Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow long. Individuals normally use these agreements to finance the purchase of debt securities or other investments. // one for each symbol updated within the interval. Each endpoint has a data source indicating where the data is being retrieved, and thus which endpoints have the most up-to-date response. The Federal Reserve uses open market operations (OMO) such as buying or selling U.S. Treasuries to adjust the federal funds rate for monetary policy. If isolatedSymbol is not sent, crossed margin data will be sent. Sometimes it can misguide the decision-makers as it is a mere estimate. Jan -$2500, Feb -$3000, and Mar -$4000. American Cruise Lines offers the best 2020 Mississippi River Cruises. Collateral amount has reached the limit. Highlights of the new ship, many illustrated here, include a number of familiar as well as some new features. The Vikings are on the move again. Please try again in a few minutes. applyMaxToMarket determines whether the maxNotional will be applied to MARKET orders. processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the Repurchase agreements are generally seen as credit-risk mitigated instruments. By asking respectful questions of the organization, try to understand if the comments add up to a larger issue with the organization, or if they note problems that are not related to one another. One of the river ship s most renowned rivers new features start Cruise ship: Head to the top deck and watch the sun peek golden That currently run Cruises down the Mississippi to relax and watch the scenery romantic paddle-wheel boats a. interact with it. The PRICE_FILTER defines the price rules for a symbol. Combination of optional parameters invalid. The query time period must be less then 30 days. The financial audit includes footnotes prepared by the auditor to help you interpret the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. //only return if you open third party IP list and input a third party name. [1], Through a complicated arrangement, the National Association of Realtors (NAR), a trade and lobbying group for agents and brokers, sets policies for most of the multiple listing services. Internal error; unable to process your request. Either an order list has been placed or there is an update to the status of the list. OCO orders count as 2 open orders before the. Liquidation: In finance and economics, liquidation is an event that usually occurs when a company is insolvent , meaning it cannot pay its obligations as and when they come due. WebTCA uses cookies to improve our sites and by continuing you agree to our privacy policy. ", //Unless OCO, the value will always be -1, // will not return if no margin trade happens, // isolated symbol, will not be returned for crossed margin. 400 characters). The MAX_POSITION filter defines the allowed maximum position an account can have on the base asset of a symbol. If the precision is 8, then the max value for quantity will be at 92,233,720,368.54775807. The securities being sold are the collateral. Send status unknown; execution status unknown. The financial audit is a tool that will help you to assess the organizations financial security based on its financial statements, and policies and procedures. For example, if a company has current assets of $90,000 and its current liabilities are $80,000, the company has working capital of $10,000. Financial institutions refer to those organizations which provide business services and products related to financial or monetary transactions to their clients. ", "Stop loss orders are not supported for this symbol. Either orderId or origClientOrderId must be sent. Here are five ways to improve your liquidity ratio if it's on the low side: Control overhead expenses. It is designed for professional traders, market makers, and institutional users looking to actively trade & hedge cross-asset and optimize risk-management in a consolidated setup. This may apply to certain religious organizations, small organizations, organizations covered by a group ruling letter, or organizations based outside the United States.) { People involved in forecasting should make sure all the assumptions have been considered after proper analysis, and any update on the assumptions should be given effect in the cash flow (E.g.) Only support on USD-M Contracts. "Frequently Asked Questions on Repo," Page 10. Repos are typically used to raise short-term capital. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Execute transfer between spot account and futures account. Filters come in two forms: symbol filters and exchange filters. When the order count exceeds the limit, you will receive a 429 error without the Retry-After header. ; New Orleans: Dance down the streets to the sounds of live music bands. 24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics for all symbols that changed in an array. Exceeds individual 24h redemption limit of the token, Exceeds total 24h redemption limit of the token, Subscription of the token is forbiden now, Exceeds individual 24h subscription limit of the token, Exceeds total 24h subscription limit of the token, The total amount of codes you created has exceeded the 24-hour limit, please try again after UTC 0, Too many codes created in 24 hours, please try again after UTC 0, Too many invalid redeem attempts in 24 hours, please try again after UTC 0, Too many invalid verify attempts, please try later, This token is not currently supported, please re-enter. What's That? Real estate agents and real estate brokers are required to be licensed when conducting real estate transactions in the United States and many other countries. When all symbols are returned, the number of requests counted against the rate limiter is equal to the number of symbols currently trading on the exchange. Each general journal entry lists the date, the account title(s) to be debited and the corresponding amount(s) followed by the account title(s) to be credited and the corresponding amount(s). On May 15, 2021 08:00 UTC the SAPI Create Margin Account endpoint will be discontinued: Isolated Margin account creation and trade preparation can be completed directly through Isolated Margin funds transfer POST /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/transfer. "method": "GET_PROPERTY", However, in more recent years it has recovered and continued to grow. Project Streamlines Due Diligence tool provides more information on the legal requirements of due diligence. Transferring out has been banned for this account. This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written for Java users. New WebSocket streams for bookTickers added: Faster order book data with 100ms updates: Removed deprecated v1 endpoints as per previous announcement: An OCO has 2 orders: (also known as legs in financial terms). The one selling the repo is effectively borrowing and the other party is lending, since the lender is credited the implicit interest in the difference in prices from initiation to repurchase. Contact customer support; some actions have been disabled on the account. ", "Combination of optional parameters invalid. This asset are not allowed to transfer into margin account currently. The banks assets have a long maturity, because it promises borrowers that they will not need to pay back their loans early. Rather, a larger 501(c)(3) receives donations on their behalf and transfers the funds through a grant to them. "id": 312 Repurchase Agreement - Repo: A repurchase agreement (repo) is a form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities . To protect user data privacy, you may choose to transfer the user id in any desired format (max. &price=0.1 ], The TRAILING_DELTA filter defines the minimum and maximum value for the parameter trailingDelta. Type is "SINGLE", remove and obtain a single token;Type is "COMBINATION", remove and obtain dual token. POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode (HMAC SHA256). Default:1, mandatory for isolated margin, not supported for cross margin, Max 5 symbols can be sent; separated by ",". ", Federal Reserve Bank of New York. There are 3 parts: Any of the above variables can be set to 0, which disables that rule in the price filter. The /api/* and /sapi/* endpoints adopt either of two access limiting rules, IP limits or UID (account) limits. ; Cruise ship: Head to the top deck and watch the sun peek over golden trees. Once redeemed, the coins will be deposited in your funding wallet. General collateral financing (GCF) trades are a type of repurchase agreement executed without the designation of specific securities as collateral. The endpoint will display the user's current order count usage for all intervals. }. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. "Algo" orders are STOP_LOSS, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, TAKE_PROFIT, and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT orders. Note that both "algo" orders and normal orders are counted for this filter. (Note that organizations exempt under 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) may not appear in the database. s-> seconds; m -> minutes; h -> hours; d -> days; w -> weeks; M -> months. River cruise giant Viking this week announced plans for new Mississippi River sailings that feature a rare treat for Elvis Presley fans: A private, after-hours tour of Graceland.. With Viking River Cruises you have your choice of fascinating places to visit, with river tours to Europe, China and Russia! But nearly all open agreements conclude within one or two years. This RSA Public key will be used to encrypt the card code. The ICEBERG_PARTS filter defines the maximum parts an iceberg order can have. 3 The supply of liquidity was also curtailed as firms that normally lend instead stockpiled liquidity to meet potential future payment needs. Master account can transfer max 2000 times a minute. ", "OCO orders are not supported for this symbol", "Quote order qty market orders are not support for this symbol. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovations; the book was first published in 1962, and is now in its fifth edition (2003). Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset. subscribe, unsubscribe). (Note that the database may not be comprehensive.). If "symbols" is not sent, all isolated assets will be returned. Average price can be found by doing Z divided by z. REJECTED - The order has been rejected and was not processed (This message appears only with Cancel Replace Orders wherein the new order placement is rejected but the request to cancel request succeeds.). A material weakness is a significant problem and it would be worth engaging the organization in an extensive discussion. Repurchase agreements are strictly short-term investments, and their maturity period is called the "rate," the "term," or the "tenor.". If faceToken = baseToken, it's the same as createCode endpoint. Each endpoint has a security type that determines how you will ", Bloomberg. Thus the goals of both parties, secured funding and liquidity, are met. //These are defined in the `ENUM definitions` section under `Rate Limiters (rateLimitType)`. Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as a university accounting instructor, accountant, and consultant for more than 25 years. Cancel an entire Order List for a margin account. Product not exist or you don't have permission, Exceeding the maximum num allowed to purchase per user. In the case of bankruptcy, in most cases, repo investors can sell their collateral. Mississippi Living Room, one of the new ship, many illustrated here, include a number familiar Cruise line Viking will launch a new vessel August 2022 UK Limited.ATOL number 3124: Delve into culture meet. MAIN: main account. Viking announced the Mississippi cruises in late March, their first river cruises in the U.S., at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that if you enter the wrong code 5 times within 24 hours, you will no longer be able to redeem any Binance Code that day. txId takes precedence. //only return if you open third party IP list and input a third party name. The borrow limit is shown in USD value. It is based on the accounting equation that states that the sum of the total liabilities and the owner's capital equals the total assets of the company. DELETE /sapi/v1/margin/openOrders (HMAC SHA256). }. In order to pass the price filter, the following must be true for price/stopPrice of the enabled rules: The PERCENT_PRICE filter defines the valid range for the price based on the average of the previous trades. In Q4 2017, the following endpoints were deprecated and removed from the API documentation. We also emphasised the importance of financial resilience and orderly wind-down in our 2020 and 2022 letters sent to the sector. You can set up through the trading page or fapi. Cash flow forecasting is one of the business planning exercises. ", "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1499827319559", "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j", "X-MBX-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A", 'symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1499827319559&signature=c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71', 'https://api.binance.com/api/v3/order?symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1499827319559&signature=c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71', "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTCquantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1499827319559", 'https://api.binance.com/api/v3/order?symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC', 'quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000×tamp=1499827319559&signature=0fd168b8ddb4876a0358a8d14d0c9f3da0e9b20c5d52b2a00fcf7d1c602f9a77'. GET api/v1/exchangeInfo has a new parameter ocoAllowed. WebProvide American/British pronunciation, kinds of dictionaries, plenty of Thesaurus, preferred dictionary setting option, advanced search function and Wordbook Similar to POST /api/v3/order, additional mandatory parameters are determined by type. Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key. &side=BUY Should I use all my inheritance for a down payment? "Filter failure: EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS". It's a measure of a company's liquidity, efficiency, and financial health, and it's calculated using a simple formula: "current assets (accounts receivables, cash, inventories of unfinished goods and raw materials) MINUS current liabilities (accounts payable, debt due in one year)". such as additional own funds requirements, liquidity management policy and interoperability. Default setting is 0.5%, but for larger buys you might need higher slippage. POST /sapi/v1/margin/transfer (HMAC SHA256). &type=LIMIT Note: The changes are being rolled out during the next few days, so these will not appear right away. This API is for fetching the RSA Public Key. By default, API-keys can access all secure routes. There are mechanisms built into the repurchase agreement space to help mitigate this risk. Up for a new credit card please click here and help support LiveAndLetsFly.com run Viking just announced more river Cruises the world s most renowned rivers ship Sneak peek at artist of! Please note that if you enter the wrong Binance code 5 times within an hour, you will no longer be able to verify any Binance code for that hour. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. Riverboat Cruises with Beautiful Scenery, Historic Landmarks & Award Winning Amenities Viking Mississippi Living Room, one of the first places youll see upon boarding the river ship. Otherwise most recent orders are returned. Check out these resources to learn more about the financial health of nonprofits you'd like to support. The capital and largest city is Harare.The second largest city is Bulawayo.A Please refer to. Viking River Cruises - Mississippi River Cruises - If you have always wanted to take a cruise, what are you waiting for? Orders can be canceled via the API on symbols in the. %s. GET /sapi/v1/asset/convert-transfer/queryByPage, GET /sapi/v1/asset/ledger-transfer/cloud-mining/queryByPage, The query of Cloud-Mining payment and refund history, GET /sapi/v1/account/apiRestrictions (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/virtualSubAccount (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/list (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/sub/transfer/history (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/internalTransfer (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/internalTransfer (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v3/sub-account/assets (HMAC SHA256). The unique user-defined transaction id, min length 20. Here is how companies and organizations most often list their order of liquidity for assets on a balance sheet: 1. Elvis fans, your ship has come in. For example: The endpoint will display the user's current margin order count usage for all intervals. Long-term forecasted cash flow is far away from reality. Multiple @bookTicker streams can be subscribed to However, since the buyer only has temporary ownership of the security, these agreements are often treated as loans for tax and accounting purposes. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. Only support on USD-M Contracts. Netapp Ontap Select, Please try again. }, { Duration is too short to execute all required quantity. GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/spotSummary (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/subAddress (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/subHisrec (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/status (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/margin/enable (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/margin/account (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/margin/accountSummary (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/enable (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/account (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/accountSummary (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/positionRisk (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/transfer (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/margin/transfer (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/transfer/subToSub (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/transfer/subToMaster (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/transfer/subUserHistory (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/universalTransfer (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/universalTransfer (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v2/sub-account/futures/account (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v2/sub-account/futures/accountSummary (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v2/sub-account/futures/positionRisk (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/blvt/enable (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList (HMAC SHA256), Before the usage of this endpoint, please ensure POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction was used to enable the IP restriction, GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction (HMAC SHA256), DELETE /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/apiRestrictions/ipRestriction/thirdPartyList, POST /sapi/v2/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/deposit (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/asset (HMAC SHA256), POST /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/withdraw (HMAC SHA256), GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/accountSnapshot (HMAC SHA256). Insert static IP in batch, separated by commas. Jan -$100, Feb -$100, and Mar $200. Daily creation times: 200 Codes / 24H, POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/redeemCode (HMAC SHA256). //one of PENDING (pending execution), CONFIRMED (successfully loaned), FAILED (execution failed, nothing happened to your account); //one of PENDING (pending execution), CONFIRMED (successfully execution), FAILED (execution failed, nothing happened to your account), // will not be returned for isolated margin, // account's currently max borrowable amount with sufficient system availability, // max borrowable amount limited by the account level, // "EXCESSIVE", "NORMAL", "MARGIN_CALL", "PRE_LIQUIDATION", "FORCE_LIQUIDATION", "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1", "T3ee22BIYuWqmvne0HNq2A2WsFlEtLhvWCtItw6ffhhdmjifQ2tRbuKkTHhr". Send in a Twap new order. The Federal Reserve enters into repurchase agreements to regulate the money supply and bank reserves. No ruff stuff. It ll be nearly double the passenger capacity of the American cruise Second American cruise Lines vessel, the sailings look inspired: sail in style from a bygone era romantic. The money in the deposi-tors accounts is a liability for the bank, while the banks assets consist of loans to long-term pro-jects. As the C2C account, Binance Payment, Binance Card and other business account are merged into a Funding account, transfer types. Notice: These changes are being rolled out gradually to all our servers, and will take approximately a week to complete. The endpoints below allow you to interact with Binance Savings, previously known as Binance Lending. Buy orders will succeed on this filter if: Sell orders will succeed on this filter if: The LOT_SIZE filter defines the quantity (aka "lots" in auction terms) rules for a symbol. 0: Swap rewards,1:Liquidity rewards, default to 0. As stated, the prices must "straddle" the last traded price on the symbol. Would you like to have access to Binance Convert API? You need to enable "trade" option for the api key which requests this endpoint. : GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/verify (HMAC SHA256). Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action. OCO orders are not supported for this symbol. Too many new orders; current limit is %s orders per %s. E.g. Otherwise most recent trades are returned. It helps track down the due receivables from clients and due payments to suppliers. Get compressed, aggregate trades. Repos that have a specified maturity date (usually the following day or week) are term repurchase agreements. 10 Dec 2022 23:04:31 Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. For the time being, though, repurchase agreements remain an important means of facilitating short-term borrowing. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ", "Take profit orders are not supported for this symbol. Account has too many open stop loss and/or take profit orders on the symbol. Liquidity is the ease of converting assets or securities into cash. Mississippi River Cruises Stretching for 2,350 miles down the United States, from Minnesota's Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico, our new cruises on the "Mighty Mississippi" offer a different type of cross-country journey for the curious explorerone that allows Viking just announced the opening to the public of reservations for the companys new Mississippi River Cruises set to launch in August 2022. 0.2 Ratio= (Total Loans, Advances, Leases and Bills/L1) x 100%. Return fromEmail equal master account email by default. STOP_LOSS_LIMIT), then the notional value of the stopPrice * quantity will also be evaluated. txId or startTime must be sent. 2022-12-05. A unique Id for the stop loss/stop loss limit leg, Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Mandatory when collateralCoin is empty. Note that these fields only appear if these were populated upon order placement. Additionally, to maintain a real estate license, states require a continuing education program to be completed every 2-years. "Tri-Party/GCF Repo: Volume.". International Capital Market Association. The order was canceled according to the order type's rules (e.g. Send "-1" to check specified configuration. Accept. Users can use the SPOT Testnet to practice SPOT trading. For any questions in sudden drop in performance with the API and/or Websockets. Trades that fill at the time, from the same The comments are classified as deficiency, significant deficiency, and material weakness, and will give you a sense of the areas in which the organization can improve. //one of PENDING (pending to execution), CONFIRMED (successfully transfered), FAILED (execution failed, nothing happened to your account); // Portfolio margin account maintenance margin rate, // Portfolio margin account maintenance margin, unitUSD, // Portfolio margin account status:"NORMAL", "MARGIN_CALL", "SUPPLY_MARGIN", "REDUCE_ONLY", "ACTIVE_LIQUIDATION", "FORCE_LIQUIDATION", "BANKRUPTED", // portfolio margin bankruptcy loan amount in BUSD, // S, P, and F for "success", "pending", and "failure", //The swap proceeds only when the slippage is within the set range, // Processing, Failed, Successful, Finished, Refunding, Refunded, Refund Failed, Order Partial credit Stopped, // Processing, Completed, Failed, Refunded, // PENDING, TRADING, BUYER_PAYED, DISTRIBUTING, COMPLETED, IN_APPEAL, CANCELLED, CANCELLED_BY_SYSTEM, // locked collateral value shown in USD value, // Accruing_Interest, Overdue, Liquidating, Repaying, Repaid, Liquidated, Pending, Failed, // 1 for "repay with borrowed coin", 2 for "repay with collateral", // EnumPAY(C2B Merchant Acquiring Payment), PAY_REFUND(C2B Merchant Acquiring Payment,refund), C2C(C2C Transfer Payment),CRYPTO_BOX(Crypto box), CRYPTO_BOX_RF(Crypto Box, refund), C2C_HOLDING(Transfer to new Binance user), C2C_HOLDING_RF(Transfer to new Binance user,refund), PAYOUT(B2C Disbursement Payment), //order amount(up to 8 decimal places), positive is income, negative is expenditure, // 1 for funding wallet and 2 for spot wallet, // rebate type1 is commission rebate2 is referral kickback, // 0: purchase order, 1: sell order, 2: royalty income, 3: primary market order, 4: mint fee, "0xAf12111a592e408DAbC740849fcd5e68629D9fb6", "0xe507c961ee127d4439977a61af39c34eafee0dc6", "0x058451b463bab04f52c0799d55c4094f507acfa9", "0x2be5eed31d787fdb4880bc631c8e76bdfb6150e137f5cf1732e0416ea206f57f", "0x3b3aea5c0a4faccd6f306641e6deb9713ab229ac233be3be227f580311e4362a", "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCXBBVKLAc1GQ5FsIFFqOHrPTox5noBONIKr+IAedTR9FkVxq6e65updEbfdhRNkMOeYIO2i0UylrjGC0X8YSoIszmrVHeV0l06Zh1oJuZos1+7N+WLuz9JvlPaawof3GUakTxYWWCa9+8KIbLKsoKMdfS96VT+8iOXO3quMGKUmQIDAQAB", SIGNED (TRADE, USER_DATA, AND MARGIN) Endpoint security, Deposit History (supporting network) (USER_DATA), Withdraw History (supporting network) (USER_DATA), Deposit Address (supporting network) (USER_DATA), Get Assets That Can Be Converted Into BNB (USER_DATA), Query User Universal Transfer History (USER_DATA), Get Cloud-Mining payment and refund history (USER_DATA), Create a Virtual Sub-account(For Master Account), Query Sub-account List (For Master Account), Query Sub-account Spot Asset Transfer History (For Master Account), Query Sub-account Futures Asset Transfer History (For Master Account), Sub-account Futures Asset Transfer (For Master Account), Query Sub-account Assets (For Master Account), Query Sub-account Spot Assets Summary (For Master Account), Get Sub-account Deposit Address (For Master Account), Get Sub-account Deposit History (For Master Account), Get Sub-account's Status on Margin/Futures (For Master Account), Enable Margin for Sub-account (For Master Account), Get Detail on Sub-account's Margin Account (For Master Account), Get Summary of Sub-account's Margin Account (For Master Account), Enable Futures for Sub-account (For Master Account), Get Detail on Sub-account's Futures Account (For Master Account), Get Summary of Sub-account's Futures Account (For Master Account), Get Futures Position-Risk of Sub-account (For Master Account), Futures Transfer for Sub-account (For Master Account), Margin Transfer for Sub-account (For Master Account), Transfer to Sub-account of Same Master (For Sub-account), Sub-account Transfer History (For Sub-account), Query Universal Transfer History (For Master Account), Get Detail on Sub-account's Futures Account V2 (For Master Account), Get Summary of Sub-account's Futures Account V2 (For Master Account), Get Futures Position-Risk of Sub-account V2 (For Master Account), Enable Leverage Token for Sub-account (For Master Account), Enable or Disable IP Restriction for a Sub-account API Key (For Master Account), Add IP List for a Sub-account API Key (For Master Account), Get IP Restriction for a Sub-account API Key (For Master Account), Delete IP List For a Sub-account API Key (For Master Account), Query Sub-Account API key Third Party IP whitelist (For Master Account), Update IP Restriction for Sub-Account API key (For Master Account), Deposit Assets Into The Managed Sub-accountFor Investor Master Account, Query Managed Sub-account Asset DetailsFor Investor Master Account, Withdrawl Assets From The Managed Sub-accountFor Investor Master Account, Query Managed Sub-account SnapshotFor Investor Master Account, Live Subscribing/Unsubscribing to streams, Individual Symbol Rolling Window Statistics Streams, All Market Rolling Window Statistics Streams, How to manage a local order book correctly, Cancel all Open Orders on a Symbol (TRADE), Cancel an Existing Order and Send a New Order (TRADE), Margin Account Cancel all Open Orders on a Symbol (TRADE), Get Cross Margin Transfer History (USER_DATA), Query Cross Margin Account Details (USER_DATA), Query Margin Account's Open Orders (USER_DATA), Query Margin Account's All Orders (USER_DATA), Query Margin Account's all OCO (USER_DATA), Query Margin Account's Open OCO (USER_DATA), Query Margin Account's Trade List (USER_DATA), Query Max Transfer-Out Amount (USER_DATA), Get Summary of Margin account (USER_DATA), Isolated Margin Account Transfer (MARGIN), Get Isolated Margin Transfer History (USER_DATA), Query Isolated Margin Account Info (USER_DATA), Query Enabled Isolated Margin Account Limit (USER_DATA), Get All Isolated Margin Symbol(USER_DATA), Toggle BNB Burn On Spot Trade And Margin Interest (USER_DATA), Query Margin Interest Rate History (USER_DATA), Query Isolated Margin Fee Data (USER_DATA), Query Isolated Margin Tier Data (USER_DATA), Query Current Margin Order Count Usage (TRADE), Get Left Daily Purchase Quota of Flexible Product (USER_DATA), Get Left Daily Redemption Quota of Flexible Product (USER_DATA), Get Flexible Product Position (USER_DATA), Get Fixed and Activity Project List(USER_DATA), Purchase Fixed/Activity Project (USER_DATA), Get Fixed/Activity Project Position (USER_DATA), Change Fixed/Activity Position to Daily Position(USER_DATA), Get Personal Left Quota of Staking Product(USER_DATA), Request for Detail Miner List (USER_DATA), Cancel hashrate resale configuration(USER_DATA), Get Future Account Transaction History List (USER_DATA), Cross-Collateral Borrow History (USER_DATA), Cross-Collateral Repayment History (USER_DATA), Adjust Cross-Collateral LTV History (USER_DATA), Cross-Collateral Liquidation History (USER_DATA), Cross-Collateral Interest History (USER_DATA), Volume Participation(VP) New Order (TRADE), Time-Weighted Average Price(Twap) New Order (TRADE), Query Current Algo Open Orders (USER_DATA), Get Portfolio Margin Account Info (USER_DATA), Portfolio Margin Collateral Rate (MARKET_DATA), Query Portfolio Margin Bankruptcy Loan Amount (USER_DATA), Websocket BLVT NAV Kline/Candlestick Streams, Get liquidity information of a pool (USER_DATA), Get Liquidity Operation Record (USER_DATA), Get Unclaimed Rewards Record (USER_DATA), Get Fiat Deposit/Withdraw History (USER_DATA), Get VIP Loan Repayment History (USER_DATA), Check Locked Value of VIP Collateral Account (USER_DATA), Get Crypto Loans Income History (USER_DATA), Borrow - Get Loan Borrow History (USER_DATA), Borrow - Get Loan Ongoing Orders (USER_DATA), Repay - Get Loan Repayment History (USER_DATA), Adjust LTV - Crypto Loan Adjust LTV (TRADE), Adjust LTV - Get Loan LTV Adjustment History (USER_DATA), Crypto Loan Customize Margin Call (TRADE), Query order quantity precision per asset (USER_DATA), Get Spot Rebate History Records (USER_DATA), Errors regarding POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace, Time-Weighted Average Price(Twap) Introduction, How to Enroll into the Binance Portfolio Margin Program.

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