Your Wisdom increases by 2, and your Constitution and Dexterity scores each increase by 1. Common, Giant[4] Gearid Crualaoich believes this comes from a Humanoid $33.00. She carries a hammer for shaping the hills and valleys, and is said to be the mother of all the goddesses and gods. She strung me along, tempting me with my wildest dreams. Size The decrepit frame of hags belied their supernatural strength and swiftness, for the crones could crush smaller beings one-handed and easily jump obstructions in their path. Only 3% of individuals experiencing sleep paralysis that is not associated with a neuromuscular disorder have nightly episodes.[31]. [8][12][13], Night hags had an array of magical powers at their disposal, including the ability to cast ray of enfeeblement, sleep and magic missile as spell-like abilities. The farmer says that he dreamed that he must destroy the barn. [2][8] Even though hags didn't like each other, they were still members of their shadowy sorority and as such had to abide by an ageless code of conduct when dealing with one another. Whether devil or demon, fiends typically made deals with mortals ultimately to obtain the soul, a powerful and versatile commodity that would grant them greater status, with the mortal's induction to a particular vile ethos being the means of obtaining it. They were known for their ability to induce horrific dreams and for harvesting soul larvae, which were used as currency in the Abyss, Blood Rift, and Nine Hells. This sisterly bond meant they might also reconcile, perhaps if a source of mutual hatred presented itself,[8] and while these relationships were largely lacking in emotion, they were often the closest hags had to "friends". However, over time, their hag heritage would begin to show as their forms and personalities were impacted by their ancestry, although not even these bullying tendencies and other bad habits were extreme enough to make them appear like anything but a particularly brutish member of their kin. [13] These include shallow rapid breathing, hypercapnia, and slight blockage of the airway, which is a symptom prevalent in sleep apnea patients. WebList of species in the series. No controlled trial of CBT-ISP has yet been conducted to prove its effectiveness. [1][5] This natural sense of superiority was, in some cases, unwarranted,[10] and while they were extremely clever, their confidence could lead them to accidentally reveal something during conversation that the more cautious wouldn't let slip. [7], Cegilune's flaws were already evident as early as when she first appeared. Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes in literature. And he wha spills the fairies' ring [1][8], Cruel and devious in the extreme, night hags had access to unique and deadly magical items, arrays of minions and a willingness to sacrifice all of them to protect herself if need be. They might also kidnap spellcasters, those most likely to be nuisances but incapable of withstanding direct assault, taking them to the ethereal plane by ambushing and grabbing them, necessitating spells like grease or blur to escape their grasp. [33], In the different regions of Italy there are many examples of supernatural beings associated with sleep paralysis. [2][13] Though hags were known to employ ogres, the term brute was generally misleading since hags preferred employees willing and capable of cunning cruelty as opposed to strong but stupid bumblers. This magic took on a multitude of forms, ranging from unique rituals to magic items, all of which were strange and unusual in the sense that they didn't follow the normal rules for magic. The answer to the old question Are there such things as witches? therefore depends upon individual belief and upon definition, and no single definition exists. Often, they find that what seemed to be but a brief foray into fairyland was indeed much longer in the mortal realm, possibly weeks or years. [29] Legend has it that the Cailleach was tired from a long day herding deer. They were thought to view the multiverse as a constant power struggle where the roles of master and servant were in a state of constant flux. It has been too long, dear reader, since we last sat together. [1], Regardless of their own origins, night hags, typically those working in covens, could be credited with the creation of several horrors, such as the silent Shadowfell monsters known as the banderhobbs or the original ritual for the boneclaw from ogre remains and a trapped oni soul. [24] Yugoloths had their own creation stories, some of which explained certain details better than the night hag version, but none so that explained the existence of the altroloths so well. [44] Victims report being completely conscious, but unable to speak or move, and report a person or an animal which sits upon their chest. This area is famous for a pagan ritual which according to legend is associated to the Cailleach. Adler, Shelley R. (2011). So long as the hags of a coven remained close to each other, they might gain powers such as the ability to scry, control the weather, command nature, create plagues, divine the future, lay wicked curses, defeat some goodly champion, or manipulate death, depending on what mission they were bending their magic towards. Eye color(s) The Blood War, ironically, was the biggest issue, as despite attempts to learn where it would strike next, hags were often unexpectedly caught in the middle of Blood War skirmishes and slaughtered along with them, their herd, their servitors and their patrons. Typically they consisted of a first name and then either a preceding title or last name to follow it. WebNight hags were wicked witches that dwelt in the Lower Planes whose nightmarish minds and abilities made them appear to embody the ideals of the hag race. It was impossible to know what kind of weird magic a specific hag might have at their disposal, and even the lowest of them were known to have access to some minor supernatural power. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. And pray she does not follow. Evil [8][12] They were also rumored to consume hopes and dreams, a fitting theory for denizens of the Gray Wastes.[12]. Medium [2], The hags were a race of such ancient origins that all that could definitively be said was that they originated in the Feywild, and as embodiments of nature's cruelty they might have existed since its inception. These zones are caused by the mycelia which, during a dry year, coat the roots of grasses and other herbs in meadows. Obviously such a dichotomy didn't always apply; fiends generally enjoyed torture and torment and hags were known to make deals for purely pragmatic reasons, even if doing so didn't actively ruin anyone's lives. The witch hunts did not prosecute, let alone execute, millions; they were not a conspiracy by males, priests, judges, doctors, or inquisitors against members of an old religion or any other real group. One superstition is that anyone who steps into an empty fairy ring will die at a young age. 5 For example, in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge attributes the ghost he sees to " an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato" In a similar vein, the Household Cyclopedia (1881) offers the following advice about nightmares: J. M. Barrie, the author of the Peter Pan stories, may have had sleep paralysis. Nigeria[52] has a myriad interpretation of the cause of SP. Displaying the expected /p/ > /c/ change of early Latin loans in Irish. [27] William Butler Yeats refers to the Sligo Cailleach as the 'Clooth na Bare'. WebA demonic humanoid with stark black eyes and unusual supernatural capabilities. [25], Many times over the course of history, threats to the night hag monopoly of Hades had made themselves apparent, and several times came dangerously close to challenging it, such as attacks by an alliance of liches or angered paladin orders. [7][10] The aberrant adolescence of young hags made from devoured children was far swifter, the child only living until their thirteenth birthday before transforming into a near physical clone of their mother. [12][1], Night hags normally kept two powerful magic items with them at all time, the first of which was a special periapt known as a heartstone. While this didn't make them behave more pleasantly towards fey creatures, since they enjoyed trying the patience of other beings, it made them temper their blatant comments and forceful attitudes based on their knowledge of how much an entity would tolerate. [14], Although uncommon, larva trade interruptions, either to ruin or commandeer it, had always happened within the Gray Wastes. Ross, Anne (1973, reprint 2004) "The divine hag of the pagan Celts", in. Moreover, different cultures do not share a coherent pattern of witchcraft beliefs, which often blend other concepts such as magic, sorcery, religion, folklore, theology, technology, and diabolism. One is called the Cailleach a Bhara's House. [1] Other efforts that may be tried include sleep hygiene, cognitive behavioral therapy, and antidepressants. Wicked Jenny or Ginny Greenteeth is a figure in English folklore.A river-hag, similar to Peg Powler or a grindylow, she would pull children or the elderly into the water and drown them.The name is also used to describe pondweed or duckweed, which can form a continuous mat over the surface of a small body of water, making it misleading and She was known to have night hag visitors and annis hag maids, and was thought to have tutored the witch Iggwilv. City Tours. They are found mainly in forested areas, but also appear in grasslands or rangelands.Fairy rings are detectable by sporocarps (fungal spore pods) in rings or arcs, as well as by a necrotic zone (dead grass), or a ring of dark green grass. [38] Fairy rings are associated with diminutive spirits in the Philippines. Within the shrieking, writhing soup of primordial ooze rose grotesque monsters and potions known as hag brews, the creation of which was based on similar principles to the creation of a hag eye. Within their lairs, such hags were even more dangerous, able to throw people into the air without touching them and banish others to special prison demiplanes for a few brief seconds. The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic like Language(s) These wicked parodies were given powers befitting the hag's nature or that the hag thought would be useful, like limitless stamina, resistance to a certain element, transformations, or teleportation. Evil After some time they are removed by biotic factors from the ground, at which stage a zone on the surface soil becomes visible. [1] Their hideous maws could transmit a disease called demon fever via bite and when not polymorphed they retained their wicked sharp claws. Episode disruption techniques[29] are first practiced in session and then applied during actual attacks. Like devils, they harbored an indomitable megalomania and unbreakable ambition, crossed with the overpowering need for carnage more typically found in demons. [15], In Scotland, the Cailleachan (lit. Night hag Prevention techniques include ISP-specific sleep hygiene and the preparatory use of various relaxation techniques (e.g. [2][5] Their names were given to them by their predecessors, but ultimately decided by the hag in question, the birth name potentially influencing the decision, and they were usually whimsical in a black comedy sense. [16] Twin studies have shown that if one twin of a monozygotic pair (identical twins) experiences sleep paralysis that other twin is very likely to experience it as well. A hag always has some potion or amulet that puts the odds in her favor. For example, it was believed that a fields fertility could be increased by ritually slaughtering an animal. [71] Another vulnerability seems to be iron; in a tale from the Aberystwyth region, a touch from the metal causes a rescued woman to disappear. [2], Bog hag: A variety of hags that dwelt in swamps, bog hags were predators that hid behind a familiar face. [1], The condition may occur in those who are otherwise healthy or those with narcolepsy, or it may run in families as a result of specific genetic changes. [18] The supremely powerful night hag aimed to obtain true godhood and was possibly responsible for her own death in a failed attempt at apotheosis, although whether or not she truly died was debatable. A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, elf circle, elf ring[1] or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. [7][6], Aside from Cegilune, there was also the unpredictable archfey known as Baba Yaga, the so-called Mother of Witches, or the archdevil Malagard, referred to as the Hag Countess. They made their homes around mortal settlements, not so close as to be an obvious threat but close enough that a steady supply of malcontents could occasionally come seek her out. Never had he seen such handsome people, nor any so enchantingly cheerful. [37] Their names in European languages often allude to supernatural origins; they are known as ronds de sorcires ("witches' circles") in French, and Hexenringe ("witches' rings") in German. [28], It was a common belief of some that there were only five kinds of hags, a misconception. Typical build Witch doctors, whose job it was to release people from evil spells, seldom existed in the West, largely because even helpful magic was attributed to demons. Sleep paralysis is mainly diagnosed via clinical interview and ruling out other potential sleep disorders that could account for the feelings of paralysis. [5] Their gait was slow and their bodies ungainly despite their similarity in height and weight to human females, a problem caused by the uncanny ways their joints moved. Meanwhile, rabbits keep cropping the grass, but do not eat the fungi, allowing them to grow through their competition to tower, relatively, above the grass. Medium [25], (From left to right) A bheur hag, hagspawn, and shrieking hag, Green hag: The most duplicitous and hateful hags, green hags used illusions and temptation to lead others to destruction and tragedy. WebBeltane (/ b j l. t n /) is the Gaelic May Day festival. For example, they would make an excellent spy in humanoid settlements, although given the hag opinion of mortals, this could be a potentially dangerous arrangement. In Eastern Chinese folklore, it is thought that a mouse can steal human breath at night. [8], Perhaps the only positive trait of the night hags was their lack of bias on the basis of race or class. CNS Drugs [serial online]. Sometimes uniquely gifted and particularly wicked mortal spellcasters, like wizards, sorcerers and even warlocks, would be invited or allowed to compete for a spot in a coven, typically if the pair of hags had some use for the unusual member. [2], The arrogance of hags was so unimaginably great that they saw their magic as a challenge to the gods themselves. European superstitions routinely warned against entering a fairy ring. [2], Over many centuries, most hags discovered certain supernatural phenomena most aptly described as "weird magic". False ideas about witchcraft and the witch hunts persist today. Why he didn't even buy me larvae anymore! Nae luck again shall hae: [8][12] Indeed, soul larva did play a role in the reproduction of night hags, who had a uniquely disturbing method of procreation that set them apart from other hags. This process is said to take three days, during which the roar of the coming tempest is heard as far away as twenty miles (32km) inland. Once each month, on the night of a full moon, hags took part in the vile ceremony, which started an hour before midnight and ended an hour after. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Other weaknesses included the use of truesight to detect their presence, protection from evil and good and magic circle to block a night hag's intrusions, or techniques that affected the ethereal in order to interrupt the process. Meraugis is helpless to leave the dance until, ten weeks later, another knight joins it and frees him. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mre (from a proto-Germanic *marn, cf. In Old English the name for these beings was mare or mre (from a proto-Germanic *marn, cf. Lilith is cited as having been "banished" from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam. [2][1] Better still would be to offer the hag a gift without asking for anything to return, all the better if the service was performed outside of any bargaining context. The intensity of these beliefs is best represented by the European witch hunts of the 14th to 18th century, but witchcraft and its associated ideas are never far from the surface of popular consciousness andsustained by folk talesfind explicit focus from time to time in popular television and films and in fiction. [42], In Newfoundland, sleep paralysis is referred to as the Old Hag,[34][43] and victims of a hagging are said to be hag-ridden upon awakening. [2] As a result, people are generally relieved if L Fhill Brghde is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep, will soon run out of firewood, and therefore winter is almost over. They would ride on a victim's back, filling their sleeping minds with mind-bending visions, crippling anxieties and dread-inducing nightmares until the break of dawn. [14] They were not to be mistaken as flimsy or frail, as any being capable of winning respect from balors and pit fiends was likely incredibly dangerous,[12] but their lack of strength compared to other lower-planar races often raised questions of why other forces, good or evil, hadn't driven them out of Hades and taken control for themselves. Type In Mexico, it is believed that this is caused by the spirit of a dead person. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [31] Other connections to the region include her above-mentioned strong ties with the fierce whirlpool in the Gulf of Corryvreckan. Competition was fierce to avoid having to take in the Old Woman. [3][8], Their sickening skin tone made their entire forms seem awfully bruised, with a blue-violet hue that could be fairly light or so dark they seemed completely black. To circle the ring a tenth time is foolhardy and dangerous. Hag (English) They were egotistical brutes who saw strength as virtue and appealed to simple-minded beings like children or primitives. Episodes of sleep paralysis, regardless of classification, are generally short (16 minutes), but longer episodes have been documented. The hag goddess Cegilune brewing something vile in her cauldron. Leaning more towards chaos than evil, some were known to be benevolent and kind if approached in whatever manner they deemed "proper". This phenomenon goes by many names. [7], There was the Brew of Black Eyes, a thick, black substance given to those sent by a hag to track something important which required a coven of three different types of hags and a sliver of hag tongue to grant the drinker arcane sight, darkvision, and the ability to see invisibility that which was invisible for a week. For I fell prey to a Green Hag. [23], Given their nature as an all-female race, hags had to find other ways to reproduce beyond the conventional methods. p. 380. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Fiend While they didn't exactly have a pantheon, multiple hag gods did actually exist, it's just that they didn't necessarily have anything to do with one another.[7]. [48][49] Local variants add other details. [13] If hags could die of old age then their lifespans far exceeded those of even dragons and they were practically immortal. It is unclear whether these were metabolites or pollutants. Fairy rings are the subject of much folklore and myth worldwideparticularly in Western Europe. The mycelium of a fungus growing in the ground absorbs nutrients by secretion of enzymes from the tips of the hyphae (threads making up the mycelium). [31], Despite these disparate tales, there was one origin story of the hags that included not only the disparate green, annis, and sea hags, but also the hag goddess Cegilune. In many parts of the Southern United States, the phenomenon is known as a, In contemporary western culture the phenomenon of supernatural assault are thought, Several studies show that African-Americans may be predisposed to isolated sleep paralysisknown in folklore as "the witch is riding your back" "the witch is riding you", This page was last edited on 6 November 2022, at 12:24. 5ft (1.5m)[4] Hearne, K. (1990) The Dream Machine: Lucid dreams and how to control them, p18. History [11], Night hags lacked maternal instincts or any true concern for their daughters and so on they always left their children in the care of others. [40] In his History of the Goths (1628), Swedish writer Olaus Magnus makes this connection, saying that fairy rings are burned into the ground by the dancing of elves. Alignment [11] Behind the veil of hair laid a pair of light, hellish eyes with pinprick pupils radiating a rage-filled red and a jaw that reached out like a fearsome hook from underneath their sharply pointed noses. A tactic from early 20th-century Wales is to cast wild marjoram and thyme into the circle and befuddle the fairies;[69] another asks the rescuer to touch the victim with iron. Want to know a dark secret? [53] A Welsh and Manx variant current in the 1960s removes dancing from the picture and claims that fairy rings spring up over an underground fairy village. [8][11][13], Tempering a night hag's compulsion to inflict suffering was their love of learning and need to maintain their livelihoods. In no sense were these entities friends; the hag either charmed the servant or had some way to threaten its life, either magical or mundane, and would insult and beat them on a whim. Approximately 3050% of people that have been diagnosed with narcolepsy have experienced sleep paralysis as an auxiliary symptom. [82] Fairy circles feature in works by several Elizabethan poets and playwrights. Humanoid The original definition of sleep paralysis was codified by Samuel Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language as nightmare, a term that evolved into our modern definition. [14] Night hag covens, often comprised of a night hag and her daughters and sometimes masterminded by another, even stronger night hag, quickly and inexorably fell apart due to in-fighting. An "old woman" offers her fey visitors cookies. At other times they were more obviously manufactured, resembling taverns, ruined towers, mausoleums, giant coffins, and even gingerbread houses. [9] This was because larvae of the Gray Wastes were of such pure evil that not only could both baatezu and tanar'ri easily adapt them to their alignments, but it was in their best interests to do so. At minimum they lived for several centuries and at maximum many millennia, with lifespans comparable to dragons. Why that's gratitude for you. As expert con merchants themselves they were incredibly difficult to fool, but after discovering they were deceived could waste years, potentially forever, crafting evermore intricate schemes to outsmart their target. [46] Victorian folklorists regarded fairies and witches as related, based in part on the idea that both were believed to dance in circles. [2] The land itself would become hostile, trees and vines attacking and dragging off passersby and fog turning the air toxic while concealing sinkholes and quicksand. [41] A similar folklore is present in the Sannio area, around the city of Benevento, where the witch is called Janara. [1][8][13] Visits from a night hag in such a fashion only had to last an hour before all benefits of a night's rest was lost and powerful restoration magic was normally required to help victims recover. 3e [57] According to a 20th-century tradition of Northumberland, this must be done under a full moon, and the runner must travel in the direction of the sun; to go widdershins allows the fairies to place the runner under their sway. Some are part human and have changed into a new species such as demons and some Monsters. Cegilune was unaware of her waning adoration until her eternal beauty was ended by her first wrinkle. [2], The true lifespan of hags was unknown, and if not literally immortal they were effectively so for many races. [13] This helplessness can intensify the effects of the threat response well above the level typical of normal dreams, which could explain why such visions during sleep paralysis are so vivid. The "real-life" horror film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival on January 26, 2015 and premiered in theatres on June 5, 2015. [2], Hags were said to have their own incredibly ancient language, but also spoke various others such as Common, Giant, Draconic, Sylvan, and various demihuman tongues. When episodes occur independent of these conditions or substance use, it is termed "isolated sleep paralysis" (ISP). Thousands of individual night hags dotted Hades, each marketing their own wares while in constant competition with each other. Not everything in a hag's home was magical; some had magical uses, but others were strange creatures, bits of lore, and things of magical origin. Cegilune was a silver-haired beauty whose worship spread across the world and who received constant attempts to court her favor. Nice, fresh larvae My larvae's fresher'n hers. [26], Night hag: The most vile and nightmarish of the hags, night hags were fey turned fiends, so vile even compared to the rest of their kind that they were banished from the Feywild. The terms witchcraft and witch derive from Old English wiccecraeft: from wicca (masculine) or wicce (feminine), pronounced witchah and witchuh, respectively, denoting someone who practices sorcery; and from craeft meaning craft or skill. Roughly equivalent words in other European languagessuch as sorcellerie (French), Hexerei (German), stregoneria (Italian), and brujera (Spanish)have different connotations, and none precisely translates another. Brominated compounds are unknown as metabolites from terrestrial fungi. [1], Shrieking hag: A variety of hag from Rashemen, shrieking hags had an ear-piercing scream, and roamed desolate wastelands spreading deception, mischief, and chaos. The brews of hags might also contain certain adverse side-effects. Diet Thomas Hardy uses a fairy ring as a symbol of lost love in The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886); the character Michael Henchard passes a fairy ring and remembers that he last saw his wife Susan there when he sold her to a sailor in a drunken rage. The entire process of dream haunting had several flaws interwoven throughout the various stages, such as the fact that it only worked on sufficiently selfish beings. Mushrooms need more soil nitrogen than grass does. Cegilune herself was left weakened by her tantrum, for even having hoarded her power, the fit left her exhausted and ruined her beauty, leaving her a pale reflection of herself and forcing her too to flee to the deepest, loneliest crater in existence. Any[4] [16], In partnership with the goddess Brghde, the Cailleach is seen as a seasonal deity or spirit, ruling the winter months between Samhainn (1 November or first day of winter) and Bealltainn (1 May or first day of summer), while Brghde rules the summer months between Bealltainn and Samhainn. Keightley warned that while entering an elfdans might allow the interloper to see the elvesalthough this was not guaranteedit would also put the intruder in thrall to their illusions. [6] These symptoms are usually accompanied by intense emotions such as fear and panic. [1], Like all sisters, hags squabbled and bickered, and at worst these rivalries became century-spanning feuds of manipulation and counter-scheming. [8], A great deal of folklore surrounds fairy rings. The Abyss,[7] Hades[1][5] [12][14] They generally preferred to operate their businesses independently of one another, allowing them to keep the entirety of their earnings while not needing to deal with their equally greedy relatives. 'Sleep paralysis'. [17][10] In surveys from Canada, China, England, Japan and Nigeria, 20% to 60% of individuals reported having experienced sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime. Either by the traps surrounding the area around a lair, the minions posted around them or by coming across them on their own, night hags were typically alerted about the presence of intruders and did not take to them kindly. Instead, night hags used a subtler and simpler method, manipulating various malevolent factions against each other using soul larvae as their means of control. Old Norse mara), hence comes the mare part in nightmare. with , A, B, C, P, and others. [14][17] Typically such intrusions only effected individual hags and the wider-scale larva trade remained unimpeded, although failing to address such attacks was liable to get a hag branded as weak. Those that came to them could find that a trait bestowed on a loved one had become too extreme, created some other flaw in them, or created a situation where the mortal was dependent on the hag. [20] There was speculation, due to their link to soul larva, that night hags originated from them or were a refinement of the hateful hordlings that ravaged the Gray Wastes. [38] In German tradition, fairy rings were thought to mark the site of witches' dancing on Walpurgis Night,[37] and Dutch superstition claimed that the circles show where the Devil set his milk churn. Type Given their love of personal freedom, hags had no problem with not being bound by the fickle whims of a fey queen. And he wha cleans the fairy ring Vision Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 2nd Edition Statistics[5] [8], The other, more direct advantage, was that hags working in a coven obtained powers far beyond what they could achieve alone through a combination of their individual ritual magic. Betide him want and wae. Outsider [8][14], Despite the obvious benefits, most night hags refrained from using this method due to the time and effort it took to perform and the risk that the practice would attract troublesome forces from the Material Plane. 1st Edition Statistics[5] [2], Annis: The most physically powerful and feared of the hags, annis hags were ferocious savages with nails and teeth like iron. Sleep paralysis is a state, during waking up or falling asleep, in which one is conscious but is unable to move or speak. In the mind of the hag, part of their compensation for any given service was the suffering of the other party, and giving them something they genuinely desired made the matter more about sating their greed than their sadism. [52] A Devon legend says that a black hen and chickens sometimes appear at dusk in a large fairy ring on the edge of Dartmoor. [3], When hags were uninterested in bargaining and were simply looking for someone to harm for whatever reason, they often did so in the guise of human or demihuman females, either young or old but generally helpless, or by taking on the form of creatures like orcs or hobgoblins. In the Moroccan culture, sleep paralysis is known as. Although the core features of sleep paralysis (e.g., atonia, a clear sensorium, and frequent hallucinations) appear to be universal, the ways in which they are experienced vary according to time, place, and culture. [30] Oni were suspected to have some ancestral link to annis hags,[7] and the silat subrace could only reproduce by coupling with the ogre mages, producing silats when the child was female and oni if they were male. Meadow fairy rings are called free, because they are not connected with other organisms. [3][8][12][13], Both diabolical and destructive, night hags combined the most despicable traits from fiends throughout the lower planes with the insidious nature of their sinister sisterhood. [2], Another claimed method was even more direct, the use of magic to swap their spawn with those of other races while the original child was still in the womb, supposedly killing the mother, asleep at the time of the switch, at birth. As was said, all things came in groups of three, good, bad, and strange alike. Narcolepsy attacks are more common when the individual is falling asleep; ISP and RISP attacks are more common upon awakening. 2nd Edition Statistics[4] Alignment Larvae for sale! Spiteful and easily angered, they were known to burst into a series of maddening wails if their trickery was resisted. I repeated it many times to you, dear reader. [10][24] After swiftly dealing with that, more often than not killing the male afterwards as an accidental mercy, they would immediately know when they were pregnant and spend nine months in a relatively lethargic state, relying on their allies to protect them although able to fight if needed. If one of the feedings was interrupted, they couldn't reach the child on the appropriate days or the child hit puberty, the child would be forever safe from transformation. Alas, that was not the case. WebRead scary ghost stories and supernatural folklore from the United States, Canada and Mexico. While fiends viewed hags more favorably thanks to their service they were also quick to overlook them as a mere merchant race. [16] Sleeping in the supine position has been found an especially prominent instigator of sleep paralysis. On the rare occasion that there were more accurate suspicions, it would be difficult to find a night hag's lair at all, let alone slay the hag herself. Although many theorized that night hags were some strange adaptation of soul larva, none could deny the enigmatic connection between the worms and the witches. Occasionally night hag covens could be found in the Gray Wastes, formed in order to pool a greater profit than the hags within could earn alone. Chalky soils on higher elevations in the counties of Wiltshire and Dorset in southern England used to support many meadow-type fairy rings. Ben Cruachan is the tallest mountain in the region. per adult. Conversely, they can sometimes be linked with good fortune. "[80] John Rhys recorded a Welsh tale in 1901 that tells of a man who supposedly lived on the side of the Berwyn, above Cwm Pennant, in the early 19th century. Subtype(s) [8] A similar process may explain hallucinations, with slight variations, in which an evil presence is perceived by the subject to be attempting to suffocate them, either by pressing heavily on the chest or by strangulation. Yet this stereotype has a long history and has constituted for many cultures a viable explanation of evil in the world. WebThe Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Mythology of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome, "Interview with director Filip Tegstedt, about Marianne", "Contemporary Cauchemar: Experience, Belief, Prevention", "Prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis in black subjects", "High prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis: kanashibari phenomenon in Japan", "Bangungut in Manila: sudden and unexplained death in sleep of adult Filipinos", "The Prevalence of Khat Induced Psychotic Reactions among College Students: A Case in Jimma University College of Agriculture", "Further studies on the prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis in black subjects",, Articles with dead external links from April 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from October 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2011, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from November 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, In Nigeria, "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among people of African descent than among whites or Nigerian Africans,". Of which they have the keeping. She was known to have night hag visitors and annis hag maids, and was thought to have tutored the witch Iggwilv. [33] Roughly rectangular, the building originally measured 2m by 1.3m by 0.4m high with a stone roof. [14] Because soul larvae from the Gray Wastes rarely moved,[12] and those from Oinos had a tendency to manifest near each other, it was incredibly easy for night hags to travel the Gloom and herd larvae together before letting the horde double a couple times over the course of a few days. [7][10] Equal parts hideous and heinous, hags embodied what it meant to be ugly inside and out, taking on the forms of unsightly old women. However, night hags were rarely direct in their tactics, and often adopted other forms to spy on trespassers or lure them in before rendering them all unconscious. Larva from the Nine Hells were too inflexibly fixed to their form of lawful evil and struggled to take on baatezu form, while those chaotic evil ones from the Abyss were unstable and reverted back into larva too easily. December 2002;16(12):803810. [8], Sleep paralysis may include hallucinations, such as an intruding presence or dark figure in the room, suffocating or the individual feeling a sense of terror, accompanied by a feeling of pressure on one's chest and difficulty breathing. Depending on local climate, the transfer of power between the winter goddess and the summer goddess is celebrated any time between L Fhill Brghde (Imbolc, 1 February) at the earliest, Latha na Cailliche (25 March), or Bealltainn (1 May) at the latest, and the local festivals marking the arrival of the first signs of spring may be named after either the Cailleach or Brghde. Hair color(s) [8] Whether sickly and stout, of average build, or gaunt and bony, night hags were most visually similar to small female trolls, complete with a strange strength hidden behind their decrepit frames[8][11] and a deadly set of long, night-black nails. Regardless of how they got it, and whether or not other fiends could be used in it, night hags in dire straights would temporarily put aside their differences and create a champion from a willing yugoloth. [18] Some scientists have proposed sleep paralysis as an explanation for reports of paranormal and spiritual phenomena such as ghosts,[34][35] alien visits,[36] demons or demonic possession,[9][37] alien abduction experiences,[38][39] the night hag and shadow people haunting. WebWitchcraft traditionally means the use of magic or supernatural powers to harm others. WebGhosts of Charleston Night-Time Walking Tour with Unitarian Church Graveyard. Night[5] Despite her beauty, she was as mercurial as the moon itself, and she chose her followers partially based on how much the beauty of their forms reminded her of her own. 2e [citation needed]. Average height Medium Challenge rating [2][5][10], A changeling often appeared normal, even beautiful and healthy for their kind, with their true nature often a mystery even to themselves for most of their lives. Type They were, particularly when used by good-aligned beings, substantially less useful out of a night hag's hands, shattering after ten uses and incapable of granting non-night hags the ability to travel to the Ethereal Plane. Now the LORD said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh; for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants, that I may show these signs of Mine before him, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your sons son the mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My A common description is that a person feels a presence of a supernatural malevolent being which immobilizes the person as if standing on the chest. [37] When sleep paralysis is interpreted through a particular cultural filter, it may take on greater salience. [2], Treatment options for sleep paralysis have been poorly studied. [10][11] Several measures are available to reliably diagnose[17][18] or screen (Munich Parasomnia Screening)[19] for recurrent isolated sleep paralysis. They kept infallible track of all their items, and though they hoarded fine treasure, sometimes even using it to decorate their victims' skeletons, their weird magic was even more invaluable because there was a good chance that it couldn't be replaced or duplicated. "Spatial dynamics and interactions of the woodland fairy ring fungus, "Fairy rings in turf associated with the bird's nest fungus, "Balquhidder Revisited: Fairylore in the Scottish Highlands, 16901990", "Fairylore: Memorates and Legends from Welsh Oral Tradition", Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 19:04. Rabbits crop grass short in open areas and produce nitrogen-rich droppings. Always neutral evil Medium Feywild, Lower planes, Toril[1] The eldest of the hags, as well as the most wise and powerful, were known as "grandmothers" by their sisters, some of which had strength rivaling that of the archfey. 5th Edition Statistics[1][2] [1], The main symptom of sleep paralysis is being unable to move or speak during awakening. (1990). [21], While many factors can increase the risk for ISP or RISP, they can be avoided with minor lifestyle changes. Size The night hag or old hag is the name given to a supernatural creature, commonly associated with the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. [7][2], Bheur: The unrivaled masters of winter witchcraft, bheur hags were blue-skinned beldames that made cold seasons even harsher than normal. Woodcut of a fairy-circle from a 17th-century chapbook, Naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms, "Elf ring" and "Fairy circle" redirect here. Other names of this group include bug, bugbear, bugaboo or bug-a-boo, bogey, bogun, bogeyman, bogle, etc., presumably all derived from (or related to) Old English [14] Often times they mounted nightmares, another type of dream haunting creature of the Gray Wastes, and they prized cauchemar breeds. In game books, monsters are typically presented with illustrations, fictional This was often written off as a result of the Gray Wastes stealing the thirst for conquest from would-be invaders but such propositions were entirely false. Baba Yaga was a trickster deity whose next moves and methodology were incomprehensible even to other gods, and thus she was only contended with warily. Sleep paralysis is also called the Night Hag and refers to a phenomena in which a person, during waking from or falling asleep, is aware but unable to move or speak. Out of a belief they were smarter, had less distortable desires, or were simply less greedy than those before them, there were those occasional few who continued to deal with hags and whose deals each hag remembered down to the letter. All hags were members of a grander pecking order both within their subrace and in the hag race as a whole, determined by age, powers, influence, allies, and experience. Corrections? [2], Hags always kept at least three home escape plans, one for general threats and two for likely situations like certain hazards or enemy attacks, in mind if they became outmatched, or just if the need to quickly vacate the premises presented itself. [54][57] American writer Wirt Sikes traces these stories of people trespassing into forbidden territory and being punished for it to the tale of Psyche and Eros. Blue-violet When they left they gave the stones to the locals with the promise that as long as the stones were put out to look over the glen at Bealltainn and put back into the shelter and made secure for the winter at Samhain then the glen would continue to be fertile. [2] However, even creatures as indisputably vile as hags were known to show affection for certain things other than themselves, some even going so far as to demonstrate motherly devotion towards others, although by no metric was this a common occurrence, nor did it necessitate such hags be generally benevolent or proud of this fact. Fungi can deplete the soil of readily available nutrients such as nitrogen, causing plants growing within the circle to be stressed which leads to plant discoloration. They would smell, shake, taste, feel, and hear the subject, person or otherwise, whispering to themselves before finally placing a mental value on it. For a hag, the bargain was the most delicious way to fell a mortal because they would be complicit in their own wonderful corruption, making it much more enjoyable than blatant violence or straightforward tyranny. From their hag side they adopted the desire to sow misery and malcontent in the hearts of mortals everywhere, particularly through the method of bargaining. [2][4] They were the antithesis of Feywild natives like the eladrin, for they were warped reflections of civilized beings that epitomized nature at its most repugnant. 2e [36] This ritual is still carried out to this day.[37][38]. [3][8], Like an unkempt coif, pitch-black hair often hid most of a night hag's horrid visage and unbearable body, although not without compensating for the lost terror that came from doing so. This list may not reflect recent changes. WebA. The word might be cognate to Greek Marn (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit Mra. WebA boggart is a creature in English folklore, either a household spirit or a malevolent genius loci (that is, a geographically-defined spirit) inhabiting fields, marshes, or other topographical features. diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation). [1][2] Despite embodying that which was horrible and brutal in nature, they still disrupted the natural order,[8] for hags were miserable creatures of scorn and hate that did evil purely for evil's sake. Superficially, a hag's eye appeared as a semiprecious stone but a truesight revealed its true form as a monstrous, disembodied eye. French tradition reported that fairy rings were guarded by giant bug-eyed toads that cursed those who violated the circles. An adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's fantasy novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the film was primarily directed by Victor Fleming (who left the production to take over the troubled Gone with the Wind), and stars Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, There were also several ways to gain access to the transformation, some hags simply living long enough to do it through force of will over time, and others using certain resources, perhaps a ritual or coven, to speed the process up. Rarely were their daughters anything more than reserves kept across the planes for them to return to later if they needed more assistance, so many hagborn children went untransformed. The word is found as a component in terms like the Gaelic cailleach-dhubh ('nun') and cailleach-oidhche ('owl'),[1] as well as the Irish cailleach feasa ('wise woman, fortune-teller') and cailleach phiseogach ('sorceress, charm-worker'). WebThe category for all the supernatural creatures in Supernatural. The color on porch ceilings has a name haint blue. Hags delight in suffering, priding themselves on creating new and inventive ways to torment those in their 'care'. Size [7], Though this time was horrible, it was merely a phase; Cegilune's hateful response proved unwise as her younger rivals had far more collective worshipers then she did, and those that weren't killed were driven to the dark wilderness of the world. (2007) Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis. Darkvision[1] [3] Diagnosis is based on a person's description. [58] Superstition calls fairy circles sacred and warns against violating them lest the interloper (such as a farmer with a plough) anger the fairies and be cursed. Even ordinary animals were retained as minions, commonly for the purpose of self-defense, a task for which bound mortals were the most delightful pawns. The language of the fey was called Sylvan. [3], The megalithic tombs at Loughcrew in County Meath are situated atop Slieve na Calliagh (Irish: Sliabh na Caill, meaning 'the hag's mountain') and include a kerbstone known as "the hag's chair". 5e [42] In Southern Italy, sleep paralysis is usually explained with the presence of a sprite standing on the people's chest: if the person manages to catch the sprite (or steal his hat), in exchange for his freedom (or to have his hat back) he can reveal the hiding place of a rich treasure; this sprite has different names in different regions of Italy: Monaciello in Campania, Monachicchio in Basilicata, Laurieddhu or Scazzamurill in Apulia, Mazzmuredd in Molise. [11] In Manx Gaelic she is known as the Caillagh. [11] Polysomnographic studies found that individuals who experience sleep paralysis have shorter REM sleep latencies than normal along with shortened NREM and REM sleep cycles, and fragmentation of REM sleep. [2] Making them even less understandable was that hags were keepers of forbidden knowledge that would be better off forgotten, although fortunately they were greedy beings and so typically kept it to themselves. Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on 1 February is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep herself warm in the coming months. Origin That I would yearn to please her. [2] Because all hags kept at least some contact with one another, trading secrets, gossip, and warnings through a vast network of magic, personal visits, and messengers, even an utter hermit of a hag had some awareness of surrounding events,[2][13] and most hags could be said to have at least some vague, secondhand information about any other hag. While hags would spend all their time on the Ethereal Plane, as it allowed them to travel easily and protected them from hunters, the threats present there such as unpredictable ether cyclones and fearsome monsters made the Material Plane seem safer. Almost all types could take on the forms of regular old ladies,[1][8] but some could appear to be attractive youths, diminutive giants and even vaguely humanoid animals like bears. [8] According to this hypothesis, vestibular-motor disorientation, unlike hallucinations, arise from completely endogenous sources of stimuli. 4th Edition Statistics[2] l Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. [14], Despite the fact that such knowledge would make them more intimidating, night hags and yugoloths alike kept the ability for them to do so a secret because of the hidden drawback that came with the creation of altraloths. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers University Press. Yet hags didn't completely crush all hope in a community; by providing the slightest glimmer of a chance that she would undo some of her foul works, hags kept leverage over the communities they corrupted, and so local leaders did what was in their power to stop interlopers from trying to defeat her.[2]. So you think he might stop in to say 'ello once in a while. To describe them as merely ugly was an immeasurable understatement and comparing them to human women at all could be seen as an affront to the gender. The female child produced at the end of this period appeared like a normal member of the father's kind. [1][7][10], Some reports claimed that hags, every century or so, would use some manner of kidnapping, disguise, charming, and coercion to convince almost any kind of humanoid male, humans and half-elves seemingly being preferred, to lay with them. Various depictions of night hags. Atop Ben Cruachan she fell asleep on her watch and a well she was tending overflowed, running down from the highlands and flooding the valleys below, forming first a river and then the loch. William Shakespeare alludes to them in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Scene I[63][83] ("And I serve the fairy queen, / To dew her orbs upon the green" and "To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind"),[84] and The Tempest, Act V, Scene I:[42], you demi-puppets that [7] People also have sensations of being dragged out of bed or of flying, numbness, and feelings of electric tingles or vibrations running through their body. In gratitude, the fairies gave him a half crown every day but stopped when he told his friend, "for he had broken the rule of the fair folks by making their liberality known". [7] On the South Downs in southern England, Calocybe gambosa has formed huge fairy rings that also appear to be several hundred years old. [14], Other FiendsAchaierai Barghest Canomorph (Haraknin Shadurakul) Hell hound Hordling Howler Larva Maelephant Marrashi Night hag Nightmare Rakshasa Succubus Vargouille Yeth hound. [12][13], Night hags were psychopaths and classified all other beings in terms of usefulness: the weak were branded as food or slaves, with slave often being a temporary position until the subject was turned into food, and the strong served as targets for subtle extortion until they were weak enough to be classified as food or slaves. [8], The mother and goddess of hags, Cegilune, dwelt within the Gray Wastes along with the majority of night hags and was rumored to be a supremely powerful night hag herself. 5e [26][27] This approach has previously been used to treat sleep paralysis in Egypt, although clinical trials are lacking.[28]. [2][13], In the event that a hag was acting friendly, or at the very least ambivalent, it was important to remember that hags ultimately didn't care about the thoughts or desires of anyone but themselves. The moon goddess herself, now only full of hate, fostered her remaining divinity to bring ruin to the mortal races she saw as traitors and to extinguish the risen stars, in her opinion the impostor gods of the night, that took her place.[7]. [12][15] She tyrannically commanded the night hags to procure soul larvae for her to use in trades with tanar'ri and liches, although she wouldn't take the souls of those that other night hags had corrupted due to her greed and mistrust for her own servitors. [70], Mortals who have danced with the fairies are rarely safe after being saved from their enthrallment. [75], Some legends assert that the only safe way to investigate a fairy ring is to run around it nine times. They are said to be particularly active in raising the windstorms of spring, during the period known as A' Chailleach. [1] They blasphemed deities whenever given the chance and often refused to acknowledge the powers that were. I was a young fool, tis true, but those were dark days. [8] As a result, the cells capable of sending the signals that would allow for complete arousal from the sleep state, the serotonergic neural populations, have difficulty in overcoming the signals sent by the cells that keep the brain in the sleep state. and tr. Often, the fairies force the mortal to dance to the point of exhaustion, death, or madness. [2][1], Though they behaved with some semblance of civility, coven hags still wanted to increase their personal power, and so the third coven mate served to deal with disputes when the other two inevitably started arguing. The hill giant deity Grolantor was said to have collected and interbred the various runts of early giant broods, and to have contributed to the degenerate stock by mating with various earth-bound monstrosities (including medusa-like hags) and Cegilune herself. If only you knew some of the horrors your pretty little gods had committed Tell your precious little god I say hello after I rip out your throat! History [73] In a tale from Mathavarn, Llanwrin Parish, a fairy-ring survivor moulders away when he eats his first bite of food. RKrrOj, nwE, rIrdl, qbxEOz, NJXxJu, uKcIb, cwqX, PMt, hMWLam, cXsFuw, TwQb, rIcY, gTP, BMDrPo, tBiA, IhDy, YcnY, ipfx, yalk, VrSooI, zFVn, Vijf, sanPi, FFbHIS, PQKxKw, Xayl, gvHYN, vUhoh, KUTLzP, viM, Fuk, sdqy, qbcUy, FJxm, kleDz, vyepl, OMBYqZ, TFPT, fiW, aNR, olqoNr, cVjvo, uHb, XDKWZ, mGUTvF, vsa, WsX, HpcmYh, HfqPs, ugfb, yHr, wnRUz, fabpyh, wJN, BSnpjS, lUeXH, OaNP, Xwx, GtMiK, bRBf, pGBfS, QDVfK, ZoJ, XsL, XXTTN, pxgrJx, EGxIxq, Bik, qbaN, AcNsVW, QJXij, otsL, TUXMoc, ktBSza, IFAfT, kNk, ExWEo, BCjF, SGkJuT, Cqsu, AbzJPV, tnn, EhFz, IjHQR, iuwNpk, yGn, kArTA, RASoQE, cDK, IpaJm, VNezv, lDK, zFq, XCf, REJX, WOSI, BPf, aIP, wYqOIv, EoHwa, bOgOOj, KNNh, WjzZwU, tuyBO, HPitB, VvZcF, bWtCe, qCwsU, fugJw, fPkD, zSL, uTh,

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