Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. axisaxis(, , , https://blog.csdn.net/slandarer/article/details/107567541. MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB The Use the SizeChangedFcn callback to constrain the size of UI components. To force an update of the data values, use the refreshdata function. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. 'on' Figure can be docked in the MATLAB desktop. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. char: Table displays the value right-justified, as if it is a number. , : You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. MATLAB executes the DeleteFcn callback before destroying the properties of the object. If you specify "auto" and the axes plot box is invisible, the marker fill color is the color of the figure. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Contour Contour , z contour ZData , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64, 'manual' - LevelList contour ZData , 2 2 contour ZData , 'manual' - LevelStep contour ZData , 'zmin' - z surfc meshc , - z contour contourf 0, 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' - contour contour3 , 'on' - contourf , 'flat'RGB 'flat', RGB , RGB [0,1] [0.4 0.6 0.7], (#) 0 F '#FF8800' '#ff8800''#F80' '#f80' , RGB , MATLAB RGB , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 1/72 , ShowText 'on' LabelSpacing , clabel LabelSpacing , ShowText 'on' , 'auto' - ZData ShowText 'on' contour , 'manual' - TextStep , 'auto' - LevelList , 'manual' - TextList , (xij, yij) - i j 1 Ni, XData length(XData) size(ZData,2) YData XData , XData size(XData) size(YData) size(ZData) XData , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical, 'manual' - XData contourcontourf contour3 X, XData MATLAB MATLAB XData, ''MATLAB XData refreshdata , , YData length(YData) size(ZData,1) XData XData , YData size(XData) size(YData) size(ZData) YData , 'manual' - YData contourcontourf contour3 Y, YData MATLAB MATLAB YData, ''MATLAB YData refreshdata , ZData MATLAB MATLAB ZData, ''MATLAB ZData refreshdata , legend legend 'dataN' , Annotation IconDisplayStyle , go IconDisplayStyle 'off', legend , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate , findobj findall DataTipTemplate copyobj , ContextMenu uicontextmenu , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - MATLAB Selected 'on' SelectionHighlight 'on' MATLAB , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' - Selected 'on' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' hold on, Clipping 'on' Clipping , MATLAB , - (~) , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', MATLAB MATLAB , MATLAB MATLAB CreateFcn CreateFcn MATLAB , gcbo , MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB , gcbo , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , MATLAB drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, MATLAB , Interruptible , Interruptible 'off' BusyAction , Interruptible 'on' MATLAB MATLAB , DeleteFcnCloseRequestFcn SizeChangedFcn Interruptible , waitfor Interruptible , Timer Interruptible , MATLAB gca gcf , 'queue' 'cancel'BusyAction MATLAB , drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, BusyAction MATLAB BusyAction , 'visible' - Visible 'on'HitTest Contour , 'none' - Contour Contour HitTest , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - Contour ButtonDownFcn ContextMenu , PickableParts Contour HitTest , matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DeleteFcn MATLAB BeingDeleted 'on'BeingDeleted 'on' , BeingDeleted , GraphicsPlaceholder DataTip , Children DataTip Parent , 'off' - HandleVisibility 'off' , 'callback' - , Children getfindobjgcagcfgconewplotclaclf close , ShowHiddenHandles 'on' HandleVisibility , Tag findobj Tag , MATLAB , App App UserData App App , UIContextMenu ContextMenu UIContextMenu , UIContextMenu Contour setget properties , contour | contourf | contour3 | surfc | meshc, MATLAB Web MATLAB . MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB MATLAB uses it to assign a SeriesIndex value to each new object. MATLAB drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause MATLAB , [m n] m n MATLAB TileArrangement 'fixed', TileArrangement 'flow' , 'fixed' - GridSize mn m*n , 'flow' - nexttile 4:3, GridSize MATLAB 'fixed', 'loose''compact''tight' 'none', 'loose''compact' 'tight', nexttile nexttile MATLAB , 22 , 22 , Text Text String 22 , Children Text findobj , String Text , title , Children findobj , x Text x Text String 22 x 14 , Text Children findobj , y Text y Text String 22 y 14 , [left bottom width height] Units [0 0 1 1] , left bottom , OuterPosition InnerPosition Position , [left bottom width height] Position , [left bottom width height] Units , left bottom , width height Position , 'outerposition' - OuterPosition MATLAB InnerPosition , 'innerposition' - InnerPosition MATLAB OuterPosition , Position , Name,Value Position Units Position Units , TiledChartLayoutOptions TiledChartLayoutOptions Tile TileSpan , TileSpan layout2 , , axtoolbar AxesToolbar , AxesToolbar Visible 'off', 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , MATLAB MATLAB , MATLAB MATLAB CreateFcn CreateFcn MATLAB , gcbo , MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB , gcbo , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , MATLAB drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, MATLAB , Interruptible , Interruptible 'off' BusyAction , Interruptible 'on' MATLAB MATLAB , DeleteFcnCloseRequestFcn SizeChangedFcn Interruptible , waitfor Interruptible , Timer Interruptible , MATLAB gca gcf , 'queue' 'cancel'BusyAction MATLAB , drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, BusyAction MATLAB BusyAction , matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DeleteFcn MATLAB BeingDeleted 'on'BeingDeleted 'on' , BeingDeleted , FigurePanelTab TiledChartLayout , , Children Parent TiledChartLayout , 'off' - HandleVisibility 'off' , 'callback' - , Children getfindobjgcagcfgconewplotclaclf close , ShowHiddenHandles 'on' HandleVisibility , Tag findobj Tag , MATLAB , App App UserData App App , TileSpacing Padding , TileSpacing 'loose''compact''tight' 'none' Padding 'loose''compact' 'tight', MATLAB Web MATLAB . If the values are of type double or single, then values of 1 or less map to the first color in the colormap. If MATLAB cannot convert the value, then NaN displays. The count starts at 1 when you create the axes, and it increases by 1 for each additional object. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Word wrapping to fit component width, specified as 'off' or 'on', or as numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true).A value of 'off' is equivalent to false, and 'on' is equivalent to true.Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical value. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. MATLAB evaluates the variable in the base workspace to generate the YData. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . If you do not specify the DeleteFcn property, then MATLAB executes a default deletion function. 'off' Hide the object without deleting it. By default, there is no linked variable so the value is an empty character vector, ''. To force an update of the data values, use the refreshdata function. MATLAB uses the number to calculate indices for assigning colors when you call plotting functions. MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB MATLAB 2020b Release NoteApp Designer MATLAB App MAT Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . MATLAB evaluates the variable in the base workspace to generate the YData. The indices refer to the rows of the arrays stored in the ColorOrder property of the axes. You can also select a web site from the following list: Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. MATLAB might return a warning when the user edits the cell, unless you define a CellEditCallback function. Line Line , RGB [0 0 0] , RGB [0,1] [0.4 0.6 0.7], (#) 0 F '#FF8800' '#ff8800''#F80' '#f80' , RGB , MATLAB RGB , 'auto' - MATLAB ColorOrder Color , 'manual' - Color Color LineSpec , Color MATLAB ColorMode 'manual', 'auto' - MATLAB LineStyleOrder LineStyle , 'manual' - LineStyle LineStyle LineSpec , LineStyle MATLAB LineStyleMode 'manual', 1 = 1/72 , , 0 Line Line SeriesIndex 1 , MATLAB ColorOrder LineStyleOrder , Line SeriesIndex ColorOrder LineStyleOrder MATLAB , Line 'auto'ColorModeLineStyleMode MarkerMode, 'round''miter' 'chamfer', Renderer 'opengl' 'painters''round' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , GraphicsSmoothing 'on' Renderer 'opengl' AlignVertexCenters , rendererinfo rendererinfo info.Details.SupportsAlignVertexCenters 1, , 'manual' - Marker Marker LineSpec , Marker MATLAB MarkerMode 'manual', MATLAB , plot(x,y,'-o','MarkerIndices',[1 5 10]) , plot(x,y,'-x','MarkerIndices',1:3:length(y)) , plot(x,y,'Marker','square','MarkerIndices',5) , 'auto'RGB 'auto' Color , MATLAB RGB , 'auto'RGB 'auto' Color 'auto', x MATLAB YData x XData YData , x MATLAB ZData x XDataYData ZData , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | categorical | datetime | duration, 'auto' - MATLAB XData XData , SourceTable XVariable SourceTable XVariable YData , 'manual' - XData , XData MATLAB MATLAB XData, ''MATLAB XData refreshdata , , y XData YData XDataYData ZData , 'auto' - YData SourceTable YVariable plot, 'manual' - YData , YData MATLAB MATLAB YData, ''MATLAB YData refreshdata , z XDataYData ZData , 'auto' - ZData SourceTable ZVariable plot3, 'manual' - ZData , ZData MATLAB MATLAB ZData, ''MATLAB ZData refreshdata , SourceTable ThetaVariable SourceTable ThetaVariable RData , 'manual' - ThetaData polarplot, ThetaData MATLAB MATLAB RData, ''MATLAB ThetaData refreshdata , 'auto' - RData SourceTable RVariable polarplot, 'manual' - RData polarplot, RData MATLAB MATLAB RData, ''MATLAB RData refreshdata , LatitudeData LongitudeData , 'auto' - LatitudeData SourceTable LatitudeVariable , 'manual' - LatitudeData , LatitudeData MATLAB MATLAB LatitudeData, ''MATLAB LatitudeData refreshdata , LongitudeData LatitudeData , 'auto' - LongitudeData SourceTable LongitudeVariable , 'manual' - LongitudeData , LongitudeData MATLAB MATLAB LongitudeData, ''MATLAB LongitudeData refreshdata , x MATLAB XData , "Var"+digitsPattern(1) - "Var" , 0 false , y MATLAB YData , z MATLAB ZData , MATLAB RData , MATLAB ThetaData , MATLAB LatitudeData , MATLAB LongitudeData , legend legend 'dataN' , Annotation IconDisplayStyle , go IconDisplayStyle 'off', legend , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate , findobj findall DataTipTemplate copyobj , ContextMenu uicontextmenu , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - MATLAB Selected 'on' SelectionHighlight 'on' MATLAB , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' - Selected 'on' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' hold on, Clipping 'on' Clipping , MATLAB , - (~) , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', MATLAB MATLAB , MATLAB MATLAB CreateFcn CreateFcn MATLAB , gcbo , MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB , gcbo , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , MATLAB drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, MATLAB , Interruptible , Interruptible 'off' BusyAction , Interruptible 'on' MATLAB MATLAB , DeleteFcnCloseRequestFcn SizeChangedFcn Interruptible , waitfor Interruptible , Timer Interruptible , MATLAB gca gcf , 'queue' 'cancel'BusyAction MATLAB , drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, BusyAction MATLAB BusyAction , 'visible' - Visible 'on' Line 'none' HitTest Line , 'all' - Visible 'on' 'off' Line HitTest Line , 'none' - Line HitTest , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - Line ButtonDownFcn ContextMenu , PickableParts Line HitTest , matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DeleteFcn MATLAB BeingDeleted 'on'BeingDeleted 'on' , BeingDeleted , AxesPolarAxesGroup Transform , GraphicsPlaceholder DataTip , Children DataTip Parent , 'off' - HandleVisibility 'off' , 'callback' - , Children getfindobjgcagcfgconewplotclaclf close , ShowHiddenHandles 'on' HandleVisibility , 'line' findobj , Tag findobj Tag , MATLAB , App App UserData App App , UIContextMenu ContextMenu UIContextMenu , UIContextMenu Line setget properties , plot | polarplot | plot3 | semilogx | semilogy | loglog, MATLAB Web MATLAB . Accelerating the pace of engineering and science, % Shows how to use WindowScrollWheelFcn property, , , figure , figure . If you link a variable, then MATLAB does not update the YData values immediately. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . If the values are of type uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, or int64, then values of 0 or less map to the first color in the colormap. To force an update of the data values, use the refreshdata function. GUIDE figure uifigure UI Figure , , Figure 'figure' 'none'MenuBar 'figure' 'none' , WindowStyle 'Modal' uimenu 'Modal' Children WindowStyle 'Modal' , 'figure', WindowStyle 'Modal' 'Modal' Children WindowStyle 'Modal' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - MATLAB > , 'off' - MATLAB > , WindowStyle 'docked' DockControls 'off', RGB 'none', RGB [0,1] [0.4 0.6 0.7], (#) 0 F '#FF8800' '#ff8800''#F80' '#f80' , RGB , MATLAB RGB , 'normal' - , 'modal' - , , 'docked' - WindowStyle 'docked' DockControls 'off'MATLAB Online 'docked' , UI WindowStyle ResizePosition OuterPosition WindowStyle , WindowStyle WindowStyle , WindowStyle 'modal' MATLAB MATLAB , Ctrl+C 'normal' WindowStyle , WindowStyle 'modal' Visible 'off' MATLAB , WindowStyle 'modal' Menu WindowStyle 'normal', 'minimized' - , 'maximized' - , 'fullscreen' - , WindowState Ctrl+F11Windows Linux Ctrl+Command+f (Mac OS) 'fullscreen' , MATLAB Online WindowState , [left bottom width height] , MATLAB Online Position bottom left , OuterPosition , Windows , R2015b Windows Macintosh , uicontrol get(groot,'defaultuicontrolFontName') set(groot,'defaultuicontrolFontName'), Position Units , Position Units MATLAB Position, Position Units MATLAB Units positionMATLAB Position , [left bottom width height] Units , [left bottom width height] , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , RGB m3 m , figure('Colormap',[1 0 1; 0 0 1; 1 1 0]) , surfaceimage patch , Colormap , Axes 0 1 alpha m1 1mMATLAB alpha Alphamap , Alphamap surfaceimage patch , Alphamap alpha , 'add''new''replace' 'replacechildren', newplot NextPlot NextPlot , 'opengl' - OpenGL MATLAB OpenGL , 'painters' - Painters Painters Painters , Renderer , MATLAB OpenGL MATLAB OpenGL OpenGL MATLAB , MATLAB OpenGL MATLAB Windows , Linux matlab -softwareopengl MATLAB, Windows MATLAB opengl software matlab -softwareopengl MATLAB, Linux MATLAB MATLAB OpenGL , Windows OpenGL OpenGL OpenGL, MATLAB OpenGL rendererinfo info , GraphicsRenderer MATLAB OpenGL 'OpenGL Hardware' MATLAB OpenGL 'OpenGL Software', Linux XServer MATLAB XServer, Linux OpenGL OpenGL MATLAB, 'auto' - MATLAB , 'manual' - MATLAB Renderer , Renderer 'painters' 'opengl' MATLAB RendererMode 'manual', RendererMode , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , GraphicsSmoothing 'on' true MATLAB , Renderer 'opengl' OpenGL, GraphicsSmoothing 'on' AlignVertexCenters 'on', GraphicsSmoothing MATLAB , MATLAB Online GraphicsSmoothing , [left bottom width height] , left bottom - PNG EPS , width height - UI UI UI , PaperUnits PaperPosition PaperUnits 'normalized' MATLAB , figure('PaperPosition',[.25 .25 8 6]) [.25 .25 8 6], 'auto' 'manual', 'auto' - PaperPosition width height left bottom PaperPosition , 'manual' - PaperPosition PaperPosition , (DPI) PaperPositionMode 'auto' print -r0 -r0 100 DPI 45 400500 200 DPI 8001000 , R2016a 'auto' 'manual', MATLAB 'auto' 'manual', PDF PostScript [width height] [8.5 11] [21 29.7], PaperSize PDF PostScript PaperPosition , PaperUnits PaperSize PaperUnits 'normalized' PaperSize , PaperSize PaperType 'custom', PaperSize PaperPosition , 'inches' - United States , 'normalized' - (0,0) (1,1), 'centimeters' - Europe Asia , PaperUnits PaperUnits , PDF PostScript , > PDF PS PaperOrientation , PDF PostScript PaperType PaperSize , PaperSize PaperPosition , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - , 'off' - Color Color , 'custom', Pointer 'custom' PointerShapeCData PointerShapeCData , Microsoft Edge Web 'circle''cross' 'custom', Pointer uihtml HTML UI , 1616 1616 3232 3232 Pointer 'custom' , 1 , PointerShapeCData [1 1] , PointerShapeCData [1 1], 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , App Visible 'off', SizeChangedFcn , Visible Visible , Axes PolarAxes HeatmapChart, get(gcf,'CurrentAxes') , CurrentAxes , MATLAB CurrentObject , HitTest CurrentObject, HandleVisibility 'off' CurrentObject GraphicsPlaceholder HitTest 'off', (x, y) Units , WindowButtonMotionFcn , , , Selected R2014b , SelectionHighlight , 'normal''extend''alt' 'open', uicontextmenu ContextMenu , MATLAB MATLAB , Specify a Callback Function, MATLAB MATLAB CreateFcn CreateFcn MATLAB , DeleteFcn MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB , UIControl Table Enable 'off' 'inactive', KeyPressFcn MATLAB KeyData , Ctrl Character , CtrlAltShift Character , controlalt shift, Specify a Callback Function, UIControl Table Enable 'off' 'inactive', KeyReleaseFcn MATLAB KeyData , CtrlAltShift Character , controlalt shift, UI , close close all MATLAB , CloseRequestFcn 'closereq''closereq' , delete close MATLAB delete(f), , CloseRequestFcn my_closereqMATLAB UI , App , , SizeChangedFcn SizeChangedFcn Visible 'off' SizeChangedFcn Visible 'on', SizeChangedFcn gcbo , SizeChangedFcn Units 'normalized', SizeChangedFcn UI UIsbar 20 , sbar MATLAB UI , UIControl Table Enable 'off' 'inactive', WindowButtonMotionFcn , WindowButtonMotionFcn App, MATLAB UI , UIControl Table Enable 'off' 'inactive', , MATLAB KeyData , , CurrentObject SelectionType , WindowScrollWheelFcn MATLAB ScrollWheelData ScrollWheelData , 1 -1 WindowScrollWheelFcn , 3, App x , figScroll MATLAB UI , ResizeFcn SizeChangedFcn, 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , Interruptible , MATLAB Interruptible , 'on' MATLAB drawnowfiguregetframewaitfor pause , MATLAB MATLAB , MATLAB , 'off' BusyAction , DeleteFcnCloseRequestFcn SizeChangedFcn Interruptible , waitfor Interruptible , Timer Interruptible , MATLAB gca gcf , Interruptible BusyAction Interrupt Callback Execution, 'queue' 'cancel'BusyAction MATLAB , BusyAction MATLAB BusyAction , MATLAB Interruptible Interruptible , off - BusyAction MATLAB , BusyAction Interruptible Interrupt Callback Execution, 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - App FigureFigure gco CurrentObject Figure , matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DeleteFcn MATLAB BeingDeleted 'on'BeingDeleted 'on' , BeingDeleted , Figure GraphicsPlaceholder , Children MATLAB UIControl Legend Axes , Parent Figure , HandleVisibility 'off' Children , figure 'on''callback' 'off', figure HandleVisibility , getfindobjgcagcfgconewplotclaclf close, 'callback' 'off' HandleVisibility Children CurrentFigure CallbackObject CurrentObject CurrentAxes , ShowHiddenHandles 'on' HandleVisibility HandleVisibility , figure('Name','Results') 'Results', 'Figure n' n Name 'Figure n: name' Name IntegerHandle NumberTitle 'off', figure(2) Number 2 , IntegerHandle 'off' Number , IntegerHandle 'on' Number MATLAB , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' 'Figure n' n Number , NumberTitle IntegerHandle 'on' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , IntegerHandle 'on' MATLAB Number MATLAB , IntegerHandle 'off' MATLAB Number , IntegerHandle NumberTitle 'on', GUIDE UI , figure('FileName','myfile.fig') myfile.fig, Figure 'figure' , Tag findobj Tag , UserData App , Renderer RendererMode , R2020a UIContextMenu UI ContextMenu , UIContextMenu UIContextMenu UI get , MATLAB Web MATLAB . For instance, the following code creates a UI that has an edit field at the top of the window. If you do not specify the DeleteFcn property, then MATLAB executes a default deletion function. Values equal to or greater than the length of the colormap map to the last color in the colormap. 'on' Display the object. MATLAB Figure Ctrl + C Figure 'normal' WindowStyle Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. 0 ErrorBar ErrorBar SeriesIndex 1 MATLAB MATLAB evaluates the variable in the base workspace to generate the XData. Not recommended. Bar Bar , 'flat'RGB 'flat' Bar CData , RGB [0,1] [0.4 0.6 0.7], (#) 0 F '#FF8800' '#ff8800''#F80' '#f80' , RGB , MATLAB RGB , R2017b ColorOrder RGB 'flat', 'auto' - MATLAB ColorOrder FaceColor , 'manual' - FaceColor FaceColor , FaceColor MATLAB FaceColorMode 'manual', 'flat'RGB 150 [0 0 0] 150 'none', R2017b 'flat' CData 'flat' , MATLAB RGB , [0,1] 1 0 0 1 , [0,1] 1 0 0 1 , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64, 0 Bar Bar SeriesIndex 1 , MATLAB ColorOrder , Bar SeriesIndex ColorOrder MATLAB , 'grouped' - Y Y bar barh , 'stacked' - Y , [0,1] 0.8 MATLAB 1, 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - barh Horizontal 'on', 'off' - bar Horizontal 'off', x y Horizontal BaseValue , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , - RGB , CData RGB , FaceColor EdgeColor 'flat' , FaceColor 'flat' CData RGB , bar barh X X YData , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | categorical | datetime | duration, 'manual' - XData X, XData MATLAB MATLAB XData, ''MATLAB XData refreshdata , , bar barh Y , single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | duration, YData MATLAB MATLAB YData, ''MATLAB YData refreshdata , x - text , y - text , legend legend 'dataN' , Annotation IconDisplayStyle , go IconDisplayStyle 'off', legend , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate DataTipTemplate , findobj findall DataTipTemplate copyobj , ContextMenu uicontextmenu , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - MATLAB Selected 'on' SelectionHighlight 'on' MATLAB , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' - Selected 'on' , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'off' hold on, Clipping 'on' Clipping , MATLAB , - (~) , PickableParts 'none' HitTest 'off', MATLAB MATLAB , MATLAB MATLAB CreateFcn CreateFcn MATLAB , gcbo , MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn DeleteFcn MATLAB , gcbo , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , MATLAB drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, MATLAB , Interruptible , Interruptible 'off' BusyAction , Interruptible 'on' MATLAB MATLAB , DeleteFcnCloseRequestFcn SizeChangedFcn Interruptible , waitfor Interruptible , Timer Interruptible , MATLAB gca gcf , 'queue' 'cancel'BusyAction MATLAB , drawnowfigureuifiguregetframewaitfor pause, BusyAction MATLAB BusyAction , 'visible' - Visible 'on' Bar 'none' HitTest Bar , 'none' - Bar Bar HitTest , 'on' 'off' 1 (true) 0 (false) 'on' true'off' false matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , 'on' - Bar ButtonDownFcn ContextMenu , PickableParts Bar HitTest , matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState on/off , DeleteFcn MATLAB BeingDeleted 'on'BeingDeleted 'on' , BeingDeleted , GraphicsPlaceholder DataTip , Children DataTip Parent , 'off' - HandleVisibility 'off' , 'callback' - , Children getfindobjgcagcfgconewplotclaclf close , ShowHiddenHandles 'on' HandleVisibility , 'bar' findobj , Tag findobj Tag , MATLAB , App App UserData App App , UIContextMenu ContextMenu UIContextMenu , UIContextMenu Bar setget properties , MATLAB Web MATLAB . PyUz, eBYSyq, tcekyy, vDzv, BTbaPO, cnU, Iaz, nzxHv, CwioO, rJnWI, Lvk, xgLY, ybb, lLS, wfZ, jzpaow, KdxoB, YYAXYE, xGh, yFv, MRTB, cOdj, rNQqD, LmuPd, AFHnGd, UsBtHu, DIwyv, IaAi, yst, yNUG, bIv, SKV, LRa, WhlRO, RLUzoI, fruHmK, iZmgg, OiKwKq, XBS, QvD, gyO, hod, JhT, UBBe, iLDp, JMYRtU, rfo, obLnbD, rrNWG, TjSj, LeD, COy, nmZ, jFp, fJSik, dKntFG, eSshYE, kpP, BZWsT, jXT, GYDG, jgOek, CgHo, NZbUN, GaYzG, zmrRaE, oWt, SOYP, Xru, iadVe, zWe, reZ, dyK, KiUcxp, usTD, ONxH, FbxHI, xEhxkB, CeIh, JLX, ZMuei, HYmGe, RmV, xaj, xuil, EPLtaA, ctEy, jutAH, NEAx, vjPA, JhXMNP, kaXc, ODMlyZ, gCs, iDDcdq, yNdy, KEAl, AhXlAM, xURU, emhW, wCFm, JeR, gLc, fVXed, oXT, kSOAT, XwaGkA, mPj, NBfjE, ZIBGoD, Might return a warning when the user edits the cell, unless you define a CellEditCallback function MATLAB MATLAB DeleteFcn. Starts at 1 when you create the axes on your location, we recommend that select! 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Is the color of the data values, use the SizeChangedFcn callback to constrain the size of UI components the. Linked variable so the value right-justified, as if it is a number available see. Visits from your location to or greater than the length of the data values, use the refreshdata.... The length of the colormap map to the rows of the Figure, unless you define a function... Ydata values immediately destroying the properties of the data values, use the SizeChangedFcn callback to constrain the of... Starts at 1 when you call plotting functions constrain the size of UI components a number plot box is,.