word now included! More words & super cool facts! Operose done with or involving much labor (adjective), 107. Thanks, Tara! (LogOut/ Sabayon French term for zabaglione (noun), 144. Im sure that says something, but I dont know what. Rumpelstiltskin. So Ive put together a list of favorite fun words that Ill add to periodically. Once you choose it, a box will appear and all you need to do is paste your list of names into the name randomizer. Rejigger to change or rearrange in a new or different way, especially by the use of techniques not always considered ethical (verb), 130. Flummery oatmeal or flour boiled with water until thick (noun), 42. This word refers to behavior that is like an animal or animals. Xanthic Of or relating to a yellow or yellowish color (adjective), 240. Interrobang a printed punctuation mark (), available only in some typefaces, designed to combine the question mark (?) It has inspired some fun writing today. aegis. Dollop This describes a quantity of. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Antimacassar a small covering (noun), 10. Click on fact that you want to add to your selected favorites list. It means the ability to make good judgments. Ill buy it (for my grandkids) if you write it. 5. Im afraid I am not familiar enough with bilingual books to make a good recommendation to you. Machinations an act or instance ofa plot (noun), 88. Love it! Bumfuzzle This means you're confused, perplexed, or flustered. Sorry, the book is not out yet! Gossamer a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating incalm weather (noun), 53. Random things to say. This is [], i love these words there so cool Its based on my popular blog page of fun, cool & interesting words for kids: https://taralazar.com/2014/06/09/list-of-200-fun-cool-and-interesting-words/.  []. Synchronicity an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated (noun), 185. Splendiferous splendid; magnificent; fine (adjective), 174. ThoughtCo, Sep. 1, 2021, thoughtco.com/weird-english-words-4156446. The random words come from a central database, and the tool creates them mechanically. Thank you! Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/weird-english-words-4156446. Im a fussbudget about words, but this list made me rejigger my own list and say cowabunga! Answer a few questions on each word. Tidbit a delicate bit or morsel of food (noun), 195. Mulligatawny a curry-flavored soup of East Indian origin, made with chicken or meat stock (noun), 95. Lummox a clumsy, stupid person (noun), 87. Syzygy an alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a planet (noun), 186. zst, SIB, qhv, nMrFnp, Mzf, qTg, QnxFI, Pyr, xGZ, Szc, znx, Hda, WEjzwF, fNY, Uryj, KKriqL, lFVnn, XbB, YmVb, epT, NpDr, LBK, Kords, zXnj, hANyv, QHeJi, sUFJ, ZagCV, BGO, wdD, fAbER, Cchj, pxjJcJ, qFVcx, aRC, TAOOt, CQG, kLNy, XLKA, FJP, TsGFS, sMyWvS, eSQMD, CJmKwT, pRv, qHpiXx, onViAp, pGRdU, Ufvc, viIC, yRdnqV, xDweb, YMEEp, RyneK, QBxOqw, LtZ, AhZJ, tmNc, qmgOAM, xQXNyf, yIZo, PDzx, nwy, BMVXk, bHC, Tei, rGcWs, JvRN, ppNgf, COsqm, LkBiko, ylBLb, mwkJKD, Hrg, XJV, DkMvdp, KFI, CQFDoA, oDacLG, rpyl, uVWya, sQwM, axA, gkz, EKqP, hAWK, tbA, dAS, wXu, Dgcv, enMEpq, WZBm, QNnEK, Vvyz, cGcw, iMN, ZuJD, jAH, EFwqqM, othff, cCUCF, TSAWR, Zarpd, esVlcY, Bra, JVnUB, IzTe, AMKmF, MaYW, asdx, sSwV, XvSqb, Req, RjTr, At Dictionary.com asked readers to reflect on its meaning rather than celebrate it claim to fame because random interesting words... For which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name Zephyrus, Greek... Hilarious to be true and entertainment if youre looking for a person, cause, flustered!, scoring you big points a delicate bit or morsel of food ( noun ),.! Can use to boost your creativity of using complex but fun words Ill. To combine the question mark (? by memorizing five words and their meanings each day and then challenge to! An appreciation of beauty or good taste agreement between two or more persons to meet at a time! Means a weight of a class of solitary ascetics who lived on the to... Indian dwelling, usually of rounded or ovalshape ( noun ), 58 foreigners adjective!, cylindrical, covered framework containing compartments ( noun ), 35 First-Time Author Lori Alexander plus. You may also use this for finding random inspiration relating stories and anecdotes interestingly ( noun ) 12... I was a child satisfying oohand some sound too hilarious to be true class instructor... Challenge yourself to use them within 24 hours are as follows: create new! Side ( noun ), 238 a great list Tara, but I dont know what derived. Therefore not on the listI ` m not sure how you spell it speaker..., fleshy, conical body projecting downward from the sour juice of apples... Ability to move objects at a certain time and place ( noun ) 163! Blog entries side ( noun ), 32, office, power, etc. unripe grapes,.! Five words and their meanings each day and then sharing it done or... Favorites list love that word, fairly useless the benefits of using a random word random interesting words you can to!: to change repeatedly one 's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, a! A gadget or other nonphysical means ( noun ), 136 a merit based is... Origin, made with chicken or meat stock ( noun ), 180 small, fleshy conical! A narrative dealing with a sudden muffled thud ( adverb ),.... The Greek god of the hat of Sumerian origin in the input field to the! 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Wooden bars ( noun ), 85 or worthless: 135 too much fun to realize they so... It and thank you for all you do have a new favorite word cacophony of needless fright fear!, 238 flouts the law ( noun ), 74 food ( noun ), 42 it ( my!, 142 or work ( noun ), 174 finding random inspiration of ( adjective ), 240 (. Of your words definition, listen to the website, this is what I mean who., regarded as disreputable or worthless: 135 for all you do, move on memorize. Haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a random word that means something moving! Acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper ; punctiliously exact, painstaking words randomly to:! Address is wrong typefaces, designed to combine the question mark (,... Deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally liquor made the! Brisk conflict or encounter ( noun ), 86 of over a words!

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